White Mage

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White Mage concept art.jpg


White magic, the arcane art of succor, was conceived eras past that the world might know comfort. Alas, man began perverting its powers for self-gain, and by his wickedness brought about the Sixth Umbral catastrophe. Although the art subsequently became forbidden, it is now in the midst of a revival at the hands of the Padjal, chosen of the elementals. Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictions—even the icy grip of death itself.

FinalFantasyXIV.com White Mage

White Mage frame icon.png

White Mage (WHM) is a job unlockable at level 30 as an upgrade from the conjurer class and is one of four Healer jobs. It is considered a "pure" healer, along with astrologian, specializing in strong burst healing and healing-over-time.

General information


The Conjurers' Guild is in Old Gridania. Conjurers must specialize into white mage once they reach level 30, and complete the quests Main Scenario QuestSylph-management and Feature QuestIn Nature's Embrace. The job trainer is Raya-O-Senna, who is usually found in South Shroud (18.6, 27.1).


The conjurer is a disciple of magic and wears armor and accessories "of Healing." They use wands and canes as weapons.

Weapon Armor Accessories
One-handed Conjurer's Arms (Lv. 50 and below)
Two-handed Conjurer's Arms


White Mage Job Quests

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Seer Folly Class quest 30 E-Sumi-Yan White Mage
Presence of Mind.png  Presence of Mind
White Mage (Simple) Adventurer Plate
White Mage (Simple) Adventurer Plate
1 Soul of the white mage icon1.png  Soul of the White Mage
Only You Can Prevent Forest Ire Job quest 35 Raya-O-Senna Regen.png  Regen
O Brother, Where Art Thou Class quest 40 Raya-O-Senna Cure III.png  Cure III
Following in His Footsteps Class quest 45 Raya-O-Senna 1 Healers circlet icon1.png  Healer's Circlet
1 Healers gloves icon1.png  Healer's Gloves
1 Healers culottes icon1.png  Healer's Culottes
1 Healers boots icon1.png  Healer's Boots
Yearn for the Urn Class quest 45 Raya-O-Senna Holy.png  Holy
Heart of the Forest Class quest 50 Raya-O-Senna Benediction.png  Benediction
Seeing white i icon1.png  Seeing White I
White Mage - Part 1
White Mage - Part 1
1 Healers robe icon1.png  Healer's Robe
1 Clerics attire coffer (il 90) icon1.png  Cleric's Attire Coffer (IL 90)
Taint Misbehaving Class quest 50 Raya-O-Senna
A Journey of Purification Class quest 52 Eschiva Asylum.png  Asylum
Secret of the Lily.png  Secret of the Lily
The Girl with the Dragon Tissue Class quest 54 Eschiva Stone III.png  Stone III
Stone Mastery II.png  Stone Mastery II
The Dark Blight Writhes Class quest 56 Eschiva Assize.png  Assize
In the Wake of Death Class quest 58 Eschiva Thin Air.png  Thin Air
Trials of the Padjals Class quest 58 Eschiva
Hands of Healing Class quest 60 Raya-O-Senna Tetragrammaton.png  Tetragrammaton
Seeing white ii icon1.png  Seeing White II
White Mage - Part 2
White Mage - Part 2
1 Orison attire coffer (il 210) icon1.png  Orison Attire Coffer (IL 210)
Unease in East End Job quest 60 Raya-O-Senna
An Aura for Trouble Job quest 63 Sylphie
A Beacon for Bad Things Job quest 65 Sylphie
The Problem with Padjals Job quest 68 Sylphie
What She Always Wanted Job quest 70 Sylphie Plenary Indulgence.png  Plenary Indulgence
Seeing white iii icon1.png  Seeing White III
White Mage - Part 3
White Mage - Part 3
1 Seventh heaven attire coffer (il 290) icon1.png  Seventh Heaven Attire Coffer (IL 290)
Whence the Healing Springs Sidequest 80 Raya-O-Senna Seeing white iv icon1.png  Seeing White IV
White Mage - Part 4
White Mage - Part 4
1 Piety materia vii icon1.png  Piety Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII

Healer Role Quests (Shadowbringers)

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Traditions and Travails Role quest 70 Giott
Affronts and Allies Role quest 72 Giott
The Scientific Method Role quest 74 Giott
The Lost and the Found Role quest 76 Giott
Never to Return Role quest 78 Giott 1 Masala chai icon1.png  Masala Chai
The Soul of Temperance Role quest 80 Giott Speaker for the honorable icon1.png  Speaker for the Honorable
Healer Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
Healer Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
1 Piety materia vii icon1.png  Piety Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII

Healer Role Quests (Endwalker)

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Far from Free Role quest 85 Ala Mhigan Delegate
The Butcher's Blade Role quest 86 Blasphemy Hunter
A New Battleground Role quest 87 Blasphemy Hunter
Laying the Past to Rest Role quest 88 Blasphemy Hunter
Trail of Skulls Role quest 89 Blasphemy Hunter 1 Salted thavnairian cod icon1.png  Salted Thavnairian Cod
The Gift of Mercy Role quest 90 Blasphemy Hunter More than guilt icon1.png  More than Guilt
Healer Role Quests (Endwalker)
Healer Role Quests (Endwalker)
2 Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX
2 Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX
2 Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX

Healer Role Quests (Dawntrail)

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
In the Sting of Things Role quest 90 Nyipine
Causing Problems on Purpose Role quest 92 Loashkana
Living among the Deadly Role quest 94 Loashkana
Taste of a Toxin Paradise Role quest 96 Loashkana
Downed by the River Role quest 98 Loashkana 1 Mesquite juice icon1.png  Mesquite Juice
An Antidote for Anarchy Role quest 100 Loashkana A heartsting's a heavy burden icon1.png  A Heartsting's a Heavy Burden 2 Piety materia xi icon1.png  Piety Materia XI
2 Savage aim materia xi icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia XI
2 Savage might materia xi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia XI


PvE actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Stone (spell).png  Stone Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 1 Spell 200 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals earth damage with a potency of 140.
Cure.png  Cure Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 2 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 500
Additional Effect: 15% chance next Cure II will cost no MP
Duration: 15s
Aero.png  Aero Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 4 Spell 200 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals wind damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time
Potency: 30
Duration: 30s
Medica.png  Medica Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 10 Spell 900 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
Raise.png  Raise Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 12 Spell 2,400 8s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Stone II.png  Stone II Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 18 Spell 200 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals earth damage with a potency of 190.
Cure II.png  Cure II Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 1Quest: In Nature's Embrace 30 Spell 1,000 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Presence of Mind.png  Presence of Mind White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: Seer Folly 30 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 20%.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants 3 stacks of Sacred Sight
Duration: 30s
Regen.png  Regen White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: Only You Can Prevent Forest Ire 35 Spell 400 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants healing over time effect to target.
Cure Potency: 250
Duration: 18s
Cure III.png  Cure III White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: O Brother, Where Art Thou 40 Spell 1,500 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the action target 10y
Restores HP of target and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 600
Aetherial Shift.png  Aetherial Shift White Mage frame icon.png WHM 40 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Quickly dash 15 yalms forward.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Holy.png  Holy White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: Yearn for the Urn 45 Spell 400 2.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 4s
Aero II.png  Aero II Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 46 Spell 200 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals wind damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
Medica II.png  Medica II Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 50 Spell 1,000 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 150
Duration: 15s
Benediction.png  Benediction White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: Heart of the Forest 50 Ability Instant 180s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores all of a target's HP.
Afflatus Solace.png  Afflatus Solace White Mage frame icon.png WHM 52 Spell 0 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Additional Effect: Nourishes the Blood Lily
Healing Gauge Cost: 1 Lily
Asylum.png  Asylum White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: A Journey of Purification 52 Ability Instant 90s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 15y
Envelops a designated area in a veil of succor, granting healing over time to self and any party members who enter.
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 24s
Additional Effect: Increases HP recovery via healing actions on party members in the designated area by 10%
Stone III.png  Stone III White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: The Girl with the Dragon Tissue 54 Spell 300 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals earth damage with a potency of 220.
Assize.png  Assize White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: The Dark Blight Writhes 56 Ability Instant 40s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 400 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of nearby party members
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Restores 5% of maximum MP
Thin Air.png  Thin Air White Mage frame icon.png WHM 58 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Next action is executed without MP cost.
Duration: 12s
Maximum Charges: 2
Tetragrammaton.png  Tetragrammaton White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: Hands of Healing 60 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 700
Maximum Charges: 2
Stone IV.png  Stone IV White Mage frame icon.png WHM 64 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals earth damage with a potency of 260.
Divine Benison.png  Divine Benison White Mage frame icon.png WHM 66 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Creates a barrier around self or target party member that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 500 potency.
Duration: 15s
Maximum Charges: 2
Plenary Indulgence.png  Plenary Indulgence White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: What She Always Wanted 70 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Grants Confession to self and nearby party members.
Upon receiving HP recovery via Medica, Medica III, Cure III, or Afflatus Rapture cast by self, Confession triggers an additional healing effect.
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 10s
Dia.png  Dia White Mage frame icon.png WHM 72 Spell 400 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 75.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 75
Duration: 30s
Glare.png  Glare White Mage frame icon.png WHM 72 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 290.
Afflatus Misery.png  Afflatus Misery White Mage frame icon.png WHM 74 Spell Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,320 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed when the Blood Lily is in full bloom.
Afflatus Rapture.png  Afflatus Rapture White Mage frame icon.png WHM 76 Spell Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Nourishes the Blood Lily
Healing gauge cost: 1 Lily
Temperance (Ability).png  Temperance White Mage frame icon.png WHM 80 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 50y
Increases healing magic potency by 20%, while reducing damage taken by self and all party members within a radius of 50 yalms by 10%.
Duration: 20s
Effect is now applied immediately after execution.
Additional Effect: Grants Divine Grace
Duration: 30s
Glare III.png  Glare III White Mage frame icon.png WHM 82 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 330.
Holy III.png  Holy III White Mage frame icon.png WHM 82 Spell 400 2.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 4s
Aquaveil.png  Aquaveil White Mage frame icon.png WHM 86 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by a party member or self by 15%.
Duration: 8s
Liturgy of the Bell.png  Liturgy of the Bell White Mage frame icon.png WHM 90 Ability Instant 180s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 0y
Places a healing blossom at the designated location and grants 5 stacks of Liturgy of the Bell to self.
Duration: 20s
Taking damage will expend 1 stack of Liturgy of the Bell to heal self and all party members within a radius of 20 yalms.
Cure Potency: 400
The effect of this action can only be triggered once per second.
Any remaining stacks of Liturgy of the Bell will trigger an additional healing effect when time expires or upon executing this action a second time.
Cure Potency: 200 for every remaining stack of Liturgy of the Bell
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Glare IV.png  Glare IV White Mage frame icon.png WHM 92 Spell Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 640 for the first enemy, and 40% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while Sacred Sight is active.
Medica III.png  Medica III White Mage frame icon.png WHM 96 Spell 1,000 2s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 175
Duration: 15s
Divine Caress.png  Divine Caress White Mage frame icon.png WHM 100 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Creates a barrier around self and all party members near you that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 400 potency.
Duration: 10s
Grants Divine Aura after the barrier's effect fades.
Divine Aura Effect: Healing over time
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while Divine Grace is active.

Limit Breaks (PvE)

See also: Limit Break
Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Limit break icon1.png  Healing Wind Healer role.png Healer 1 Limit Break Level 1 2s Instant Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 30y
Restores 25% of HP of all nearby party members.
Limit break icon1.png  Breath of the Earth Healer role.png Healer 1 Limit Break Level 2 2s Instant Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 30y
Restores 60% of HP of all nearby party members.
Limit break icon1.png  Pulse of Life Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 1 Limit Break Level 3 2s Instant Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 50y
Restores 100% of HP of all nearby party members, even if they are currently dead. If resurrected this way, party members also revive with 100% MP and are not given Weakness or Brink of Death debuffs.

Healer role actions (PvE)

See also: Role actions
Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Repose.png  Repose Healer role.png Healer 8 Spell 600 2.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Inflicts target with Sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Esuna.png  Esuna Healer role.png Healer 10 Spell 400 1s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Removes a single detrimental effect from target.
Lucid Dreaming.png  Lucid Dreaming Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
Healer role.png Healer
14 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Gradually restores own MP.
Potency: 55
Duration: 21s
Swiftcast.png  Swiftcast Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
Healer role.png Healer
18 Ability Instant 40s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Next spell is cast immediately.
Duration: 10s
Surecast.png  Surecast Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
Healer role.png Healer
44 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Spells can be cast without interruption.
Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 6s
Rescue.png  Rescue Healer role.png Healer 48 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Instantly draw target party member to your side. Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.

PvP actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Glare III (PvP).png  Glare III (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Spell 1.44s 2.4s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 5,000.
Cure II (PvP).png  Cure II (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Spell 1.44s 15s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 12,000
Maximum Charges: 2
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Action changes to Cure III when under the effect of Cure III Ready.
Afflatus Misery pvp.png  Afflatus Misery (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Spell Instant 15s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 12,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Aquaveil (PvP).png  Aquaveil (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Ability Instant 20s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Creates a barrier around self or target party member that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 8,000 potency.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Nullifies one status affliction that can be removed by Purify
Barrier potency is doubled when successfully nullifying a status affliction.
Miracle of Nature (PvP).png  Miracle of Nature (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Ability Instant 45s Range icon.png 10y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Forcibly transforms target into a diminutive creature, preventing them from using actions.
Duration: 2s
Has no effect on players under the effect of Guard, players riding machina, or non-player combatants.
Seraph Strike (PvP).png  Seraph Strike (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Ability Instant 20s Range icon.png 20y
Circle AoE around the action target 10y
Delivers a jumping attack that deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 8,000.
Additional Effect: Grants Protect to self and nearby party members.
Protect Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Cure III Ready.
Duration: 10s
Cannot be executed while bound.
※Cure II changes to Cure III while under the effect of Cure III Ready.
Cure III (PvP).png  Cure III (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Spell Instant 2.4s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Restores HP of target and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 16,000
Can only be executed while under the effect of Cure III Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Limit Break (PvP)

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Afflatus Purgation (PvP).png  Afflatus Purgation (PvP) White Mage frame icon.png WHM 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 40y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 40y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 18,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
Additional Effect: Grants Temperance
Temperance Effect: Increases damage dealt and healing potency by 10%, and grants Regen to self and nearby party members within 30 yalms
Cure Potency: 3,000
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 60s

Common actions (PvP)

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Standard-issue Elixir (PvP).png  Standard-issue Elixir (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability 4.5s 5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores your HP and MP to maximum. Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.
Recuperate (PvP).png  Recuperate (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability 2,500 Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Purify (PvP).png  Purify (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, and Deep Freeze.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify
Duration: 5s
Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.
Guard (PvP).png  Guard (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 5s
Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.
Sprint (PvP).png  Sprint (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases movement speed. Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.


PvE traits

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
Stone Mastery.png  Stone Mastery Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 18 Upgrades Stone to Stone II.
Maim and Mend.png  Maim and Mend Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ
Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Red Mage frame icon.png RDM
Sage frame icon.png SGE
Astrologian frame icon.png AST
Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM
Pictomancer frame icon.png PCT
20 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Arcanist: Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%
Freecure.png  Freecure Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 32 Grants a 15% chance that after casting Cure, the MP cost for your next Cure II will be 0.
Duration: 15s
Maim and Mend II.png  Maim and Mend II Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ
Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Red Mage frame icon.png RDM
Sage frame icon.png SGE
Astrologian frame icon.png AST
Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM
Pictomancer frame icon.png PCT
40 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Arcanist: Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 30%
Aero Mastery.png  Aero Mastery Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ 46 Upgrades Aero to Aero II.
Secret of the Lily.png  Secret of the Lily White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: A Journey of Purification 52 Adds a Lily to your Healing Gauge for every 20 seconds you are engaged in combat, up to a maximum of 3.
Stone Mastery II.png  Stone Mastery II White Mage frame icon.png WHM 1Quest: The Girl with the Dragon Tissue 54 Upgrades Stone II to Stone III.
Stone Mastery III.png  Stone Mastery III White Mage frame icon.png WHM 64 Upgrades Stone III to Stone IV.
Aero Mastery II.png  Aero Mastery II White Mage frame icon.png WHM 72 Upgrades Aero II to Dia.
Stone Mastery IV.png  Stone Mastery IV White Mage frame icon.png WHM 72 Upgrades Stone IV to Glare.
Transcendent Afflatus.png  Transcendent Afflatus White Mage frame icon.png WHM 74 Adds Blood Lilly to the Healing Gauge that blooms after three uses of Afflatus Solace or Afflatus Rapture.
Enhanced Asylum.png  Enhanced Asylum White Mage frame icon.png WHM 78 Adds an additional effect to Asylum that increases HP recovery via healing actions by 10%.
Glare Mastery.png  Glare Mastery White Mage frame icon.png WHM 82 Upgrades Glare to Glare III.
Holy Mastery.png  Holy Mastery White Mage frame icon.png WHM 82 Upgrades Holy to Holy III.
Enhanced Healing Magic.png  Enhanced Healing Magic White Mage frame icon.png WHM 85 Increases the healing potency of Cure to 500, Medica to 400, Cure II to 800, Regen to 250, Cure III to 600, Medica II to 250, Medica II's Regen effect to 150, Afflatus Solace to 800, and Afflatus Rapture to 400.
Enhanced Divine Benison.png  Enhanced Divine Benison White Mage frame icon.png WHM 88 Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Divine Benison.
Maximum Charges: 2
Enhanced Presence of Mind.png  Enhanced Presence of Mind White Mage frame icon.png WHM 92 Presence of Mind grants 3 stacks of Sacred Sight upon execution.
Duration: 30s
Enhanced Swiftcast.png  Enhanced Swiftcast Healer role.png Healer
Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
94 Reduces Swiftcast recast time to 40 seconds.
White Magic Mastery.png  White Magic Mastery White Mage frame icon.png WHM 94 Increases the potency of Dia and its damage over time to 75, Afflatus Misery to 1,320, and Glare III to 330.
Medica Mastery.png  Medica Mastery White Mage frame icon.png WHM 96 Upgrades Medica II to Medica III.
Enhanced Tetragrammaton.png  Enhanced Tetragrammaton White Mage frame icon.png WHM 98 Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Tetragrammaton.
Maximum Charges: 2
Enhanced Temperance.png  Enhanced Temperance White Mage frame icon.png WHM 100 Temperance grants Divine Grace upon execution.
Duration: 30s

Job mechanics

Official Lodestone Job Guide (Always up-to-date)

Healing Gauge is White Mage's Job Gauge.

Healing Gauge

Upon learning the trait Secret of the Lily.png  Secret of the Lily, a healing gauge will be displayed, indicating the number of Lilies you have stored. Lilies are accumulated one every 20 seconds while engaged in combat. They may be consumed to execute the actions Afflatus Solace.png  Afflatus Solace and Afflatus Rapture.png  Afflatus Rapture.

Healing gauge pve1.png

Upon learning the trait Transcendent Afflatus.png  Transcendent Afflatus, consumption of Lilies will nourish the Blood Lily. The Blood Lily will bloom after consuming three Lilies, allowing the execution of Afflatus Misery.png  Afflatus Misery.

Healing gauge pve2.png

Simple Mode

Healing gauge pve simple mode1.png Lilies

Healing gauge pve simple mode2.png Blood Lily


This job is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
I got the magic stick iv icon1.png  I Got the Magic Stick IV 5 Achieve conjurer level 40. - 2.0
I got the magic stick v icon1.png  I Got the Magic Stick V 5 Achieve conjurer level 50. - 2.0
I got the magic stick vi icon1.png  I Got the Magic Stick VI 5 Achieve conjurer level 60. - 3.0
I got the magic stick vii icon1.png  I Got the Magic Stick VII 5 Achieve conjurer level 70. - 4.0
I got the magic stick viii icon1.png  I Got the Magic Stick VIII 5 Achieve conjurer level 80. - 5.0
I got the magic stick ix icon1.png  I Got the Magic Stick IX 5 Achieve conjurer level 90. - 6.0
I got the magic stick x icon1.png  I Got the Magic Stick X 5 Achieve conjurer level 100. - 7.0



White magic, the arcane art of succor , was conceived eras past that the world might know comfort. Alas, man began perverting its powers for self - gain, and by his wickedness brought about the Sixth Umbral catastrophe. Although the art was subsequently forbidden, it is now in the midst of a revival at the hands of the Padjal, chosen of the elementals.


The mages of Amdapor devised this arcane art during the Fifth Astral Era to counter the destructive black magic of Mhachi sorcerers. Focusing heavily upon spells of restoration and purification, the practice of white magic led to great advances in Amdapori society. Intoxicated by their newfound power, however, the magi surrendered prudence to ambition. They created ever more potent magicks to wield in their conflict with Mhach—the infamous War of the Magi—until the clash of eldritch energies upset the very balance of nature. The warped aether manifested as great floods, and the realm was drowned by what is now known as the Sixth Umbral Calamity.

Both cities were lost, and the magicks that brought about the catastrophe thenceforth adjudged dangerous and forbidden. The ruins of Amdapor were swallowed by the forest—the fallen city and its secrets concealed by the elementals of the Twelveswood and it would be another thousand years before the art of white magic once more saw the light of day.

Some five centuries past, the elementals relented, and did at last allow the legacy of the Amdapori magi to be wielded by a chosen few. The Padjal, revered leaders of Gridania, have since served as the stewards of white magic and oversee its careful instruction.


Healer's Attire

A raiment reserved for the rite of Quieting. Bestowed by the holy hands of Raya-O-Senna herself, this garb has been imbued with the blessings of A-Towa-Cant by means of a stately pilgrimage to three of his resting places.


The great staff of House Can't, passed down through the family line for generations. Carved from a log of petrified wood, this mighty relic accompanied A-Towa-Cant on his final journey and was long thought lost along with its wielder.

Orison Attire

Purchased from an antique store in Ul'dah, it is claimed that this healer’s ensemble was recovered from a stone coffin of indeterminate origin. An evaluation by a respected collector, however, later identified the attire as the same as that worn by high-ranking magi of the ancient Amdapori civilization. Estimated to be more than fifteen hundred years old, the material exhibits no sign of degradation, its pristine state attributed to the magically sealed sarcophagus within which it was stored. The cloth is extraordinarily light and smooth, but the method by which it was created is a mystery that confounds even the most accomplished weavers.

Seraph Cane

Unearthed in the ruins of Amdapor, the head of this mage’s staff is adorned with the carving of a delicate winged figure. Historians of the Fifth Astral Era identify the carving as the depiction of a heavenly guardian of mortals, a motif ubiquitous amongst the statuary of the fallen city. Combined with this exquisite attention to detail, the cane’s exceptional properties as an aetheric conduit suggest that it served as an arcane tool for a white mage of the highest standing.

Tricks of the Trade

  • Pulse of Life: Drawing upon the aetherial reserves of every ally present, this potent incantation blossoms outwards from the white mage in a scintillating cloud of healing energies. The spell channels pure life force from the caster, reviving and restoring even those who have succumbed to fatal injury.
  • Benediction: The beneficiary of this spell is instantaneously cured of all wounds. Rather than exhaust the caster’s own mana, Benediction gathers ambient aether and releases it in a single, concentrated burst of healing.
  • Holy: This incandescent blast of purifying energies was devised by the white mages of Amdapor to combat the voidsent servants of Mhachi sorcerers. The battlefields of the War of the Magi were often illuminated by the spell's distinctive explosions.
  • Asylum: Drawing upon ambient aether, this spell weaves a shimmering dome of restorative power within which even the most grievous of injuries will knit and heal. It is said that A-Towa-Cant developed the technique during his pilgrimage to provide swift succor to large groups of wounded.


  • Race (Clan): Hyur (Midlander)/Padjal
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 198 (Deceased)
  • Epithet: The Wandering Padjal

A-Towa-Cant’s Padjali nature manifested soon after birth, and his proud Gridanian family willingly entrusted his upbringing to the conjurers of Stillglade Fane. A-Towa grew to become an accomplished Hearer but soon grew dissatisfied with the role—he realized that to truly protect the Twelveswood he must also cleanse the source of impurities found beyond the confines of the forest. Accompanied by his devout companions, A-Towa traveled far and wide, employing his mastery of white magic to purge corrupted aether, heal the sick, and salve the suffering. Ever consumed by wanderlust, the restless Padjal never returned to Gridania and eventually met his end in the distant lands of La Noscea.

Eschiva Keyes

  • Race (Clan): Hyur (Midlander)
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 23
  • Epithet: Eschiva the Aetherial

Exhibiting heightened magical potential from a young age, Eschiva was encouraged to walk the path of conjury by friends and relatives. She quickly tired of her Padjal instructors’ stifling conservatism, however, and abandoned her arcane studies to become a lancer. Following in her beloved grandsire’s footsteps, Eschiva took to spears far more readily than spells and soon forged herself into one of the guild’s finest combatants. Eschiva’s grandfather had been a follower of A-Towa-Cant, and even after the Padjal’s passing, he continued to serve as a sentinel at one of the great mage’s places of rest. Once old age claimed her grandsire, Eschiva volunteered to shoulder his solemn duty.

The Elementals

The ephemeral guardian spirits of the Twelveswood. With bodies comprised entirely of aether, these entities are nevertheless possessed of intelligence and intent that can be sensed by those blessed with preternatural awareness. The elementals perceive the aether-draining nature of white magic as a direct threat to their existence, and for centuries did they seek to prevent its secrets from reentering the world.

The Padjal

The youthful and long-lived Padjal are not a race unto themselves, but rather are born rarely into certain Hyur families in the Twelveswood, the process of aging slowing to a crawl as they approach puberty. Naturally attuned to the whispers of the forest, these horned, childlike beings serve as a living link between man and elemental. The Padjal have a long history as the region’s healers and protectors, and as the chosen of the elementals are sanctioned in the use of white magic [1]

White Mage's Panoply

Seventh Heaven Circlet

While Amdapori white mages most often wore full hoods, metal hair ornaments and circlets like this one were also prevalent.

Seventh Heaven Top

Though this style retains the length of a traditional robe, such heavy use of mythril ornamentation is quite rare for white mage attire. Also unusual is the marked distinction between male and female versions.

Seventh Heaven Thighboots

These sturdy and formfitting boots were made for the battlefield, enabling the white mage to rush unencumbered to wherever she is needed most.

Form & Function

The tradition of wearing pure white robes accented with red originated with the white mages of Amdapor, making it nearly as old as white magic itself. Even then, white was a symbol of purity, whereas red, reminiscent of blood, was associated with the vitality of life. Together, the two colors were meant to represent a white mage’s duty: to cleanse and heal. The Amdapori took this seriously—only those who had endured intense training, been recognized by the Council of Magi for their ability, and been officially granted a soul crystal were permitted to wear the white and red.

Those who venture to the Twelveswood today will find that several of the Padjal wear the white mages colors, having adopted them after the elementals brought the long-lost secrets of white magic to light once more. In fact, wandering Padjal A-Towa-Cant and Seedseer A-Ruhn-Senna, both healers of great repute, are widely known for their affinity for Amdapori mage garb. [2]

See also

External links


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 230-231
  2. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume II, page 237