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Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)

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See also: Abyssos (Savage) and Abyssos: The Sixth Circle


Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)

Abyssos The Sixth Circle (Savage).png
90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Endwalker)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Talk to Nemjiji after completing Feature QuestTruth Imperfect
The Pestilent Purgatory
The World Unsundered
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

You could have sworn that Nemjiji began writing ere you opened your mouth to speak of your battle with Hegemone but pass it off as a unique quirk of the researcher's method of recording dictation. A perusal of her writings afterwards proves to be an exhilarating read, but you wonder whether your account of events was quite so animated...

— In-game description

Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage) is a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.2 with Endwalker. The raid is also known as P6S.

Phases & Abilities

Raid Guide by MTQcapture
Raid Guide by Hector Hectorson

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Hemitheos: Hegemone

Before the fight begins, each player should be assigned a spread location, a light party consisting of a tank, healer and two DPS, and four pairs of two, with each DPS partnering with a tank or a healer. Please note that the arena is surrounded by a border that will instantly kill any player that touches it. Failing any mechanic will result in a Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down debuff, as well as other various effects.


  • Hemitheos's Dark IV: Unavoidable high damage raidwide AoE.
  • Chelic Synergy: A high damage shared tankbuster, requiring tanks to stand together. This attack fires in a conal AoE, and anyone else hit will die. This attack inflicts a Bleed icon1.png Bleed debuff.
    • Synergy: A tankbuster that hits both tanks (or the two players highest in the enmity list) for high damage and a Bleed icon1.png Bleed debuff in an AoE. Tanks must spread away from each other and the party. This attack also inflicts a Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up debuff on the main tank, requiring a tank swap.
  • Aetheric Polyominoid: The boss summons multiple aetherial nexuses on the arena, each occupying one square of the floor. These will have two lines that extend to the corners of the square (crosses) or to the top, bottom and sides of the square (pluses). Depending on which direction the lines are pointing, the aetherial nexuses will erupt, firing an AoE in the direction of the lines that will extend to the edge of the arena. These can appear in various patterns and locations, so players must pay attention and determine where the safe zones are.
    • Polyominoid Sigma: The same attack as Aetheric Polyominoid, except the aetherial nexuses are tethered together and will switch locations before firing.
  • Unholy Darkness: Both healers are targeted for an attack that must be shared to mitigate. This inflicts a Dark resistance down ii icon1.png Dark Resistance Down II debuff, making overlap lethal.
  • Exocleaver: This attack fires twice, once in the spots indicated by the conal AoE regions, then again with an untelegraphed attack where the safe zones were previously.
  • Pathogenic Cells: The boss targets each player, giving them a marker from one to eight. When the attack fires, the boss will turn towards each player one by one and fire the attack at them in order, a massive AoE that fills a quarter of the arena. This attack also debuffs with one stack of Consumption icon1.png Consumption, which will inflict players with Glossomorph icon1.png Glossomorph if they receive more than one stack. When this debuff expires, they will be inflicted with Bodily manipulation icon1.png Bodily Manipulation, incapacitating them for several seconds.
  • Aetherial Exchange: The boss receives a Aetherial exchange icon1.png buff, augmenting its next attacks.
  • Exchange of Agonies: Each player will receive one of three markers based on their role: a stack marker (Unholy Darkness), a purple donut AoE (Dark Perimeter), or a marker indicating a large AoE (Darkburst) will be dropped where a player is standing (yellow orb). Two sets of two players will also be tethered together, indicating that their markers will be swapped once the cast finishes.
  • Choros Ixou: The boss will raise its hands, which will begin glowing, to either the north and south or the east and west, then fire two 90 degree conal AoEs. The boss will then turn and immediately fire in the other directions. Getting hit by this will inflict a Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down debuff.
  • Transmission: All players will tether to either the head of the snake on the boss or the wing, and receive a Glossomorph icon1.png Glossomorph or Chelomorph icon1.png Chelomorph debuff. When the debuff timer expires, all players will be stunned (Out of control icon1.png Out of Control) for two seconds and perform an attack based on their previous debuff. If players tethered to the snake (indicated on the character model by a glossal parasite snake protruding from their back), they will fire a narrow conal AoE in front of them (Reek Havoc). If tethered to the wing (indicated on the character model by the chelic parasite large wing protruding from their back), they will fire a narrow conal AoE (Chelic Claw) behind them instead. Anyone hit with these attacks will receive a Sustained damage icon1.png Sustained Damage debuff, inflicting moderate damage over time.
  • Dark Dome: Drops an invisible circular AoE under each player that will detonate shortly after the cast finishes.
  • Dark Ashes: Each player is targeted by an telegraphed medium-sized AoE that will fire shortly after casting. This inflicts a Dark resistance down ii icon1.png Dark Resistance Down II debuff, making overlap lethal.
  • Cachexia: Each player will be given two debuffs: Aetheronecrosis icon1.png Aetheronecrosis, and either Chelic resistance down icon1.png Chelic Resistance Down (green) or Glossal resistance down icon1.png Glossal Resistance Down (Purple). The Aetheronecrosis debuff will explode after either eight, twelve, sixteen or twenty seconds in a large AoE that inflicts a small amount of damage, Dark resistance down ii icon1.png Dark Resistance Down II and Physical vulnerability up icon1.png Physical Vulnerability Up. While this happens, the boss will also target the two players closest to it with a medium-sized physical damage AoE called Dual Predation. This ability consists of a green attack from the wing (Chelic Predation) of the boss to the closest player on the left side, and a purple attack from the snake (Glossal Predation) to the closet player on the right side and, dealing high damage and switching the hit players' resistance down debuff to the other parasite's. Any players with Physical Vulnerability Up who are hit will instantly die. The boss will fire this attack four times, then follow up with Ptera Ixou, an attack from both sides of the boss that each fill half of the arena and deal damage based on the snake or the wing. For both Dual Predation and Ptera Ixou, any players with Chelic Resistance Down or Glossal Resistance Down who are hit by their corresponding parasite's attack will instantly die. A later variant of Cachexia will only inflict Chelic Resistance Down or Glossal Resistance Down on each player without inflicting Aetheronecrosis.
  • Dark Sphere: Each player is targeted by an telegraphed large AoE that will fire shortly after casting. This inflicts a Dark Resistance Down II debuff, making overlap lethal.


The boss will start by casting Hemitheos's Dark IV, requiring mitigation and healing. The boss will then cast Chelic Synergy, targeting the tank and firing a conal AoE. This attack must either be absorbed by both tanks or taken by one using an invuln skill. The tank(s) hit will be debuffed with a heavy Bleed icon1.png Bleed following this. After this the boss will return to center and cast Aetheric Polyominoid, calling two Plus Polyominioids onto the arena. Generally, one of these will appear in the northern part of the arena on one of the two center tiles, and one in one of the southern corners. These will explode after a short while, firing a line AoE in the direction that the lines of the Polyominoids are pointing. The boss will also target both healers with Unholy Darkness, and prepare Exocleaver. To handle these mechanics, players must first determine the safe zones out of the Polyominoid's attacks, then get into their light parties to soak the stack attack, then move out of the AoEs for Exocleaver. Note that this attack will fire a second time, and players will need to move into where the AoEs were previously to avoid the second, untelegraphed hit.

Once these attacks have resolved each player will be marked from one to eight and hit by Pathogenic Cells, a massive cleave that fills roughly a quarter of the arena. The boss will turn towards players in order and fire this attack. To handle this, players should use the lines on the floor to determine the quadrant they should stand in, and line up around the boss, with their numbers organized so the boss will rotate clockwise (or any predictable fashion that works best for the group). This would mean that players marked one and five would take their attacks in the same quadrant, two and six, etc. After getting hit, players can move around the boss, staying out of the attack being fired. When the boss reaches the player marked five, they should be standing in the same place player one was, and the pattern will repeat until the boss has finished attacking. This attack will debuff with Consumption icon1.png Consumption. More than one stack will incapacitate a player for several seconds.

After this the boss will return to center and use Aetherial Exchange, buffing itself and augmenting its incoming attacks. The boss will then cast Exchange of Agonies, marking each player based on roll with one of three markers. If a player receives a stack marker, they simply need to stack with other players to mitigate. If a player receives a purple donut, they will fire a large donut AoE with them at the center, and if they are marked with a yellow orb, they will drop an AoE under where they are standing. Some players will also be tethered together, indicating that their markers will be swapped as the attack fires. To handle this, players should first determine if they are tethered to another player. If they are, they will need to move to the correct location to handle the attack. Players with the stack marker should stand under the boss to mitigate the attack. They will also be joined by players marked with the Donut AoE. Finally, players with the yellow orbs should move to their predetermined corner to drop the AoE. These attacks will all debuff with Dark resistance down ii icon1.png Dark Resistance Down II, meaning overlapping attacks will most likely kill. At the same time, the boss will cast Choros Ixou, raising its hands to either the north and south or east and west, and fire a conal AoE in that direction, then fire in the other set of directions in an untelegraphed attack. The markers and the first Choros Ixou will resolve at the same time, so players will have to immediately move to dodge the second hit.

The boss will cast Synergy, the second form of tankbuster that targets both tanks with a small, high damage AoE. However, the main tank will be inflicted with a Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up debuff alongside the Bleed icon1.png Bleed debuff, forcing a tank swap. The boss will then return to center and cast another Hemitheos's Dark IV, then Transmission, tethering players to either its wing or its snake hand. Players who were tethered to the snake will fire a conal AoE from their front, while the players tethered to the wing will fire a conal AoE from behind. As this attack resolves, the boss will also cast Choros Ixou once again, so players will have to pay attention to where the boss' hands are pointing and preposition themselves to avoid the attack and fire their AoE away from the arena. The boss will do another Aetherial Exchange, and then cast Polyominoid Sigma, tethering the Polyominoids together. The boss will also cast Dark Dome, so all players will have to identify the safe tile, then move under the boss to bait the AoEs, then move to the outside of the tile to avoid them.

The boss will return to center and buff with another Aetherial Exchange, then cast Exchange of Agonies, this time pairing it with Exocleaver. The first attack will resolve with the markers, then players will be free to move to avoid the second hit. The boss will then use another tankbuster, so the tanks will have to pay attention to which one is used., then follow up with Hemitheos's Dark IV, so healers should be ready to handle this and the Bleed icon1.png Bleed on the tank(s). Another Aetherial Exchange, and the boss will cast Polyominoid Sigma and Unholy Darkness. Once players have determined the safe tile to stand on, they will need to break into light parties and stack on either side of the tile to avoid clipping (a second safe tile may be available, but this is dependent on the pattern of the Polyominids). The boss will then cast Dark Ashes, marking all players for a large AoE. At the same time, the boss will cast Choros Ixou, so players will need to determine which way the attack is firing, then spread out in a manner that avoids the boss' attack while also not overlapping AoEs. Once the AoEs resolve, players will be able to move freely to avoid the second hit.

Once these attacks resolve, the boss will return to center and cast Cachexia. Each player will receive two debuffs: Aetheronecrosis icon1.png Aethernecrosis and either Chelic resistance down icon1.png Chelic Resistance Down or Glossal resistance down icon1.png Glossal Resistance Down. Any attack fired from the snake is a Glossal attack, and will deal more damage to the players debuffed with Glossal Resistance Down, and vice versa from the wing. The attacks and debuffs are also color coded, with Glossal attacks and debuffs being purple, and Chelic attacks being green. The Aethernecrosis debuff will come with a timer of either eight, twelve, sixteen or twenty seconds, and will erupt in an AoE when the timer expires, debuffing with a Physical vulnerability up icon1.png Physical Vulnerability Up debuff. While handling the AoEs, the two players closest to the boss' wing and snake will also be targeted by Dual Predation, an attack that will deal Chelic or Glossal damage based on what side the players are on, and switch their debuff to the opposite one. To handle these mechanics, players will spread out to their clock positions to avoid overlapping the AoEs on the left or right of the boss based on their debuff (green on the right of the boss, purple on the left). Players with the twenty second timer will stand closest to the boss to bait the Dual Predation, then swap places with the players with the eight second debuff and go to their clock position. They will in turn swap with the players with the twelve second debuff, then the players with the sixteen second debuff. When all the attacks have resolved, players will need to swap sides and head to the opposite side of the arena to handle Ptera Ixou, a massive AoE from both the wing and the snake that cover half the arena. If players don't quickly swap sides, they will die.

The boss will return to center and use another tankbuster, then Hemitheos's Dark IV. After this, the boss will cast another Aetheric Polyominoid and Dark Sphere. Players will need to identify the safe zone from the patterns on the floor, then spread out to avoid overlapping AoEs. The boss will also cast Dark Dome, dropping an untelegraphed AoE under players. Once the first two attacks resolve, players will need to move out to another space away from where they were standing to avoid the second AoE. The boss will use Aetheric Exchange and Exchange of Agonies once again, alongside another Choros Ixou, so players should move to handle the markers appropriately, then move to avoid the boss' second attack. The boss will Aetheric Exchange again, then use Polyominoid Sigma and another Choros Ixou. Players will need to move fast and may only have a small area to dodge both attacks at once, so it is recommended to move to the center of the arena to better determine where the safe zones are. The boss will use another Aetheric Exchange, then cast Cachexia, Transmission, Dark Sphere, Unholy Darkness and Polyominoid Sigma.

For this Cachexia, the boss will simply inflict the debuff and cast Ptera Ixou, and players will need to move to the correct side of the boss. Players will need to determine the safe zone of the Polyominoids, position themselves correctly to handle the Transmission debuff, and then spread out to handle the AoEs while the other players stack to mitigate the Unholy Darkness. This is a lot of mechanics to handle at once, and requires players to make snap decisions. It is recommended that the first point is identifying the safe zones first, then either grouping or spreading, then finally facing into or away from the center of the arena. One strategy is to simply use a Tank Limit Break to potentially mitigate mistakes.

Once all the attacks have resolved, the boss will use Aetheric Polyominoid and Dark Dome. Players can drop their AoEs on any tile that isn't a safe zone, then move to a safe area, as they will have plenty of time before the Polyominoids fire. This is followed up by another Aetheric Polyominoid and a Choros Ixou. Simply move to a safe zone away from the boss' hands. The boss will use a final tankbuster, then another Hemitheos's Dark IV, then begin the enrage cast for Hemitheos's Dark IV. If players can not defeat the boss before this attack finishes casting, the boss will wipe the party.


Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Abyssos head gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Head Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1
Abyssos hand gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Hand Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1
Abyssos foot gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Foot Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Abyssos head gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Head Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1
Abyssos hand gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Hand Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1
Abyssos foot gear coffer (il 630) icon1.png  Abyssos Foot Gear Coffer (IL 630) Other N/A ABasic 1



  • The "dance" that player characters perform if they have Bodily manipulation icon1.png Bodily Manipulation may be a reference to character attack animations in pixel-era Final Fantasy games.

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