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Coerthas Central Highlands

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Coerthas Central Highlands

Fair Skies.png Clear Skies.png Blizzard (weather).png Fog.png Snow.png Clouds.png

Coerthas central highlands.jpg
Map of Coerthas Central Highlands

Connects to
Mor Dhona (SW)
North Shroud (S)
HW.png Foundation (N)
Camp Dragonhead (X:26.0, Y:16, Z:4)

The Coerthas central highlands are the gateway to the capital, which is why Ishgard long ago established several strongholds at the base of the Nail, many of which have been damaged or destroyed in recent years by the Dravanians.

— In-game description

Coerthas Central Highlands is a zone in Coerthas.
Level 1 & 50 Striking Dummies are located at (13.2, 16.9).


Area Points of Interest
Settlement icon.png
First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter
Landmark (map icon).png
Griffin Crossing
Landmark (map icon).png
Skyfire Locks
Trial (map icon).png
Battle on the Big Bridge
Settlement icon.png
Camp Dragonhead
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Camp Dragonhead
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter
Providence Point
Landmark (map icon).png
Landmark (map icon).png
Steel Vigil
Landmark (map icon).png
The Ogre's Belly
Landmark (map icon).png
The Weeping Saint
Landmark (map icon).png
Trial (map icon).png
A Relic Reborn: The Chimera
Dungeon (map icon).png
Xelphatol HW.png
Boulder Downs
Landmark (map icon).png
The Aurum Vale
Landmark (map icon).png
Hall of the Seven Echoes
Landmark (map icon).png
Monument Tower
Landmark (map icon).png
The Fury's Gaze
Landmark (map icon).png
Daniffen Pass
Dungeon (map icon).png
Dzemael Darkhold
Landmark (map icon).png
Dzemael Darkhold
Dungeon (map icon).png
The Aurum Vale
Settlement icon.png
Whitebrim Front
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter (Whitebrim Front)
Dungeon (map icon).png
The Stone Vigil
Landmark (map icon).png
Behemoth's Dominion
Dungeon (map icon).png
Trial (map icon).png
The Howling Eye (Hard)


Coerthas Central Highlands Sidequests

Coerthas Central Highlands FATEs

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:26.3, Y:16.4)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:26.2, Y:27.8)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:13.2, Y:15.9)



B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


See also: Sightseeing Log

Players can unlock the Sightseeing Log by completing the level 20 quest Feature QuestA Sight to Behold. After completing the first 20 vistas, players can unlock the remaining vistas by talking to the NPC Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0).

# Name Zone Coordinate Weather Time Emote Comment
68 The Nail Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25.4, Y:29.9) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the Observatorium on the ladder under the telescope. Jump onto the lamp closest to the ladder and then onto the ladder itself.
69 The Observatorium Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25.4, Y:29.8) Fog.png Fog 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Take a couple of steps down from the first floor and walk/fall off into the center of the tower, landing on the highest chandelier.
70 The Frozen Fang Coerthas Central Highlands (X:11.7, Y:15.8) Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout From the base of the stairs at (11.0,15.5) walk along the small ledge that sticks out until you're at the middle of the semi-circle part of the bridge.
71 The Holy See of Ishgard Coerthas Central Highlands (X:12.8, Y:17.3, Z:1.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the tower on the over-arch. After climbing the stone spiral staircase, enter the small room and use the wooden stairs to get all the way up.
72 Boulder Downs Coerthas Central Highlands (X:7.8, Y:28.9, Z:1.8) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Top of monument tower next to the NPC standing next to the top of the stairs.
73 The Fury's Gaze Coerthas Central Highlands (X:7.9, Y:31.3) Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Inside the cave before you reach the plasmoids.
74 Snowcloak Coerthas Central Highlands (X:2.2, Y:21.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Climb up to the highest ledge.
75 Camp Dragonhead Coerthas Central Highlands (X:26.5, Y:17.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Climb up to the eastern battlements and head south to draw parallel to the green-roofed building. Jump up onto a higher crenelation that's in line with a buttress opposite and sprint one step and jump over to the building.
76 The Steel Vigil Coerthas Central Highlands (X:28.2, Y:10.3) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the broken arch of the ruins. Start climbing from the most South Eastern edge of the broken wall. The vista is just on the other side of the steeple.


This zone is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm coerthas central highlands icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Coerthas Central Highlands 10 Visit the Coerthas central highlands and unlock the area map. - 2.1




The first knights to settle and build the fortress in Coerthas were said to have named the area after the unusual shape of its rocky outcroppings, which to them resembled the severed head of a dragon.

First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena

Three hundred years ago, Ishgardian astrologian Adaunel the Younger convinced the Holy See that he could predict the comings and goings of the Dravanian Horde by studying the movements of the heavens, and thus secured funding for the construction of the Observatorium and its grand astroscope.

Griffin Crossing

This massive viaduct which once provided passage to the Coerthas eastern highlands is immortalized in Ishgardian legend as the location where King Thordan and his knights twelve fought the great wyrm Nidhogg. A portion of the bridge was destroyed during the Seventh Umbral Calamity and is currently undergoing repair.

Skyfire Locks

Built into the rolling knolls so that they appear smaller than they actually are, the Skyfire Locks are a series of defensive fortifications which may be used as shelters for merchants and smallfolk to escape an assault from above.

Camp Dragonhead

An Ishgardian stronghold situated atop Haldrath’s March and under the command of House Fortemps, this camp is responsible for ensuring the safety of the smallfolk and merchants traveling to and from Ishgard.

Providence Point

According to the Enchiridion, the vision of the Promised Land which King Thordan received prompting him to lead his people to Coerthas was of this very vista overseeing the Sea of Clouds.


Those accused of heresy under Ishgardian law are sometimes made to answer to a higher power, and are thus cast into this gorge. If they are deemed innocent in the eyes of Halone, their death will be quick, and their soul gently guided to Her halls. However, if the accused is indeed guilty of consorting with dragons, then they will surely spread their fiendish wings to save themselves from the sharp crags below. Their absconsion will surely be fleeting, though, as the presiding inquisitor is often accompanied by a skilled bowman to shoot any who try to escape.

Steel Vigil

Under the authority of House Haillenarte, the Steel Vigil was Ishgard’s eastern watchtower, and warned the Holy See of aerial attacks for centuries before being razed and gutted by the Dravanian Horde and their vile commander, Svara. As if relinquishing the citadel was not misfortune enough, the Count de Haillenarte also lost his third son and commander of the Vigil, Ser Chlodebaimt, to Svara’s snapping thralls.

The Ogre’s Belly

Thought to be the den of ogres and other unsavory beasts, the locals tell of men who sought shelter from the harsh snowstorms, only to be “swallowed” up by the cavern’s twisting paths.

The Weeping Saint

Ishgardian legend tells that this grotto was where Saint Daniffen came to mourn the maiden he loved that was murdered by a basilisk, and later vowed retribution on the fiend and its kin. The icy waters which trickle down from the mountains and form pools are said to be the saint’s tears, and they are often collected for use in the church’s purification rituals and in the production of sacramental wine.


Intended to function as an outpost, the Ixal established Natalan to take advantage of the strong updrafts from the valley below to launch their dirigibles. As the population increased, it was gradually expanded and fortified.

Boulder Downs

Before the Calamity, Boulder Downs was a vast sloped lea littered with moraine deposited by realm-swallowing glaciers long receded. The rain of debris that accompanied the fall of Dalamud, however, transformed the landscape into a frozen wasteland pocked with gaping impact craters and peculiar dark matter formations.

Aurum Vale

The Aurum Vale is, contrary to its name, not a valley of riches, but rather a series of underground caves containing precious deposits of mythril and sulphur. However, these coveted veins are largely submerged in heated groundwater, triggering a chemical reaction which results in puddles of a highly toxic sludge known as goldbile.

Hall of the Seven Echoes

So high are its walls, were one to cry out while traversing this narrow canyon road linking Mor Dhona to the Coerthas central highlands, it is said her voice would echo seven times.

Monument Tower

Pilgrims of the Ishgardian faith often stop here to pray to the sacred stone suspended within the Fury’s Gaze—a holy place guarded by the Temple Knights stationed within the tower.

Daniffen Pass

Ishgardian scripture asserts that this winding cavern is the selfsame one traversed by Saint Daniffen long ago. As a result, pilgrims from the Holy See attempting to walk in the saint’s footsteps are a common sight.

Dzemael Darkhold

As its name suggests, the construction of the Darkhold was financed by House Dzemael, which sought to utilize existing underground caves to build a flawless fortification to defend against the Dravanian Horde. However, construction was postponed indefinitely when the house’s digging uncovered an entrance to the void, from which an army of voidsent emerged.


When one peers to the north from atop Whitebrim’s jagged cliffs, she can spy the Holy See of Ishgard; yet if she were to look down, they would see naught but an endless sea of white clouds, and it is for this sight which Whitebrim was named.


When one peers to the north from atop Whitebrim’s jagged cliffs, she can spy the Holy See of Ishgard; yet if she were to look down, they would see naught but an endless sea of white clouds, and it is for this sight which Whitebrim was named.

Whitebrim front

Under the command of Lord Drillemont of House Durendaire, Whitebrim Front is a relatively new outpost established for the purpose of quartering the Temple Knights tasked with retaking the Stone Vigil.

Stone vigil

This great watchtower was constructed as part of the last line of defense before the Dravanian Horde would reach the city proper. Once the responsibility of House Haillenarte, which supplied it with the most advanced cannons, airships, and other weaponry, it suffered severe damage during the Calamity, and was overrun and occupied by the Dravanians soon after.

Behemoth’s dominion

Although this valley appears to be a prime tract of land for settlement, it is a kingdom already claimed by a terrible beast which occasionally descends from the mountains to wreak havoc: the behemoth. The first sightings of the behemoth were reported after shards of Dalamud fell to the earth, leading to speculation that the monster came from within the false moon. Thus the behemoth is thought to be “Bahamut’s spawn” despite its anatomical dissimilarity to dragons.


Formed in the aftermath of the Calamity, the great ice wall has long been thought an impenetrable barrier between central and western Coerthas. In truth, however, the wall is riddled with hidden tunnels, which heretics have employed as a base of operations. [1]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 162