Elite Marks

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Disambig icon.png This article is about A, B, and S rank marks. For the Hunt feature as a whole, see The Hunt. For Heavensward and Stormblood hunts, see Clan Hunt. For Shadowbringers hunts, see Nutsy Clan Hunt.
See also: Guildship Hunt

B-rank marks require a bill from that expansion's Hunt Board in order to receive rewards. Players can receive one B-rank bill, per expansion, weekly. A and S rank marks do not require bills and can be killed for rewards as often as they spawn.


B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Go'ozoabek'be B Kozama'uka None 5 Seconds
The Slammer B Kozama'uka None 5 Seconds
Chupacabra B Urqopacha None 5 Seconds
Mad Maguey B Urqopacha None 5 Seconds
Leafscourge Hadoll Ja B Yak T'el None 5 Seconds
Xty'iinbek B Yak T'el None 5 Seconds
Nopalitender Fabuloso B Shaaloani None 5 Seconds
Uktena B Shaaloani None 5 Seconds
Gallowsbeak B Heritage Found None 5 Seconds
Gargant B Heritage Found None 5 seconds
13th Child B Living Memory None 5 seconds
Jewel Bearer B Living Memory None 5 seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Pkuucha A Kozama'uka None 4 to 6 hours
The Raintriller A Kozama'uka None 4 to 6 hours
Nechuciho A Urqopacha None 4 to 6 hours
Queen Hawk A Urqopacha None 4 to 6 hours
Rrax Yity'a A Yak T'el None 4 to 6 hours
Starcrier A Yak T'el None 4 to 6 hours
Keheniheyamewi A Shaaloani None 4 to 6 hours
Yehehetoaua'pyo A Shaaloani None 4 to 6 hours
Heshuala A Heritage Found None 4 to 6 hours
Urna Variabilis A Heritage Found None 4 to 6 hours
Cat's Eye A Living Memory None 4 to 6 hours
Sally the Sweeper A Living Memory None 4 to 6 hours

S Rank

Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (Hours)
Ihnuxokiy S Kozama'uka Use the Morpho minion on spawn points. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Kirlirger the Abhorrent S Urqopacha Be on a spawn point during Fog.png fog and a new moon. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Neyoozoteel S Yak T'el Discard a stack of at least 50 Fishmeal icon1.png  Fish Meal. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Sansheya S Shaaloani Complete 'FATE: Kill BossYou Are What You Drink' FATE at (14,23.5) three times in a row. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Atticus the Primogenitor S Heritage Found Craft HQ Rroneek steak icon1.png  Rroneek Steak. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
The Forecaster S Living Memory Cast the blue mage action Northerlies.png  Northerlies on spawn points. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80

Extraordinarily Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Arch Aethereater S Dawntrail areas Kill the Crystal Incarnation which have a chance to appear after killing an S rank. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80


B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Ü-u-ü-u B Labyrinthos None 5 Seconds
Green Archon B Labyrinthos None 5 Seconds
Iravati B Thavnair None 5 Seconds
Vajrakumara B Thavnair None 5 Seconds
Emperor's Rose B Garlemald None 5 Seconds
Warmonger B Garlemald None 5 Seconds
Genesis Rock B Mare Lamentorum None 5 Seconds
Daphnia Magna B Mare Lamentorum None 5 Seconds
Shockmaw B Elpis None 5 Seconds
Yumcax B Elpis None 5 Seconds
Oskh Rhei B Ultima Thule None 5 Seconds
Level Cheater B Ultima Thule None 5 Seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Hulder A Labyrinthos None 4 to 6 hours
Storsie A Labyrinthos None 4 to 6 hours
Sugriva A Thavnair None 4 to 6 hours
Yilan A Thavnair None 4 to 6 hours
Aegeiros A Garlemald None 4 to 6 hours
Minerva A Garlemald None 4 to 6 hours
Mousse Princess A Mare Lamentorum None 4 to 6 hours
Lunatender Queen A Mare Lamentorum None 4 to 6 hours
Petalodus A Elpis None 4 to 6 hours
Gurangatch A Elpis None 4 to 6 hours
Arch-Eta A Ultima Thule None 4 to 6 hours
Fan Ail A Ultima Thule None 4 to 6 hours

S Rank

Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (Hours)
Burfurlur the Canny S Labyrinthos Use a Tiny Troll minion on spawn points in Clear/Fair Skies daytime. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Sphatika S Thavnair Kill 100 Vajralangua, 100 Pisaca and 100 Asvattha. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Armstrong S Garlemald Wear Mended Imperial Pot Helm and Mended Imperial Short Robe and die on spawn points. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Ruminator S Mare Lamentorum Kill 100 Thinkers, 100 Weepers, and 100 Wanderers. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Ophioneus S Elpis Discard a stack of 5 Eggs of Elpis. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Narrow-rift S Ultima Thule Have 10 people travel over spawn points with the Wee Ea minion summoned. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80

Extraordinarily Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Ker S Endwalker areas Kill the Ker Shroud which have a chance to appear after killing an S rank. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80


B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
La Velue B Lakeland None 5 Seconds
Itzpapalotl B Lakeland None 5 Seconds
Domovoi B Il Mheg None 5 Seconds
Vulpangue B Il Mheg None 5 Seconds
Coquecigrue B Kholusia None 5 Seconds
Indomitable B Kholusia None 5 Seconds
Worm of the Well B Amh Araeng None 5 Seconds
Juggler Hecatomb B Amh Araeng None 5 Seconds
Mindmaker B The Rak'tika Greatwood None 5 Seconds
Pachamama B The Rak'tika Greatwood None 5 Seconds
Deacon B The Tempest None 5 Seconds
Gilshs Aath Swiftclaw B The Tempest None 5 Seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Nariphon A Lakeland None 4 to 6 hours
Nuckelavee A Lakeland None 4 to 6 hours
O Poorest Pauldia A Il Mheg None 4 to 6 hours
The Mudman A Il Mheg None 4 to 6 hours
Li'l Murderer A Kholusia None 4 to 6 hours
Huracan A Kholusia None 4 to 6 hours
Maliktender A Amh Araeng None 4 to 6 hours
Sugaar A Amh Araeng None 4 to 6 hours
Grassman A The Rak'tika Greatwood None 4 to 6 hours
Supay A The Rak'tika Greatwood None 4 to 6 hours
Baal A The Tempest None 4 to 6 hours
Rusalka A The Tempest None 4 to 6 hours

S Rank

Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (Hours)
Tyger S Lakeland Discard a Rail Tenderloin. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Aglaope S Il Mheg Travel over spawn points with the Scarlet Peacock minion out. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Forgiven Pedantry S Kholusia Gather 50 Dwarven Cotton Bolls. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Tarchia S Amh Araeng Cast Self-destruct on spawn points. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Ixtab S The Rak'tika Greatwood Kill 100 Cracked Ronkan Dolls, 100 Cracked Ronkan Thorns and 100 Cracked Ronkan Vessels. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Gunitt S The Tempest Drag 3 Deep-sea Leeches to a Clionid and get hit by Buccal Cones. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80

Extraordinarily Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Forgiven Rebellion S Norvrandt When an S rank dies in Norvrandt, it has a chance to spawn Forgiven Gossips which spawn Forgiven Rebellion when killed. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80


B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Shadow-dweller Yamini B The Fringes None 5 Seconds
Ouzelum B The Fringes None 5 Seconds
Deidar B Yanxia None 5 Seconds
Gyorai Quickstrike B Yanxia None 5 Seconds
Guhuo Niao B The Ruby Sea None 5 Seconds
Gauki Strongblade B The Ruby Sea None 5 Seconds
Gwas-y-neidr B The Peaks None 5 Seconds
Buccaboo B The Peaks None 5 Seconds
Aswang B The Azim Steppe None 5 Seconds
Kurma B The Azim Steppe None 5 Seconds
Kiwa B The Lochs None 5 Seconds
Manes B The Lochs None 5 Seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Orcus A The Fringes None 4 to 6 hours
Erle A The Fringes None 4 to 6 hours
Gajasura A Yanxia None 4 to 6 hours
Angada A Yanxia None 4 to 6 hours
Funa Yurei A The Ruby Sea None 4 to 6 hours
Oni Yumemi A The Ruby Sea None 4 to 6 hours
Vochstein A The Peaks None 4 to 6 hours
Aqrabuamelu A The Peaks None 4 to 6 hours
Girimekhala A The Azim Steppe None 4 to 6 hours
Sum A The Azim Steppe None 4 to 6 hours
Mahisha A The Lochs None 4 to 6 hours
Luminare A The Lochs None 4 to 6 hours

S Rank

Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (Hours)
Udumbara S The Fringes Kill 100 Leshy & 100 Diakka. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Gamma S Yanxia Fly over spawn points with
the Toy Alexander minion.
84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Okina S The Ruby Sea Kill 100 Yumemi and 100 Naked Yumemi. Spawns from 12pm during a Full Moon. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Bone Crawler S The Peaks Travel via chocobo porter. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Orghana S The Azim Steppe Complete 'FATE: Kill BossNot Just a Tribute' FATE at (12,14) then fly over spawn points. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Salt and Light S The Lochs Discard items 50 times. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80


B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Alteci B Coerthas Western Highlands None 5 seconds
Kreutzet B Coerthas Western Highlands None 5 seconds
Gnath Cometdrone B The Dravanian Forelands None 5 seconds
Thextera B The Dravanian Forelands None 5 seconds
Scitalis B The Churning Mists None 5 seconds
The Scarecrow B The Churning Mists None 5 seconds
Squonk B The Sea of Clouds None 5 seconds
Sanu Vali of Dancing Wings B The Sea of Clouds None 5 seconds
Pterygotus B The Dravanian Hinterlands None 5 seconds
False Gigantopithecus B The Dravanian Hinterlands None 5 seconds
Lycidas B Azys Lla None 5 seconds
Omni B Azys Lla None 5 seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Mirka A Coerthas Western Highlands None 4 to 6 hours
Lyuba A Coerthas Western Highlands None 4 to 6 hours
Pylraster A The Dravanian Forelands None 4 to 6 hours
Lord of the Wyverns A The Dravanian Forelands None 4 to 6 hours
Bune A The Churning Mists None 4 to 6 hours
Agathos A The Churning Mists None 4 to 6 hours
Enkelados A The Sea of Clouds None 4 to 6 hours
Sisiutl A The Sea of Clouds None 4 to 6 hours
Slipkinx Steeljoints A The Dravanian Hinterlands None 4 to 6 hours
Stolas A The Dravanian Hinterlands None 4 to 6 hours
Campacti A Azys Lla None 4 to 6 hours
Stench Blossom A Azys Lla None 4 to 6 hours

S Rank

Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (Hours)
Kaiser Behemoth S Coerthas Western Highlands Fly over spawn points
with Behemoth Heir.
84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Senmurv S The Dravanian Forelands Complete the "FATE: Slay EnemiesCerf's Up"
FATE 5 times in a row.
84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Gandarewa S The Churning Mists Harvest Seventh Heaven
or mine Aurum Regis Ore.
84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Bird of Paradise S The Sea of Clouds Squonk's Chirp AOE has
a chance to spawn it.
84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
The Pale Rider S The Dravanian Hinterlands Open treasure coffers
from Wyvernskin Maps.
84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Leucrotta S Azys Lla Kill 50 Allagan Chimera, 50 Meracydian Vouivre
and 50 Lesser Hydra.
84-132; Maintenance: 50-80

A Realm Reborn

B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Skogs Fru B Middle La Noscea None 5 seconds
Barbastelle B Lower La Noscea None 5 seconds
Dark Helmet B Western La Noscea None 5 seconds
Bloody Mary B Eastern La Noscea None 5 seconds
Myradrosh B Upper La Noscea None 5 seconds
Vuokho B Outer La Noscea None 5 seconds
Ovjang B Central Thanalan None 5 seconds
Sewer Syrup B Western Thanalan None 5 seconds
Gatling B Eastern Thanalan None 5 seconds
Albin the Ashen B Southern Thanalan None 5 seconds
Flame Sergeant Dalvag B Northern Thanalan None 5 seconds
White Joker B Central Shroud None 5 seconds
Monarch Ogrefly B South Shroud None 5 seconds
Stinging Sophie B Eastern Shroud None 5 seconds
Phecda B North Shroud None 5 seconds
Naul B Coerthas Central Highlands None 5 seconds
Leech King B Mor Dhona None 5 seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Vogaal Ja A Middle La Noscea None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Unktehi A Lower La Noscea None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Nahn A Western La Noscea None 3:30 to 5:00 hours
Hellsclaw A Eastern La Noscea None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Marberry A Upper La Noscea None 4 to 5 hours
Cornu A Outer La Noscea None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Sabotender Bailarina A Central Thanalan None 4 to 5 hours
Alectryon A Western Thanalan None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Maahes A Eastern Thanalan None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Zanig'oh A Southern Thanalan None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Dalvag's Final Flame A Northern Thanalan None 4 to 5 hours
Forneus A Central Shroud None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Ghede Ti Malice A South Shroud None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Melt A Eastern Shroud None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Girtab A North Shroud None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Marraco A Coerthas Central Highlands None 3:20 to 5:00 hours
Kurrea A Mor Dhona None 3:20 to 5:00 hours

S Rank

Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (Hours)
Croque-Mitaine S Middle La Noscea Mine Grade 3 La Noscean Topsoil. Node shows 7pm-10pm Eorzea Time. 65-75; Maintenance: 39-45
Croakadile S Lower La Noscea Traverse spawn points
during a Full Moon.
50; Maintenance: 30
Bonnacon S Western La Noscea Harvest La Noscean Leeks. Node shows 8am-11am Eorzea Time. 65-75; Maintenance: 39-45
The Garlok S Eastern La Noscea Spawns after its random
timer expires. Rain puts it
to sleep, ensuring it won't
spawn for 200 minutes. (3 hours 20 minutes)
42-48; Maintenance: 21-29
Nandi S Upper La Noscea Traverse spawn points
with a minion out.
47-53; Maintenance: 28-32
Chernobog S Outer La Noscea A player dying. 65-71, Maintenance: 39-43
Brontes S Central Thanalan Eat food at spawn points. 66-78; Maintenance: 39-47
Zona Seeker S Western Thanalan Fish a Glimmerscale. 57-63; Maintenance: 34-38
Lampalagua S Eastern Thanalan Initiate Battlecraft Leves. 66-78; Maintenance: 39-47
Nunyunuwi S Southern Thanalan Ensure all FATEs succeed
for exactly 1 hour straight.
44-54; Maintenance: 26-33
Minhocao S Northern Thanalan Kill 100 Earth Sprites. 57-63; Maintenance: 34-38
Laideronnette S Central Shroud Spawns 6 minutes into the
second of a double Rain.
42-48; Maintenance: 25-29
Mindflayer S South Shroud Traverse spawn points at
00:00 during a New Moon.
50; Maintenance: 30
Wulgaru S Eastern Shroud Initiate Battlecraft Leves. 66-78; Maintenance: 39-47
Thousand-cast Theda S North Shroud Fish a Judgeray at 5-9pm. 57-63; Maintenance: 34-38
Safat S Coerthas Central Highlands Fall off cliffs to 1 HP. 60-84, Maintenance: 36-51
Agrippa The Mighty S Mor Dhona Complete Treasure Maps. 60-84; Maintenance: 36-51


Receiving Rewards

Hunt mark rewards are based on enmity of the player, not damage dealt. The enmity of the entire party is combined, so forming 8-player Full Parties is often essential to receive full rewards. Players must also have completed the quests for Feature QuestLet the Hunt Begin (Allied Seal Allied Seals), Feature QuestLet the Clan Hunt Begin (Centurio Seal Centurio Seals), and Feature QuestNuts to You (Sack of Nuts Sacks of Nuts) to receive those currencies. You must kill the mark on a level-capped Job to receive Allagan Tomestones other than Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Poetics.

A Realm Reborn

Both regular and elite bills list a bounty for their indicated marks. This bounty will be paid in full once the marks have been slain.

B Rank A Rank S Rank
Allied Seals * Allied Seal 40 Allied Seal 100
Centurio Seals * Centurio Seal 20 Centurio Seal 50
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics * Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 30


B Rank A Rank S Rank
Centurio Seals * Centurio Seal 40 Centurio Seal 100
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics * Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 30


B Rank A Rank S Rank
Centurio Seals * Centurio Seal 40 Centurio Seal 100
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics * Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 30


B Rank A Rank S Rank SS Rank
Sack of Nuts * Sack of Nuts 40 Sack of Nuts 100 Sack of Nuts 400
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 200
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics * Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 50


B Rank A Rank S Rank SS Rank
Sack of Nuts * Sack of Nuts 40 Sack of Nuts 100 Sack of Nuts 400
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 200
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics * Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 50

* B-ranks award nothing unless they are the weekly Elite Mark, and even then only once per week.


B Rank A Rank S Rank SS Rank
Sack of Nuts * Sack of Nuts 40 Sack of Nuts 100 Sack of Nuts 400
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics * Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 200
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics * Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 20 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 80 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 100
Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry * Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry 10 Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry 30 Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry 50

* B-ranks award nothing unless they are the weekly Elite Mark, and even then only once per week.

Orchestrion Rolls

See also: Orchestrion Rolls
Location Possible Orchestrion Roll Drop
Faded copy of against the wind icon1.png  Faded Copy of Against the Wind Coerthas Western Highlands
Faded copy of landlords icon1.png  Faded Copy of Landlords The Churning Mists
Faded copy of missing pages icon1.png  Faded Copy of Missing Pages The Dravanian Hinterlands


Main article: The Hunt Achievements.

The Hunt is associated with several achievements.


The world is rife with all manner of evil, but deep in the shadows there lurk some beings so nefarious the mere mention of their names can fill a hero’s heart with dread. These fiends and freebooters, monsters and machina are the “elite,” and there are those who will stop at nothing to rid the realm of their terror, offering rich rewards to see them slain. [1]