Oskh Rhei
Oskh Rhei is a Rank B Elite Mark in Ultima Thule.
Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player 5,000 gil and
100 Sacks of Nuts if the mob is the weekly Elite Guildship Mark Bill.
Zone | Coordinates | Level range |
Ultima Thule | (X:14.8, Y:36.0) | 90 |
Ultima Thule | (X:16.3, Y:26.3) | 90 |
Ultima Thule | (X:17.4, Y:30.3) | 90 |
Ultima Thule | (X:21.6, Y:34.3) | 90 |
Spawn Conditions
Normal Spawn
5 seconds after death
Tips and Tricks
- Fireball is a telegraphed circle AoE on the main target doing slightly more damage than its auto-attack.
“My dearest gleaner, consider how the Allagan Empire deployed Omega to capture the dreadwyrm Bahamut. Consider the mighty clash between Omega and Shinryu at Baelsar's Wall! Do you not sense the presence of a hidden through line connecting these incidents?
If we accept that there is some truth in the name "dragon star," and examine Omega's encounters in this context, is it not clear that both Omega and dragonkind hail from other stars—stars at war for untold ages!?
I shudder to think what ruthless machines such as Omega would do were they to make captives of the dragons, so very thrilling are the possibilities! Of course, it will be difficult to prove the existence of mechanical dragons without a complete specimen...but I shall accept any trace.— Chrysielle, Old Sharlayan Aetheryte Plaza, Old Sharlayan
“Consider how the Allagan Empire deployed Omega to capture the dreadwyrm Bahamut, and the mighty clash between Omega and Shinryu at Baelsar's Wall. According to Chrysielle, the hidden through line connecting these incidents may be age-old conflict between the dragons and Omega's mechanical civilization—a conflict that began far across the sea of stars. Given Omega's reported proclivity for self-improvement, it seems relatively logical to surmise that any draconic captives in such a conflict would have been subject to mechanical experimentation in the name of technological advancement.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 303