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Hands/Level 51 - 60

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Archaeoskin Gloves of Crafting Archaeoskin gloves of crafting icon1.png 51 65 Any class Hands 38 HQ icon.png42 75 HQ icon.png83 2 (5) Control +38 HQ icon.png43
Archaeoskin Gloves of Gathering Archaeoskin gloves of gathering icon1.png 51 65 Any class Hands 38 HQ icon.png42 75 HQ icon.png83 2 (5) Gathering +50 HQ icon.png57
Ishgardian Banneret's Gauntlets Ishgardian bannerets gauntlets icon1.png 51 120 LNC DRG RPR Hands 97 76 0 Strength +29 Vitality +30 Direct Hit Rate +20 Skill Speed +29 
Ishgardian Bowman's Armguards Ishgardian bowmans armguards icon1.png 51 120 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 76 76 0 Dexterity +29 Vitality +30 Critical Hit +29 Direct Hit Rate +20 
Ishgardian Chaplain's Gloves Ishgardian chaplains gloves icon1.png 51 120 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 55 97 0 Mind +29 Vitality +27 Spell Speed +20 Piety +29 
Ishgardian Historian's Gloves Ishgardian historians gloves icon1.png 51 120 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 55 97 0 Intelligence +29 Vitality +27 Critical Hit +20 Spell Speed +29 
Ishgardian Knight's Gauntlets Ishgardian knights gauntlets icon1.png 51 120 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 138 138 0 Strength +29 Vitality +30 Determination +20 Direct Hit Rate +29 
Ishgardian Monastic's Armguards Ishgardian monastics armguards icon1.png 51 120 PGL MNK SAM Hands 76 76 0 Strength +29 Vitality +30 Critical Hit +20 Direct Hit Rate +29 
Ishgardian Outrider's Armguards Ishgardian outriders armguards icon1.png 51 120 ROG NIN VPR Hands 76 76 0 Dexterity +29 Vitality +30 Critical Hit +20 Direct Hit Rate +29 
Wyvernskin Cuffs of Aiming Wyvernskin cuffs of aiming icon1.png 52 125 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 68 HQ icon.png76 68 HQ icon.png76 2 (5) Dexterity +28 HQ icon.png31Vitality +30 HQ icon.png33Direct Hit Rate +27 HQ icon.png30Skill Speed +19 HQ icon.png21
Wyvernskin Cuffs of Scouting Wyvernskin cuffs of scouting icon1.png 52 125 ROG NIN VPR Hands 68 HQ icon.png76 68 HQ icon.png76 2 (5) Dexterity +28 HQ icon.png31Vitality +30 HQ icon.png33Determination +27 HQ icon.png30Direct Hit Rate +19 HQ icon.png21
Wyvernskin Gloves of Casting Wyvernskin gloves of casting icon1.png 52 125 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 50 HQ icon.png56 87 HQ icon.png97 2 (5) Intelligence +28 HQ icon.png31Vitality +27 HQ icon.png30Critical Hit +19 HQ icon.png21Determination +27 HQ icon.png30
Wyvernskin Gloves of Fending Wyvernskin gloves of fending icon1.png 52 125 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 125 HQ icon.png139 125 HQ icon.png139 2 (5) Strength +28 HQ icon.png31Vitality +30 HQ icon.png33Direct Hit Rate +27 HQ icon.png30Tenacity +19 HQ icon.png21
Wyvernskin Gloves of Healing Wyvernskin gloves of healing icon1.png 52 125 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 50 HQ icon.png56 87 HQ icon.png97 2 (5) Mind +28 HQ icon.png31Vitality +27 HQ icon.png30Determination +19 HQ icon.png21Piety +27 HQ icon.png30
Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming Wyvernskin gloves of maiming icon1.png 52 125 LNC DRG RPR Hands 87 HQ icon.png97 68 HQ icon.png76 2 (5) Strength +28 HQ icon.png31Vitality +30 HQ icon.png33Critical Hit +19 HQ icon.png21Determination +27 HQ icon.png30
Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking Wyvernskin gloves of striking icon1.png 52 125 PGL MNK SAM Hands 68 HQ icon.png76 68 HQ icon.png76 2 (5) Strength +28 HQ icon.png31Vitality +30 HQ icon.png33Determination +19 HQ icon.png21Skill Speed +27 HQ icon.png30
Holy Rainbow Gloves Holy rainbow gloves icon1.png 53 80 Any class Hands 39 HQ icon.png43 77 HQ icon.png86 2 (5) Control +46 HQ icon.png52
Holy Rainbow Work Gloves Holy rainbow work gloves icon1.png 53 80 Any class Hands 39 HQ icon.png43 77 HQ icon.png86 2 (5) Gathering +62 HQ icon.png71
Woad Skychaser's Armguards Woad skychasers armguards icon1.png 53 130 ROG NIN VPR Hands 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Direct Hit Rate +31 Skill Speed +22 
Woad Skydruid's Armlets Woad skydruids armlets icon1.png 53 130 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 56 98 0 Mind +33 Vitality +32 Critical Hit +22 Piety +31 
Woad Skyhunter's Armlets Woad skyhunters armlets icon1.png 53 130 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Determination +22 Skill Speed +31 
Woad Skylancer's Armlets Woad skylancers armlets icon1.png 53 130 LNC DRG RPR Hands 98 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +22 Determination +31 
Woad Skyraider's Armguards Woad skyraiders armguards icon1.png 53 130 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 140 140 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +31 Tenacity +22 
Woad Skywarrior's Armguards Woad skywarriors armguards icon1.png 53 130 PGL MNK SAM Hands 77 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Direct Hit Rate +31 Skill Speed +22 
Woad Skywicce's Armguards Woad skywicces armguards icon1.png 53 130 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 56 98 0 Intelligence +33 Vitality +32 Determination +31 Spell Speed +22 
Dhalmelskin Armguards of Aiming Dhalmelskin armguards of aiming icon1.png 54 133 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 77 HQ icon.png85 77 HQ icon.png85 2 (5) Dexterity +30 HQ icon.png33Vitality +31 HQ icon.png35Critical Hit +28 HQ icon.png31Direct Hit Rate +20 HQ icon.png22
Dhalmelskin Armguards of Scouting Dhalmelskin armguards of scouting icon1.png 54 133 ROG NIN VPR Hands 77 HQ icon.png85 77 HQ icon.png85 2 (5) Dexterity +30 HQ icon.png33Vitality +31 HQ icon.png35Critical Hit +28 HQ icon.png31Determination +20 HQ icon.png22
Dhalmelskin Armguards of Striking Dhalmelskin armguards of striking icon1.png 54 133 PGL MNK SAM Hands 77 HQ icon.png85 77 HQ icon.png85 2 (5) Strength +30 HQ icon.png33Vitality +31 HQ icon.png35Critical Hit +28 HQ icon.png31Determination +20 HQ icon.png22
Ramie Halfgloves of Casting Ramie halfgloves of casting icon1.png 54 133 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 56 HQ icon.png62 97 HQ icon.png108 2 (5) Intelligence +30 HQ icon.png33Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Critical Hit +28 HQ icon.png31Direct Hit Rate +20 HQ icon.png22
Ramie Halfgloves of Healing Ramie halfgloves of healing icon1.png 54 133 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 56 HQ icon.png62 97 HQ icon.png108 2 (5) Mind +30 HQ icon.png33Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Spell Speed +28 HQ icon.png31Piety +20 HQ icon.png22
Titanium Gauntlets of Fending Titanium gauntlets of fending icon1.png 54 133 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 139 HQ icon.png154 139 HQ icon.png154 2 (5) Strength +30 HQ icon.png33Vitality +31 HQ icon.png35Direct Hit Rate +28 HQ icon.png31Skill Speed +20 HQ icon.png22
Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming Titanium mitt gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 54 133 LNC DRG RPR Hands 97 HQ icon.png108 77 HQ icon.png85 2 (5) Strength +30 HQ icon.png33Vitality +31 HQ icon.png35Determination +20 HQ icon.png22Skill Speed +28 HQ icon.png31
Dhalmelskin Gloves Dhalmelskin gloves icon1.png 55 100 Any class Hands 40 HQ icon.png44 80 HQ icon.png88 2 (5) Gathering +69 HQ icon.png78
Dhalmelskin Halfgloves of Crafting Dhalmelskin halfgloves of crafting icon1.png 55 100 Any class Hands 40 HQ icon.png44 80 HQ icon.png88 2 (5) Control +54 HQ icon.png61
Orthodox Armguards of Casting Orthodox armguards of casting icon1.png 55 136 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 68 118 0 Intelligence +34 Vitality +32 Critical Hit +23 Determination +33 
Orthodox Armguards of Healing Orthodox armguards of healing icon1.png 55 136 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 68 118 0 Mind +34 Vitality +32 Critical Hit +23 Spell Speed +33 
Orthodox Gauntlets of Fending Orthodox gauntlets of fending icon1.png 55 136 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 169 169 0 Strength +34 Vitality +36 Critical Hit +23 Skill Speed +33 
Orthodox Gauntlets of Maiming Orthodox gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 55 136 LNC DRG RPR Hands 118 93 0 Strength +34 Vitality +36 Critical Hit +23 Direct Hit Rate +33 
Orthodox Wristgloves of Aiming Orthodox wristgloves of aiming icon1.png 55 136 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 93 93 0 Dexterity +34 Vitality +36 Determination +33 Skill Speed +23 
Orthodox Wristgloves of Scouting Orthodox wristgloves of scouting icon1.png 55 136 ROG NIN VPR Hands 93 93 0 Dexterity +34 Vitality +36 Direct Hit Rate +33 Skill Speed +23 
Orthodox Wristgloves of Striking Orthodox wristgloves of striking icon1.png 55 136 PGL MNK SAM Hands 93 93 0 Strength +34 Vitality +36 Direct Hit Rate +23 Skill Speed +33 
Dragonskin Gloves of Aiming Dragonskin gloves of aiming icon1.png 56 139 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 91 HQ icon.png101 91 HQ icon.png101 2 (5) Dexterity +31 HQ icon.png34Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Direct Hit Rate +22 HQ icon.png25Skill Speed +31 HQ icon.png35
Dragonskin Gloves of Casting Dragonskin gloves of casting icon1.png 56 139 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 66 HQ icon.png73 115 HQ icon.png128 2 (5) Intelligence +31 HQ icon.png34Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png35Spell Speed +22 HQ icon.png25
Dragonskin Gloves of Healing Dragonskin gloves of healing icon1.png 56 139 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 66 HQ icon.png73 115 HQ icon.png128 2 (5) Mind +31 HQ icon.png34Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Spell Speed +22 HQ icon.png25Piety +31 HQ icon.png35
Titanium Vambraces of Fending Titanium vambraces of fending icon1.png 56 139 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 165 HQ icon.png183 165 HQ icon.png183 2 (5) Strength +31 HQ icon.png34Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Direct Hit Rate +22 HQ icon.png25Tenacity +31 HQ icon.png35
Titanium Vambraces of Maiming Titanium vambraces of maiming icon1.png 56 139 LNC DRG RPR Hands 115 HQ icon.png128 91 HQ icon.png101 2 (5) Strength +31 HQ icon.png34Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +31 HQ icon.png35Skill Speed +22 HQ icon.png25
Titanium Vambraces of Scouting Titanium vambraces of scouting icon1.png 56 139 ROG NIN VPR Hands 91 HQ icon.png101 91 HQ icon.png101 2 (5) Dexterity +31 HQ icon.png34Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +22 HQ icon.png25Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png35
Titanium Vambraces of Striking Titanium vambraces of striking icon1.png 56 139 PGL MNK SAM Hands 91 HQ icon.png101 91 HQ icon.png101 2 (5) Strength +31 HQ icon.png34Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +22 HQ icon.png25Determination +31 HQ icon.png35
Halonic Auditor's Gloves Halonic auditors gloves icon1.png 57 142 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 108 108 0 Dexterity +35 Vitality +36 Determination +27 Direct Hit Rate +38 
Halonic Exorcist's Gloves Halonic exorcists gloves icon1.png 57 142 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 79 138 0 Intelligence +35 Vitality +32 Determination +27 Spell Speed +38 
Halonic Friar's Gloves Halonic friars gloves icon1.png 57 142 PGL MNK SAM Hands 108 108 0 Strength +35 Vitality +36 Direct Hit Rate +27 Skill Speed +38 
Halonic Inquisitor's Gauntlets Halonic inquisitors gauntlets icon1.png 57 142 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 197 197 0 Strength +35 Vitality +36 Determination +38 Tenacity +27 
Halonic Ostiary's Gauntlets Halonic ostiarys gauntlets icon1.png 57 142 LNC DRG RPR Hands 138 108 0 Strength +35 Vitality +36 Determination +38 Skill Speed +27 
Halonic Priest's Gloves Halonic priests gloves icon1.png 57 142 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 79 138 0 Mind +35 Vitality +32 Critical Hit +27 Determination +38 
Halonic Vicar's Gloves Halonic vicars gloves icon1.png 57 142 ROG NIN VPR Hands 108 108 0 Dexterity +35 Vitality +36 Determination +38 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Adept's Gloves Adepts gloves icon1.png 58 130 Any class Hands 46 92 0 Control +69 
Trailblazer's Wristguards Trailblazers wristguards icon1.png 58 130 Any class Hands 46 92 0 Gathering +82 
Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending Adamantite gauntlets of fending icon1.png 58 145 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 190 HQ icon.png211 190 HQ icon.png211 2 (5) Strength +31 HQ icon.png35Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +26 HQ icon.png29Tenacity +37 HQ icon.png41
Adamantite Gauntlets of Maiming Adamantite gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 58 145 LNC DRG RPR Hands 133 HQ icon.png148 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Strength +31 HQ icon.png35Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Determination +26 HQ icon.png29Direct Hit Rate +37 HQ icon.png41
Chimerical Felt Gloves of Healing Chimerical felt gloves of healing icon1.png 58 145 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 76 HQ icon.png84 133 HQ icon.png148 2 (5) Mind +31 HQ icon.png35Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Spell Speed +26 HQ icon.png29Piety +37 HQ icon.png41
Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming Serpentskin armguards of aiming icon1.png 58 145 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 104 HQ icon.png116 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Dexterity +31 HQ icon.png35Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +37 HQ icon.png41Skill Speed +26 HQ icon.png29
Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting Serpentskin armguards of scouting icon1.png 58 145 ROG NIN VPR Hands 104 HQ icon.png116 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Dexterity +31 HQ icon.png35Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +37 HQ icon.png41Determination +26 HQ icon.png29
Serpentskin Armguards of Striking Serpentskin armguards of striking icon1.png 58 145 PGL MNK SAM Hands 104 HQ icon.png116 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Strength +31 HQ icon.png35Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Determination +26 HQ icon.png29Direct Hit Rate +37 HQ icon.png41
Serpentskin Dress Gloves of Casting Serpentskin dress gloves of casting icon1.png 58 145 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 76 HQ icon.png84 133 HQ icon.png148 2 (5) Intelligence +31 HQ icon.png35Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Determination +26 HQ icon.png29Direct Hit Rate +37 HQ icon.png41
Sharlayan Conservator's Gloves Sharlayan conservators gloves icon1.png 59 148 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 124 124 0 Dexterity +36 Vitality +36 Determination +30 Direct Hit Rate +43 
Sharlayan Custodian's Gloves Sharlayan custodians gloves icon1.png 59 148 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 225 225 0 Strength +36 Vitality +36 Determination +30 Direct Hit Rate +43 
Sharlayan Emissary's Gloves Sharlayan emissarys gloves icon1.png 59 148 ROG NIN VPR Hands 124 124 0 Dexterity +36 Vitality +36 Determination +30 Direct Hit Rate +43 
Sharlayan Pankratiast's Gloves Sharlayan pankratiasts gloves icon1.png 59 148 PGL MNK SAM Hands 124 124 0 Strength +36 Vitality +36 Critical Hit +30 Direct Hit Rate +43 
Sharlayan Pathmaker's Gloves Sharlayan pathmakers gloves icon1.png 59 148 LNC DRG RPR Hands 158 124 0 Strength +36 Vitality +36 Direct Hit Rate +30 Skill Speed +43 
Sharlayan Philosopher's Gloves Sharlayan philosophers gloves icon1.png 59 148 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 90 158 0 Intelligence +36 Vitality +32 Critical Hit +43 Direct Hit Rate +30 
Sharlayan Preceptor's Gloves Sharlayan preceptors gloves icon1.png 59 148 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 90 158 0 Mind +36 Vitality +32 Spell Speed +43 Piety +30 
Heavy Adamantite Gauntlets of Fending Heavy adamantite gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 150 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 190 HQ icon.png211 190 HQ icon.png211 2 (5) Strength +32 HQ icon.png36Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Skill Speed +29 HQ icon.png32Tenacity +40 HQ icon.png45
Serpentskin Armguards of Maiming Serpentskin armguards of maiming icon1.png 60 150 LNC DRG RPR Hands 133 HQ icon.png148 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Strength +32 HQ icon.png36Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +40 HQ icon.png45Direct Hit Rate +29 HQ icon.png32
Serpentskin Bracers of Aiming Serpentskin bracers of aiming icon1.png 60 150 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 104 HQ icon.png116 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Dexterity +32 HQ icon.png36Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +29 HQ icon.png32Determination +40 HQ icon.png45
Serpentskin Bracers of Scouting Serpentskin bracers of scouting icon1.png 60 150 ROG NIN VPR Hands 104 HQ icon.png116 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Dexterity +32 HQ icon.png36Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Determination +29 HQ icon.png32Skill Speed +40 HQ icon.png45
Serpentskin Bracers of Striking Serpentskin bracers of striking icon1.png 60 150 PGL MNK SAM Hands 104 HQ icon.png116 104 HQ icon.png116 2 (5) Strength +32 HQ icon.png36Vitality +32 HQ icon.png36Critical Hit +40 HQ icon.png45Skill Speed +29 HQ icon.png32
Serpentskin Gloves Serpentskin gloves icon1.png 60 150 Any class Hands 67 HQ icon.png74 134 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Vitality +12 HQ icon.png14Gathering +90 HQ icon.png102
Serpentskin Gloves of Casting Serpentskin gloves of casting icon1.png 60 150 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 76 HQ icon.png84 133 HQ icon.png148 2 (5) Intelligence +32 HQ icon.png36Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Critical Hit +29 HQ icon.png32Spell Speed +40 HQ icon.png45
Serpentskin Gloves of Healing Serpentskin gloves of healing icon1.png 60 150 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 76 HQ icon.png84 133 HQ icon.png148 2 (5) Mind +32 HQ icon.png36Vitality +29 HQ icon.png32Determination +29 HQ icon.png32Piety +40 HQ icon.png45
Serpentskin Halfgloves of Crafting Serpentskin halfgloves of crafting icon1.png 60 150 Any class Hands 67 HQ icon.png74 134 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +66 HQ icon.png75
Tekko #55 Tekko 55 icon1.png 60 150 Any class Hands 84 148 0
Field Commander's Gloves Field commanders gloves icon1.png 60 160 Any class Hands 87 153 0 Strength +34 Dexterity +34 Intelligence +34 Mind +34 Vitality +34 
Mistfall Gauntlets of Fending Mistfall gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 160 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 218 218 0 Strength +38 Vitality +38 
Mistfall Gauntlets of Maiming Mistfall gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 160 LNC DRG RPR Hands 153 120 0 Strength +38 Vitality +38 
Mistfall Gloves of Aiming Mistfall gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 160 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 120 120 0 Dexterity +38 Vitality +38 
Mistfall Gloves of Striking Mistfall gloves of striking icon1.png 60 160 PGL MNK SAM Hands 120 120 0 Strength +38 Vitality +38 
Mistfall Halfgloves of Casting Mistfall halfgloves of casting icon1.png 60 160 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 87 153 0 Intelligence +38 Vitality +34 
Mistfall Halfgloves of Healing Mistfall halfgloves of healing icon1.png 60 160 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 87 153 0 Mind +38 Vitality +34 
Mistfall Halfgloves of Scouting Mistfall halfgloves of scouting icon1.png 60 160 ROG NIN VPR Hands 120 120 0 Dexterity +38 Vitality +38 
Valerian Dragoon's Gauntlets Valerian dragoons gauntlets icon1.png 60 160 LNC DRG RPR Hands 153 120 0 Strength +38 Vitality +38 Direct Hit Rate +46 Skill Speed +32 
Valerian Fusilier's Halfgloves Valerian fusiliers halfgloves icon1.png 60 160 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 120 120 0 Dexterity +38 Vitality +38 Direct Hit Rate +32 Skill Speed +46 
Valerian Rogue's Halfgloves Valerian rogues halfgloves icon1.png 60 160 ROG NIN VPR Hands 120 120 0 Dexterity +38 Vitality +38 Direct Hit Rate +46 Skill Speed +32 
Valerian Shaman's Dress Gloves Valerian shamans dress gloves icon1.png 60 160 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 87 153 0 Mind +38 Vitality +34 Determination +32 Spell Speed +46 
Valerian Smuggler's Halfgloves Valerian smugglers halfgloves icon1.png 60 160 PGL MNK SAM Hands 120 120 0 Strength +38 Vitality +38 Determination +46 Direct Hit Rate +32 
Valerian Terror Knight's Gauntlets Valerian terror knights gauntlets icon1.png 60 160 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 218 218 0 Strength +38 Vitality +38 Direct Hit Rate +46 Tenacity +32 
Valerian Wizard's Fingerless Halfgloves Valerian wizards fingerless halfgloves icon1.png 60 160 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 87 153 0 Intelligence +38 Vitality +34 Critical Hit +32 Direct Hit Rate +46 
Boltmaster's Gloves Boltmasters gloves icon1.png 60 170 WVR Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Carbonweave Gloves of Gathering Carbonweave gloves of gathering icon1.png 60 170 Disciple of the Land Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 Vitality +12 HQ icon.png14Gathering +90 HQ icon.png102GP +4 HQ icon.png4
Carbonweave Sleeves of Crafting Carbonweave sleeves of crafting icon1.png 60 170 Disciple of the Hand Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Cauldronmaster's Gloves Cauldronmasters gloves icon1.png 60 170 ALC Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Forgemaster's Gloves Forgemasters gloves icon1.png 60 170 BSM Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Galleymaster's Gloves Galleymasters gloves icon1.png 60 170 CUL Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Gemmaster's Chaplets Gemmasters chaplets icon1.png 60 170 GSM Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Hammermaster's Work Gloves Hammermasters work gloves icon1.png 60 170 ARM Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Hidemaster's Gloves Hidemasters gloves icon1.png 60 170 LTW Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Millmaster's Gloves Millmasters gloves icon1.png 60 170 CRP Hands 59 HQ icon.png74 119 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Control +73 HQ icon.png83CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Yasha Kote of Fending Yasha kote of fending icon1.png 60 170 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 225 225 0 Strength +40 Vitality +39 Direct Hit Rate +33 Tenacity +47 
Yasha Tekko of Casting Yasha tekko of casting icon1.png 60 170 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 90 158 0 Intelligence +40 Vitality +35 Determination +47 Spell Speed +33 
Yasha Tekko of Healing Yasha tekko of healing icon1.png 60 170 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 90 158 0 Mind +40 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +33 Piety +47 
Yasha Tekko of Maiming Yasha tekko of maiming icon1.png 60 170 LNC DRG RPR Hands 158 124 0 Strength +40 Vitality +39 Critical Hit +33 Skill Speed +47 
Yasha Tekko of Scouting Yasha tekko of scouting icon1.png 60 170 ROG NIN VPR Hands 124 124 0 Dexterity +40 Vitality +39 Critical Hit +33 Direct Hit Rate +47 
Yasha Tekko of Striking Yasha tekko of striking icon1.png 60 170 PGL MNK SAM Hands 124 124 0 Strength +40 Vitality +39 Determination +33 Direct Hit Rate +47 
Yasha Yugake of Aiming Yasha yugake of aiming icon1.png 60 170 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 124 124 0 Dexterity +40 Vitality +39 Critical Hit +47 Skill Speed +33 
Adamantite Vambraces of Fending Adamantite vambraces of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 209 HQ icon.png232 209 HQ icon.png232 2 (5) Strength +38 HQ icon.png42Vitality +37 HQ icon.png41Critical Hit +43 HQ icon.png48Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png34
Adamantite Vambraces of Maiming Adamantite vambraces of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC DRG RPR Hands 146 HQ icon.png162 115 HQ icon.png128 2 (5) Strength +38 HQ icon.png42Vitality +37 HQ icon.png41Determination +43 HQ icon.png48Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png34
Armguards of the Last Unicorn Armguards of the last unicorn icon1.png 60 180 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 128 128 2 (5) Dexterity +42 Vitality +41 Determination +48 Skill Speed +34 
Astral Silk Dress Gloves of Casting Astral silk dress gloves of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 84 HQ icon.png93 146 HQ icon.png162 2 (5) Intelligence +38 HQ icon.png42Vitality +33 HQ icon.png37Determination +31 HQ icon.png34Direct Hit Rate +43 HQ icon.png48
Astral Silk Gloves of Healing Astral silk gloves of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 84 HQ icon.png93 146 HQ icon.png162 2 (5) Mind +38 HQ icon.png42Vitality +33 HQ icon.png37Spell Speed +43 HQ icon.png48Piety +31 HQ icon.png34
Asuran Kote of Fending Asuran kote of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 232 232 0 Strength +42 Vitality +41 Direct Hit Rate +34 Tenacity +48 
Asuran Tekko of Casting Asuran tekko of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 93 162 0 Intelligence +42 Vitality +37 Determination +48 Spell Speed +34 
Asuran Tekko of Healing Asuran tekko of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 93 162 0 Mind +42 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +34 Piety +48 
Asuran Tekko of Maiming Asuran tekko of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC DRG RPR Hands 162 128 0 Strength +42 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +34 Skill Speed +48 
Asuran Tekko of Scouting Asuran tekko of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG NIN VPR Hands 128 128 0 Dexterity +42 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +34 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Asuran Tekko of Striking Asuran tekko of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK SAM Hands 128 128 0 Strength +42 Vitality +41 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Asuran Yugake of Aiming Asuran yugake of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 128 128 0 Dexterity +42 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +48 Skill Speed +34 
Boltkeep's Gloves Boltkeeps gloves icon1.png 60 180 WVR Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Cauldronkeep's Gloves Cauldronkeeps gloves icon1.png 60 180 ALC Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Deepmist Armguards of Aiming Deepmist armguards of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 128 128 0 Dexterity +42 Vitality +41 
Deepmist Armguards of Scouting Deepmist armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG NIN VPR Hands 128 128 0 Dexterity +42 Vitality +41 
Deepmist Armguards of Striking Deepmist armguards of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK SAM Hands 128 128 0 Strength +42 Vitality +41 
Deepmist Gloves of Casting Deepmist gloves of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 93 162 0 Intelligence +42 Vitality +37 
Deepmist Gloves of Healing Deepmist gloves of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 93 162 0 Mind +42 Vitality +37 
Deepmist Vambraces of Fending Deepmist vambraces of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 232 232 0 Strength +42 Vitality +41 
Deepmist Vambraces of Maiming Deepmist vambraces of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC DRG RPR Hands 162 128 0 Strength +42 Vitality +41 
Fieldkeep's Corsage Fieldkeeps corsage icon1.png 60 180 BTN Hands 77 153 0 Vitality +14 Gathering +110 GP +4 
Forgekeep's Gloves Forgekeeps gloves icon1.png 60 180 BSM Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Galleykeep's Gloves Galleykeeps gloves icon1.png 60 180 CUL Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Gauntlets of the Behemoth King Gauntlets of the behemoth king icon1.png 60 180 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 232 232 2 (5) Strength +42 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +48 Skill Speed +34 
Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen Gauntlets of the behemoth queen icon1.png 60 180 LNC DRG RPR Hands 162 128 2 (5) Strength +42 Vitality +41 Determination +34 Skill Speed +48 
Gemkeep's Chaplets Gemkeeps chaplets icon1.png 60 180 GSM Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Gloves of the Black Griffin Gloves of the black griffin icon1.png 60 180 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 93 162 2 (5) Intelligence +42 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +34 Spell Speed +48 
Gloves of the Falling Dragon Gloves of the falling dragon icon1.png 60 180 ROG NIN VPR Hands 128 128 2 (5) Dexterity +42 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +34 Skill Speed +48 
Gloves of the Rising Dragon Gloves of the rising dragon icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK SAM Hands 128 128 2 (5) Strength +42 Vitality +41 Determination +48 Skill Speed +34 
Gloves of the White Griffin Gloves of the white griffin icon1.png 60 180 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 93 162 2 (5) Mind +42 Vitality +37 Determination +34 Piety +48 
Griffin Leather Bracers of Scouting Griffin leather bracers of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG NIN VPR Hands 115 HQ icon.png128 115 HQ icon.png128 2 (5) Dexterity +38 HQ icon.png42Vitality +37 HQ icon.png41Determination +43 HQ icon.png48Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png34
Griffin Leather Bracers of Striking Griffin leather bracers of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK SAM Hands 115 HQ icon.png128 115 HQ icon.png128 2 (5) Strength +38 HQ icon.png42Vitality +37 HQ icon.png41Critical Hit +31 HQ icon.png34Determination +43 HQ icon.png48
Griffin Leather Gloves of Aiming Griffin leather gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 115 HQ icon.png128 115 HQ icon.png128 2 (5) Dexterity +38 HQ icon.png42Vitality +37 HQ icon.png41Critical Hit +43 HQ icon.png48Determination +31 HQ icon.png34
Hammerkeep's Work Gloves Hammerkeeps work gloves icon1.png 60 180 ARM Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Hidekeep's Gloves Hidekeeps gloves icon1.png 60 180 LTW Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Millkeep's Gloves Millkeeps gloves icon1.png 60 180 CRP Hands 77 153 0 Control +90 CP +4 
Minekeep's Work Gloves Minekeeps work gloves icon1.png 60 180 MIN Hands 77 153 0 Vitality +14 Gathering +110 GP +4 
Tacklekeep's Gloves Tacklekeeps gloves icon1.png 60 180 FSH Hands 77 153 0 Vitality +14 Gathering +110 GP +4 
Gloves of the Daring Duelist Gloves of the daring duelist icon1.png 60 185 LNC DRG RPR Hands 165 129 0 Strength +43 Vitality +42 Critical Hit +48 Determination +34 
Gloves of the Defiant Duelist Gloves of the defiant duelist icon1.png 60 185 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 235 235 0 Strength +43 Vitality +42 Critical Hit +48 Skill Speed +34 
Gloves of the Ghost Thief Gloves of the ghost thief icon1.png 60 185 ROG NIN VPR Hands 129 129 0 Dexterity +43 Vitality +42 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Gloves of the Lost Thief Gloves of the lost thief icon1.png 60 185 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 129 129 0 Dexterity +43 Vitality +42 Determination +48 Direct Hit Rate +34 
Gloves of the Red Thief Gloves of the red thief icon1.png 60 185 PGL MNK SAM Hands 129 129 0 Strength +43 Vitality +42 Determination +48 Skill Speed +34 
Plague Bringer's Gloves Plague bringers gloves icon1.png 60 185 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 94 165 0 Intelligence +43 Vitality +38 Direct Hit Rate +48 Spell Speed +34 
Plague Doctor's Gloves Plague doctors gloves icon1.png 60 185 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 94 165 0 Mind +43 Vitality +38 Critical Hit +48 Piety +34 
Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending Sky pirates gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 185 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 211 HQ icon.png235 211 HQ icon.png235 0 Strength +39 HQ icon.png43Vitality +38 HQ icon.png42Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png34Tenacity +43 HQ icon.png48
Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming Sky pirates gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 185 LNC DRG RPR Hands 149 HQ icon.png165 116 HQ icon.png129 0 Strength +39 HQ icon.png43Vitality +38 HQ icon.png42Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png34Skill Speed +43 HQ icon.png48
Sky Pirate's Gloves of Aiming Sky pirates gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 185 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 116 HQ icon.png129 116 HQ icon.png129 0 Dexterity +39 HQ icon.png43Vitality +38 HQ icon.png42Direct Hit Rate +43 HQ icon.png48Skill Speed +31 HQ icon.png34
Sky Pirate's Gloves of Casting Sky pirates gloves of casting icon1.png 60 185 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 85 HQ icon.png94 149 HQ icon.png165 0 Intelligence +39 HQ icon.png43Vitality +34 HQ icon.png38Critical Hit +43 HQ icon.png48Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png34
Sky Pirate's Gloves of Healing Sky pirates gloves of healing icon1.png 60 185 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 85 HQ icon.png94 149 HQ icon.png165 0 Mind +39 HQ icon.png43Vitality +34 HQ icon.png38Spell Speed +31 HQ icon.png34Piety +43 HQ icon.png48
Sky Pirate's Gloves of Scouting Sky pirates gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 185 ROG NIN VPR Hands 116 HQ icon.png129 116 HQ icon.png129 0 Dexterity +39 HQ icon.png43Vitality +38 HQ icon.png42Critical Hit +31 HQ icon.png34Direct Hit Rate +43 HQ icon.png48
Sky Pirate's Gloves of Striking Sky pirates gloves of striking icon1.png 60 185 PGL MNK SAM Hands 116 HQ icon.png129 116 HQ icon.png129 0 Strength +39 HQ icon.png43Vitality +38 HQ icon.png42Critical Hit +31 HQ icon.png34Skill Speed +43 HQ icon.png48
Ironworks Gloves of Gathering Ironworks gloves of gathering icon1.png 60 190 Disciple of the Land Hands 63 HQ icon.png78 125 HQ icon.png156 2 (5) Vitality +13 HQ icon.png15Gathering +104 HQ icon.png117GP +4 HQ icon.png5
Ironworks Sleeves of Crafting Ironworks sleeves of crafting icon1.png 60 190 Disciple of the Hand Hands 63 HQ icon.png78 125 HQ icon.png156 2 (5) Control +84 HQ icon.png95CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Ornate Ironworks Gloves of Gathering Ornate ironworks gloves of gathering icon1.png 60 190 Disciple of the Land Hands 70 HQ icon.png78 141 HQ icon.png156 5 Vitality +13 HQ icon.png15Gathering +104 HQ icon.png117GP +4 HQ icon.png5
Ornate Ironworks Sleeves of Crafting Ornate ironworks sleeves of crafting icon1.png 60 190 Disciple of the Hand Hands 70 HQ icon.png78 141 HQ icon.png156 5 Control +84 HQ icon.png95CP +3 HQ icon.png4
Prototype Gordian Armguards of Aiming Prototype gordian armguards of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 130 130 0 Dexterity +44 Vitality +43 Critical Hit +49 Direct Hit Rate +34 
Prototype Gordian Armguards of Scouting Prototype gordian armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG NIN VPR Hands 130 130 0 Dexterity +44 Vitality +43 Critical Hit +49 Determination +34 
Prototype Gordian Gauntlets of Fending Prototype gordian gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 237 237 0 Strength +44 Vitality +43 Direct Hit Rate +34 Tenacity +49 
Prototype Gordian Gauntlets of Maiming Prototype gordian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC DRG RPR Hands 166 130 0 Strength +44 Vitality +43 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +49 
Prototype Gordian Gauntlets of Striking Prototype gordian gauntlets of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL MNK SAM Hands 130 130 0 Strength +44 Vitality +43 Determination +49 Direct Hit Rate +34 
Prototype Gordian Gloves of Casting Prototype gordian gloves of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 95 166 0 Intelligence +44 Vitality +39 Direct Hit Rate +34 Spell Speed +49 
Prototype Gordian Gloves of Healing Prototype gordian gloves of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 95 166 0 Mind +44 Vitality +39 Determination +34 Spell Speed +49 
Dravanian Armguards of Casting Dravanian armguards of casting icon1.png 60 195 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 96 167 0 Intelligence +45 Vitality +40 Direct Hit Rate +34 Spell Speed +49 
Dravanian Armguards of Healing Dravanian armguards of healing icon1.png 60 195 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 96 167 0 Mind +45 Vitality +40 Spell Speed +34 Piety +49 
Dravanian Gauntlets of Fending Dravanian gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 195 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 239 239 0 Strength +45 Vitality +44 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +49 
Dravanian Gauntlets of Maiming Dravanian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 195 LNC DRG RPR Hands 167 131 0 Strength +45 Vitality +44 Direct Hit Rate +49 Skill Speed +34 
Dravanian Wristgloves of Aiming Dravanian wristgloves of aiming icon1.png 60 195 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 131 131 0 Dexterity +45 Vitality +44 Direct Hit Rate +49 Skill Speed +34 
Dravanian Wristgloves of Scouting Dravanian wristgloves of scouting icon1.png 60 195 ROG NIN VPR Hands 131 131 0 Dexterity +45 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +49 Determination +34 
Dravanian Wristgloves of Striking Dravanian wristgloves of striking icon1.png 60 195 PGL MNK SAM Hands 131 131 0 Strength +45 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +49 Direct Hit Rate +34 
Antiquated Aoidos' Shoulder Gloves Antiquated aoidos shoulder gloves icon1.png 60 200 BRD Hands 133 133 0 Dexterity +46 Vitality +45 Direct Hit Rate +35 Skill Speed +50 
Antiquated Caller's Armlets Antiquated callers armlets icon1.png 60 200 SMN Hands 97 169 0 Intelligence +46 Vitality +41 Determination +50 Spell Speed +35 
Antiquated Chaos Gauntlets Antiquated chaos gauntlets icon1.png 60 200 DRK Hands 242 242 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Determination +35 Direct Hit Rate +50 
Antiquated Creed Gauntlets Antiquated creed gauntlets icon1.png 60 200 PLD Hands 242 242 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +50 Skill Speed +35 
Antiquated Dragonlancer's Vambraces Antiquated dragonlancers vambraces icon1.png 60 200 DRG Hands 169 133 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Determination +50 Direct Hit Rate +35 
Antiquated Goetia Gloves Antiquated goetia gloves icon1.png 60 200 BLM Hands 97 169 0 Intelligence +46 Vitality +41 Determination +50 Direct Hit Rate +35 
Antiquated Iga Tekko Antiquated iga tekko icon1.png 60 200 NIN Hands 133 133 0 Dexterity +46 Vitality +45 Direct Hit Rate +35 Skill Speed +50 
Antiquated Machinist's Gloves Antiquated machinists gloves icon1.png 60 200 MCH Hands 133 133 0 Dexterity +46 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +35 Direct Hit Rate +50 
Antiquated Orison Fingerless Gloves Antiquated orison fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 200 WHM Hands 97 169 0 Mind +46 Vitality +41 Determination +35 Piety +50 
Antiquated Ravager's Chains Antiquated ravagers chains icon1.png 60 200 WAR Hands 242 242 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +35 Skill Speed +50 
Antiquated Savant's Aethercell Gloves Antiquated savants aethercell gloves icon1.png 60 200 SCH Hands 97 169 0 Mind +46 Vitality +41 Determination +35 Piety +50 
Antiquated Tantra Wristwraps Antiquated tantra wristwraps icon1.png 60 200 MNK Hands 133 133 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Direct Hit Rate +35 Skill Speed +50 
Antiquated Welkin Half Sleeves Antiquated welkin half sleeves icon1.png 60 200 AST Hands 97 169 0 Mind +46 Vitality +41 Spell Speed +35 Piety +50 
Augmented Boltkeep's Gloves Augmented boltkeeps gloves icon1.png 60 200 WVR Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Cauldronkeep's Gloves Augmented cauldronkeeps gloves icon1.png 60 200 ALC Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Fieldkeep's Corsage Augmented fieldkeeps corsage icon1.png 60 200 BTN Hands 80 159 0 Vitality +16 Gathering +132 GP +5 
Augmented Forgekeep's Gloves Augmented forgekeeps gloves icon1.png 60 200 BSM Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Galleykeep's Gloves Augmented galleykeeps gloves icon1.png 60 200 CUL Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Gemkeep's Chaplets Augmented gemkeeps chaplets icon1.png 60 200 GSM Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Hammerkeep's Work Gloves Augmented hammerkeeps work gloves icon1.png 60 200 ARM Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Hidekeep's Gloves Augmented hidekeeps gloves icon1.png 60 200 LTW Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Millkeep's Gloves Augmented millkeeps gloves icon1.png 60 200 CRP Hands 80 159 0 Control +101 CP +4 
Augmented Minekeep's Work Gloves Augmented minekeeps work gloves icon1.png 60 200 MIN Hands 80 159 0 Vitality +16 Gathering +132 GP +5 
Augmented Tacklekeep's Gloves Augmented tacklekeeps gloves icon1.png 60 200 FSH Hands 80 159 0 Vitality +16 Gathering +132 GP +5 
Void Ark Gauntlets of Fending Void ark gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 200 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 242 242 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +50 Direct Hit Rate +35 
Void Ark Gauntlets of Maiming Void ark gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 200 LNC DRG RPR Hands 169 133 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Determination +35 Skill Speed +50 
Void Ark Gloves of Aiming Void ark gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 200 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 133 133 0 Dexterity +46 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +50 Skill Speed +35 
Void Ark Gloves of Casting Void ark gloves of casting icon1.png 60 200 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 97 169 0 Intelligence +46 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +50 Determination +35 
Void Ark Gloves of Healing Void ark gloves of healing icon1.png 60 200 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 97 169 0 Mind +46 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +50 Piety +35 
Void Ark Gloves of Scouting Void ark gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 200 ROG NIN VPR Hands 133 133 0 Dexterity +46 Vitality +45 Determination +35 Direct Hit Rate +50 
Void Ark Halfgloves of Striking Void ark halfgloves of striking icon1.png 60 200 PGL MNK SAM Hands 133 133 0 Strength +46 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +35 Determination +50 
Althyk's Gauntlets of Scouting Althyks gauntlets of scouting icon1.png 60 205 ROG NIN VPR Hands 134 134 2 (5) Dexterity +47 Vitality +46 Critical Hit +50 Determination +35 
Althyk's Gauntlets of Striking Althyks gauntlets of striking icon1.png 60 205 PGL MNK SAM Hands 134 134 2 (5) Strength +47 Vitality +46 Critical Hit +35 Skill Speed +50 
Halone's Gauntlets of Fending Halones gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 205 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 244 244 2 (5) Strength +47 Vitality +46 Critical Hit +35 Determination +50 
Halone's Gauntlets of Maiming Halones gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 205 LNC DRG RPR Hands 171 134 2 (5) Strength +47 Vitality +46 Critical Hit +50 Skill Speed +35 
Oschon's Gauntlets of Aiming Oschons gauntlets of aiming icon1.png 60 205 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 134 134 2 (5) Dexterity +47 Vitality +46 Critical Hit +50 Determination +35 
Thaliak's Armlets of Casting Thaliaks armlets of casting icon1.png 60 205 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 98 171 2 (5) Intelligence +47 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +35 Determination +50 
Thaliak's Armlets of Healing Thaliaks armlets of healing icon1.png 60 205 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 98 171 2 (5) Mind +47 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +35 Spell Speed +50 
Aoidos' Shoulder Gloves Aoidos shoulder gloves icon1.png 60 210 BRD Hands 135 135 0 Dexterity +48 Vitality +47 Direct Hit Rate +36 Skill Speed +51 
Caller's Armlets Callers armlets icon1.png 60 210 SMN Hands 98 172 0 Intelligence +48 Vitality +42 Determination +51 Spell Speed +36 
Chaos Gauntlets Chaos gauntlets icon1.png 60 210 DRK Hands 246 246 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Determination +36 Direct Hit Rate +51 
Creed Gauntlets Creed gauntlets icon1.png 60 210 PLD Hands 246 246 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +51 Skill Speed +36 
Dragonlancer's Vambraces Dragonlancers vambraces icon1.png 60 210 DRG Hands 172 135 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Determination +51 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Goetia Gloves Goetia gloves icon1.png 60 210 BLM Hands 98 172 0 Intelligence +48 Vitality +42 Determination +51 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Gordian Armguards of Aiming Gordian armguards of aiming icon1.png 60 210 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 135 135 0 Dexterity +48 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +51 Skill Speed +36 
Gordian Armguards of Scouting Gordian armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 210 ROG NIN VPR Hands 135 135 0 Dexterity +48 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +36 Determination +51 
Gordian Gauntlets of Fending Gordian gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 210 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 246 246 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Direct Hit Rate +51 Tenacity +36 
Gordian Gauntlets of Maiming Gordian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 210 LNC DRG RPR Hands 172 135 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +51 Skill Speed +36 
Gordian Gauntlets of Striking Gordian gauntlets of striking icon1.png 60 210 PGL MNK SAM Hands 135 135 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +36 Determination +51 
Gordian Gloves of Casting Gordian gloves of casting icon1.png 60 210 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 98 172 0 Intelligence +48 Vitality +42 Critical Hit +51 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Gordian Gloves of Healing Gordian gloves of healing icon1.png 60 210 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 98 172 0 Mind +48 Vitality +42 Critical Hit +36 Piety +51 
Iga Tekko Iga tekko icon1.png 60 210 NIN Hands 135 135 0 Dexterity +48 Vitality +47 Direct Hit Rate +36 Skill Speed +51 
Machinist's Gloves Machinists gloves icon1.png 60 210 MCH Hands 135 135 0 Dexterity +48 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +36 Direct Hit Rate +51 
Mistbreak Armguards of Aiming Mistbreak armguards of aiming icon1.png 60 210 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 135 135 0 Dexterity +48 Vitality +47 
Mistbreak Armguards of Scouting Mistbreak armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 210 ROG NIN VPR Hands 135 135 0 Dexterity +48 Vitality +47 
Mistbreak Armguards of Striking Mistbreak armguards of striking icon1.png 60 210 PGL MNK SAM Hands 135 135 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 
Mistbreak Dress Gloves of Casting Mistbreak dress gloves of casting icon1.png 60 210 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 98 172 0 Intelligence +48 Vitality +42 
Mistbreak Gauntlets of Fending Mistbreak gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 210 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 246 246 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 
Mistbreak Gauntlets of Maiming Mistbreak gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 210 LNC DRG RPR Hands 172 135 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 
Mistbreak Gloves of Healing Mistbreak gloves of healing icon1.png 60 210 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 98 172 0 Mind +48 Vitality +42 
Orison Fingerless Gloves Orison fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 210 WHM Hands 98 172 0 Mind +48 Vitality +42 Determination +36 Piety +51 
Ravager's Chains Ravagers chains icon1.png 60 210 WAR Hands 246 246 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +36 Skill Speed +51 
Savant's Aethercell Gloves Savants aethercell gloves icon1.png 60 210 SCH Hands 98 172 0 Mind +48 Vitality +42 Determination +36 Piety +51 
Tantra Wristwraps Tantra wristwraps icon1.png 60 210 MNK Hands 135 135 0 Strength +48 Vitality +47 Direct Hit Rate +36 Skill Speed +51 
Welkin Half Sleeves Welkin half sleeves icon1.png 60 210 AST Hands 98 172 0 Mind +48 Vitality +42 Spell Speed +36 Piety +51 
Berserker's Armguards Berserkers armguards icon1.png 60 215 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 249 249 0 Strength +49 Vitality +48 Determination +52 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Conqueror's Armguards Conquerors armguards icon1.png 60 215 PGL MNK SAM Hands 137 137 0 Strength +49 Vitality +48 Determination +36 Direct Hit Rate +52 
Panegyrist's Armwraps Panegyrists armwraps icon1.png 60 215 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 100 174 0 Intelligence +49 Vitality +43 Direct Hit Rate +52 Spell Speed +36 
Prophet's Armwraps Prophets armwraps icon1.png 60 215 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 100 174 0 Mind +49 Vitality +43 Determination +52 Piety +36 
Subjugator's Armguards Subjugators armguards icon1.png 60 215 ROG NIN VPR Hands 137 137 0 Dexterity +49 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +52 Skill Speed +36 
Viking Armguards Viking armguards icon1.png 60 215 LNC DRG RPR Hands 174 137 0 Strength +49 Vitality +48 Determination +36 Skill Speed +52 
Wrangler's Gloves Wranglers gloves icon1.png 60 215 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 137 137 0 Dexterity +49 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +52 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Eikon Cloth Sleeves of Aiming Eikon cloth sleeves of aiming icon1.png 60 220 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 125 HQ icon.png139 125 HQ icon.png139 2 (5) Dexterity +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Determination +48 HQ icon.png53Direct Hit Rate +33 HQ icon.png37
Eikon Cloth Sleeves of Healing Eikon cloth sleeves of healing icon1.png 60 220 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 91 HQ icon.png101 158 HQ icon.png176 2 (5) Mind +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Critical Hit +48 HQ icon.png53Determination +33 HQ icon.png37
Eikon Cloth Sleeves of Scouting Eikon cloth sleeves of scouting icon1.png 60 220 ROG NIN VPR Hands 125 HQ icon.png139 125 HQ icon.png139 2 (5) Dexterity +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Critical Hit +48 HQ icon.png53Direct Hit Rate +33 HQ icon.png37
Eikon Leather Armguards of Casting Eikon leather armguards of casting icon1.png 60 220 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 91 HQ icon.png101 158 HQ icon.png176 2 (5) Intelligence +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Determination +48 HQ icon.png53Spell Speed +33 HQ icon.png37
Eikon Leather Armguards of Maiming Eikon leather armguards of maiming icon1.png 60 220 LNC DRG RPR Hands 158 HQ icon.png176 125 HQ icon.png139 2 (5) Strength +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Determination +48 HQ icon.png53Direct Hit Rate +33 HQ icon.png37
Eikon Leather Armguards of Striking Eikon leather armguards of striking icon1.png 60 220 PGL MNK SAM Hands 125 HQ icon.png139 125 HQ icon.png139 2 (5) Strength +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Critical Hit +48 HQ icon.png53Direct Hit Rate +33 HQ icon.png37
High Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending High mythrite gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 220 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 227 HQ icon.png252 227 HQ icon.png252 2 (5) Strength +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Determination +48 HQ icon.png53Skill Speed +33 HQ icon.png37
Prototype Midan Gauntlets of Fending Prototype midan gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 220 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 252 252 2 Strength +49 Vitality +50 Direct Hit Rate +37 Tenacity +53 
Prototype Midan Gloves of Aiming Prototype midan gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 220 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 139 139 2 Dexterity +49 Vitality +50 Critical Hit +37 Direct Hit Rate +53 
Prototype Midan Gloves of Casting Prototype midan gloves of casting icon1.png 60 220 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 101 176 2 Intelligence +49 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +37 Direct Hit Rate +53 
Prototype Midan Gloves of Healing Prototype midan gloves of healing icon1.png 60 220 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 101 176 2 Mind +49 Vitality +45 Spell Speed +53 Piety +37 
Prototype Midan Gloves of Maiming Prototype midan gloves of maiming icon1.png 60 220 LNC DRG RPR Hands 176 139 2 Strength +49 Vitality +50 Critical Hit +37 Direct Hit Rate +53 
Prototype Midan Gloves of Scouting Prototype midan gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 220 ROG NIN VPR Hands 139 139 2 Dexterity +49 Vitality +50 Direct Hit Rate +53 Skill Speed +37 
Prototype Midan Gloves of Striking Prototype midan gloves of striking icon1.png 60 220 PGL MNK SAM Hands 139 139 2 Strength +49 Vitality +50 Determination +53 Skill Speed +37 
Valkyrie's Gloves of Aiming Valkyries gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 225 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 140 140 2 Dexterity +50 Vitality +51 Direct Hit Rate +53 Skill Speed +37 
Valkyrie's Gloves of Casting Valkyries gloves of casting icon1.png 60 225 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 102 179 2 Intelligence +50 Vitality +46 Critical Hit +37 Determination +53 
Valkyrie's Gloves of Fending Valkyries gloves of fending icon1.png 60 225 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 255 255 2 Strength +50 Vitality +51 Critical Hit +37 Tenacity +53 
Valkyrie's Gloves of Healing Valkyries gloves of healing icon1.png 60 225 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 102 179 2 Mind +50 Vitality +46 Determination +37 Spell Speed +53 
Valkyrie's Gloves of Maiming Valkyries gloves of maiming icon1.png 60 225 LNC DRG RPR Hands 179 140 2 Strength +50 Vitality +51 Determination +37 Direct Hit Rate +53 
Valkyrie's Gloves of Scouting Valkyries gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 225 ROG NIN VPR Hands 140 140 2 Dexterity +50 Vitality +51 Determination +37 Direct Hit Rate +53 
Valkyrie's Gloves of Striking Valkyries gloves of striking icon1.png 60 225 PGL MNK SAM Hands 140 140 2 Strength +50 Vitality +51 Determination +53 Skill Speed +37 
Hailstorm Gloves of Casting Hailstorm gloves of casting icon1.png 60 230 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 103 181 2 Intelligence +52 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +37 Direct Hit Rate +53 
Hailstorm Gloves of Healing Hailstorm gloves of healing icon1.png 60 230 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 103 181 2 Mind +52 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +53 Piety +37 
Hellfire Gauntlets of Fending Hellfire gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 230 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 258 258 2 Strength +52 Vitality +52 Direct Hit Rate +53 Tenacity +37 
Hellfire Gauntlets of Striking Hellfire gauntlets of striking icon1.png 60 230 PGL MNK SAM Hands 142 142 2 Strength +52 Vitality +52 Determination +53 Direct Hit Rate +37 
Slipstream Gauntlets of Maiming Slipstream gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 230 LNC DRG RPR Hands 181 142 2 Strength +52 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +37 Skill Speed +53 
Torrent Armguards of Aiming Torrent armguards of aiming icon1.png 60 230 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 142 142 2 Dexterity +52 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +53 Direct Hit Rate +37 
Torrent Armguards of Scouting Torrent armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 230 ROG NIN VPR Hands 142 142 2 Dexterity +52 Vitality +52 Direct Hit Rate +53 Skill Speed +37 
Yafaemi Gauntlets of Fending Yafaemi gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 230 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 258 258 2 Strength +52 Vitality +52 Determination +37 Skill Speed +53 
Yafaemi Gauntlets of Maiming Yafaemi gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 230 LNC DRG RPR Hands 181 142 2 Strength +52 Vitality +52 Determination +37 Direct Hit Rate +53 
Yafaemi Gloves of Scouting Yafaemi gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 230 ROG NIN VPR Hands 142 142 2 Dexterity +52 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +37 Determination +53 
Yafaemi Gloves of Striking Yafaemi gloves of striking icon1.png 60 230 PGL MNK SAM Hands 142 142 2 Strength +52 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +37 Skill Speed +53 
Yafaemi Halfgloves of Aiming Yafaemi halfgloves of aiming icon1.png 60 230 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 142 142 2 Dexterity +52 Vitality +52 Determination +53 Direct Hit Rate +37 
Yafaemi Halfgloves of Casting Yafaemi halfgloves of casting icon1.png 60 230 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 103 181 2 Intelligence +52 Vitality +47 Determination +53 Spell Speed +37 
Yafaemi Halfgloves of Healing Yafaemi halfgloves of healing icon1.png 60 230 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 103 181 2 Mind +52 Vitality +47 Spell Speed +37 Piety +53 
Makai Harbinger's Fingerless Gloves Makai harbingers fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 RPR
Male only
Hands 183 144 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Determination +54 Direct Hit Rate +38 
Makai Harrower's Fingerless Gloves Makai harrowers fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 RPR
Female only
Hands 183 144 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Determination +54 Direct Hit Rate +38 
Makai Manhandler's Fingerless Gloves Makai manhandlers fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 PGL MNK SAM
Female only
Hands 144 144 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Determination +38 Skill Speed +54 
Makai Marksman's Fingerless Gloves Makai marksmans fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 ARC BRD MCH DNC
Male only
Hands 144 144 2 Dexterity +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +38 Skill Speed +54 
Makai Markswoman's Fingerless Gloves Makai markswomans fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 ARC BRD MCH DNC
Female only
Hands 144 144 2 Dexterity +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +38 Skill Speed +54 
Makai Mauler's Fingerless Gloves Makai maulers fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 PGL MNK SAM
Male only
Hands 144 144 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Determination +38 Skill Speed +54 
Makai Moon Guide's Fingerless Gloves Makai moon guides fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE
Female only
Hands 104 183 2 Mind +53 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +38 Determination +54 
Makai Priest's Fingerless Gloves Makai priests fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT
Male only
Hands 104 183 2 Intelligence +53 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +54 Spell Speed +38 
Makai Priestess's Fingerless Gloves Makai priestesss fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT
Female only
Hands 104 183 2 Intelligence +53 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +54 Spell Speed +38 
Makai Sun Guide's Fingerless Gloves Makai sun guides fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE
Male only
Hands 104 183 2 Mind +53 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +38 Determination +54 
Makai Vanbreaker's Fingerless Gloves Makai vanbreakers fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 GNB
Female only
Hands 261 261 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +38 Skill Speed +54 
Makai Vanguard's Fingerless Gloves Makai vanguards fingerless gloves icon1.png 60 235 GNB
Male only
Hands 261 261 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +38 Skill Speed +54 
Sunstreak Gauntlets of Fending Sunstreak gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 235 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 261 261 0 Strength +53 Vitality +53 
Sunstreak Gauntlets of Maiming Sunstreak gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 235 LNC DRG RPR Hands 183 144 0 Strength +53 Vitality +53 
Sunstreak Gloves of Aiming Sunstreak gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 235 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 144 144 0 Dexterity +53 Vitality +53 
Sunstreak Gloves of Casting Sunstreak gloves of casting icon1.png 60 235 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 104 183 0 Intelligence +53 Vitality +48 
Sunstreak Gloves of Healing Sunstreak gloves of healing icon1.png 60 235 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 104 183 0 Mind +53 Vitality +48 
Sunstreak Gloves of Scouting Sunstreak gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 235 ROG NIN VPR Hands 144 144 0 Dexterity +53 Vitality +53 
Sunstreak Gloves of Striking Sunstreak gloves of striking icon1.png 60 235 PGL MNK SAM Hands 144 144 0 Strength +53 Vitality +53 
The Hands of Pressing Darkness The hands of pressing darkness icon1.png 60 235 DRK Hands 261 261 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +54 Skill Speed +38 
The Hands of Undying Twilight The hands of undying twilight icon1.png 60 235 MRD WAR Hands 261 261 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +38 Determination +54 
The Hands of the Golden Wolf The hands of the golden wolf icon1.png 60 235 GLA PLD Hands 261 261 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +54 Skill Speed +38 
The Hands of the Silver Wolf The hands of the silver wolf icon1.png 60 235 ROG NIN VPR Hands 144 144 2 Dexterity +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +54 Skill Speed +38 
The Hands of the White Night The hands of the white night icon1.png 60 235 LNC DRG Hands 183 144 2 Strength +53 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +38 Skill Speed +54 
Augmented Hailstorm Gloves of Casting Augmented hailstorm gloves of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 106 185 2 Intelligence +53 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +38 Direct Hit Rate +54 
Augmented Hailstorm Gloves of Healing Augmented hailstorm gloves of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 106 185 2 Mind +53 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +54 Piety +38 
Augmented Hellfire Gauntlets of Fending Augmented hellfire gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 264 264 2 Strength +53 Vitality +54 Direct Hit Rate +54 Tenacity +38 
Augmented Hellfire Gauntlets of Striking Augmented hellfire gauntlets of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL MNK SAM Hands 145 145 2 Strength +53 Vitality +54 Determination +54 Direct Hit Rate +38 
Augmented Slipstream Gauntlets of Maiming Augmented slipstream gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC DRG RPR Hands 185 145 2 Strength +53 Vitality +54 Critical Hit +38 Skill Speed +54 
Augmented Torrent Armguards of Aiming Augmented torrent armguards of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 145 145 2 Dexterity +53 Vitality +54 Critical Hit +54 Direct Hit Rate +38 
Augmented Torrent Armguards of Scouting Augmented torrent armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG NIN VPR Hands 145 145 2 Dexterity +53 Vitality +54 Direct Hit Rate +54 Skill Speed +38 
Midan Gauntlets of Fending Midan gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 264 264 2 Strength +53 Vitality +54 Direct Hit Rate +38 Skill Speed +54 
Midan Gloves of Aiming Midan gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 145 145 2 Dexterity +53 Vitality +54 Determination +54 Skill Speed +38 
Midan Gloves of Casting Midan gloves of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 106 185 2 Intelligence +53 Vitality +49 Determination +54 Direct Hit Rate +38 
Midan Gloves of Healing Midan gloves of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 106 185 2 Mind +53 Vitality +49 Spell Speed +38 Piety +54 
Midan Gloves of Maiming Midan gloves of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC DRG RPR Hands 185 145 2 Strength +53 Vitality +54 Determination +38 Direct Hit Rate +54 
Midan Gloves of Scouting Midan gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG NIN VPR Hands 145 145 2 Dexterity +53 Vitality +54 Critical Hit +38 Determination +54 
Midan Gloves of Striking Midan gloves of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL MNK SAM Hands 145 145 2 Strength +53 Vitality +54 Critical Hit +38 Direct Hit Rate +54 
Filibuster's Armguards of Maiming Filibusters armguards of maiming icon1.png 60 245 LNC DRG RPR Hands 187 147 2 Strength +54 Vitality +56 Direct Hit Rate +55 Skill Speed +39 
Filibuster's Armguards of Scouting Filibusters armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 245 ROG NIN VPR Hands 147 147 2 Dexterity +54 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +39 Determination +55 
Filibuster's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Filibusters fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 245 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 147 147 2 Dexterity +54 Vitality +56 Determination +39 Skill Speed +55 
Filibuster's Gauntlets of Fending Filibusters gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 245 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 267 267 2 Strength +54 Vitality +56 Determination +55 Direct Hit Rate +39 
Filibuster's Gauntlets of Striking Filibusters gauntlets of striking icon1.png 60 245 PGL MNK SAM Hands 147 147 2 Strength +54 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +55 Skill Speed +39 
Filibuster's Gloves of Casting Filibusters gloves of casting icon1.png 60 245 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 107 187 2 Intelligence +54 Vitality +50 Determination +55 Direct Hit Rate +39 
Filibuster's Gloves of Healing Filibusters gloves of healing icon1.png 60 245 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 107 187 2 Mind +54 Vitality +50 Determination +55 Spell Speed +39 
Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending Heavy metal gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 250 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 243 HQ icon.png270 243 HQ icon.png270 2 (5) Strength +49 HQ icon.png55Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Critical Hit +35 HQ icon.png39Direct Hit Rate +50 HQ icon.png56
Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming Heavy metal gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 250 LNC DRG RPR Hands 170 HQ icon.png189 134 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Strength +49 HQ icon.png55Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +35 HQ icon.png39Direct Hit Rate +50 HQ icon.png56
Hemiskin Gloves of Aiming Hemiskin gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 250 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 134 HQ icon.png149 134 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Dexterity +49 HQ icon.png55Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +35 HQ icon.png39Direct Hit Rate +50 HQ icon.png56
Hemiskin Gloves of Scouting Hemiskin gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 250 ROG NIN VPR Hands 134 HQ icon.png149 134 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Dexterity +49 HQ icon.png55Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Critical Hit +50 HQ icon.png56Direct Hit Rate +35 HQ icon.png39
Hemiskin Gloves of Striking Hemiskin gloves of striking icon1.png 60 250 PGL MNK SAM Hands 134 HQ icon.png149 134 HQ icon.png149 2 (5) Strength +49 HQ icon.png55Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +35 HQ icon.png39Direct Hit Rate +50 HQ icon.png56
Prototype Alexandrian Gauntlets of Fending Prototype alexandrian gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 250 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 270 270 2 Strength +55 Vitality +58 Determination +56 Direct Hit Rate +39 
Prototype Alexandrian Gauntlets of Maiming Prototype alexandrian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 250 LNC DRG RPR Hands 189 149 2 Strength +55 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +56 Direct Hit Rate +39 
Prototype Alexandrian Gloves of Aiming Prototype alexandrian gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 250 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 149 149 2 Dexterity +55 Vitality +58 Direct Hit Rate +56 Skill Speed +39 
Prototype Alexandrian Gloves of Casting Prototype alexandrian gloves of casting icon1.png 60 250 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 108 189 2 Intelligence +55 Vitality +52 Direct Hit Rate +39 Spell Speed +56 
Prototype Alexandrian Gloves of Healing Prototype alexandrian gloves of healing icon1.png 60 250 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 108 189 2 Mind +55 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +39 Piety +56 
Prototype Alexandrian Gloves of Scouting Prototype alexandrian gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 250 ROG NIN VPR Hands 149 149 2 Dexterity +55 Vitality +58 Determination +39 Skill Speed +56 
Prototype Alexandrian Gloves of Striking Prototype alexandrian gloves of striking icon1.png 60 250 PGL MNK SAM Hands 149 149 2 Strength +55 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +56 Direct Hit Rate +39 
Star Velvet Long Gloves of Casting Star velvet long gloves of casting icon1.png 60 250 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 97 HQ icon.png108 170 HQ icon.png189 2 (5) Intelligence +49 HQ icon.png55Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Critical Hit +50 HQ icon.png56Determination +35 HQ icon.png39
Star Velvet Long Gloves of Healing Star velvet long gloves of healing icon1.png 60 250 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 97 HQ icon.png108 170 HQ icon.png189 2 (5) Mind +49 HQ icon.png55Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Determination +50 HQ icon.png56Spell Speed +35 HQ icon.png39
Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting Bloodhempen armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 255 ROG NIN VPR Hands 135 HQ icon.png150 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Dexterity +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +35 HQ icon.png39Direct Hit Rate +50 HQ icon.png56
Bloodhempen Armguards of Striking Bloodhempen armguards of striking icon1.png 60 255 PGL MNK SAM Hands 135 HQ icon.png150 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Critical Hit +50 HQ icon.png56Skill Speed +35 HQ icon.png39
Gaganaskin Gloves of Aiming Gaganaskin gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 255 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 135 HQ icon.png150 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Dexterity +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Critical Hit +35 HQ icon.png39Direct Hit Rate +50 HQ icon.png56
High Steel Armguards of Fending High steel armguards of fending icon1.png 60 255 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 246 HQ icon.png273 246 HQ icon.png273 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Skill Speed +35 HQ icon.png39Tenacity +50 HQ icon.png56
High Steel Armguards of Maiming High steel armguards of maiming icon1.png 60 255 LNC DRG RPR Hands 172 HQ icon.png191 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Direct Hit Rate +35 HQ icon.png39Skill Speed +50 HQ icon.png56
Koppranickel Armlets of Casting Koppranickel armlets of casting icon1.png 60 255 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 98 HQ icon.png109 172 HQ icon.png191 2 (5) Intelligence +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Critical Hit +50 HQ icon.png56Direct Hit Rate +35 HQ icon.png39
Koppranickel Armlets of Healing Koppranickel armlets of healing icon1.png 60 255 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 98 HQ icon.png109 172 HQ icon.png191 2 (5) Mind +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Spell Speed +50 HQ icon.png56Piety +35 HQ icon.png39
Outsider's Gloves Outsiders gloves icon1.png 60 255 GNB Hands 273 273 2 Strength +56 Vitality +58 Determination +56 Tenacity +39 
Sky Rat Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Sky rat fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 255 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 135 HQ icon.png150 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Dexterity +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Direct Hit Rate +50 HQ icon.png56Skill Speed +35 HQ icon.png39
Sky Rat Fingerless Gloves of Casting Sky rat fingerless gloves of casting icon1.png 60 255 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 98 HQ icon.png109 172 HQ icon.png191 2 (5) Intelligence +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Determination +35 HQ icon.png39Spell Speed +50 HQ icon.png56
Sky Rat Fingerless Gloves of Striking Sky rat fingerless gloves of striking icon1.png 60 255 PGL MNK SAM Hands 135 HQ icon.png150 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +50 HQ icon.png56Skill Speed +35 HQ icon.png39
Sky Rat Hook of Fending Sky rat hook of fending icon1.png 60 255 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 246 HQ icon.png273 246 HQ icon.png273 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +50 HQ icon.png56Direct Hit Rate +35 HQ icon.png39
Sky Rat Hook of Healing Sky rat hook of healing icon1.png 60 255 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 98 HQ icon.png109 172 HQ icon.png191 2 (5) Mind +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Critical Hit +50 HQ icon.png56Piety +35 HQ icon.png39
Sky Rat Hook of Maiming Sky rat hook of maiming icon1.png 60 255 LNC DRG RPR Hands 172 HQ icon.png191 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Critical Hit +50 HQ icon.png56Determination +35 HQ icon.png39
Sky Rat Hook of Scouting Sky rat hook of scouting icon1.png 60 255 ROG NIN VPR Hands 135 HQ icon.png150 135 HQ icon.png150 2 (5) Dexterity +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Critical Hit +50 HQ icon.png56Direct Hit Rate +35 HQ icon.png39
Softstepper's Gloves Softsteppers gloves icon1.png 60 255 DNC Hands 150 150 2 Dexterity +56 Vitality +58 Direct Hit Rate +39 Skill Speed +56 
Diabolic Dress Gloves of Healing Diabolic dress gloves of healing icon1.png 60 260 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 110 193 2 Mind +57 Vitality +53 Determination +40 Piety +57 
Diabolic Gauntlets of Fending Diabolic gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 260 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 276 276 2 Strength +57 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +57 Direct Hit Rate +40 
Diabolic Gauntlets of Maiming Diabolic gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 260 LNC DRG RPR Hands 193 152 2 Strength +57 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +40 Skill Speed +57 
Diabolic Gloves of Scouting Diabolic gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 260 ROG NIN VPR Hands 152 152 2 Dexterity +57 Vitality +59 Determination +57 Direct Hit Rate +40 
Diabolic Gloves of Striking Diabolic gloves of striking icon1.png 60 260 PGL MNK SAM Hands 152 152 2 Strength +57 Vitality +59 Direct Hit Rate +57 Skill Speed +40 
Diabolic Halfgloves of Aiming Diabolic halfgloves of aiming icon1.png 60 260 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 152 152 2 Dexterity +57 Vitality +59 Determination +57 Direct Hit Rate +40 
Diabolic Halfgloves of Casting Diabolic halfgloves of casting icon1.png 60 260 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 110 193 2 Intelligence +57 Vitality +53 Determination +57 Direct Hit Rate +40 
Shire Conservator's Gloves Shire conservators gloves icon1.png 60 260 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 152 152 2 Dexterity +57 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +40 Skill Speed +57 
Shire Custodian's Gauntlets Shire custodians gauntlets icon1.png 60 260 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 276 276 2 Strength +57 Vitality +59 Skill Speed +57 Tenacity +40 
Shire Emissary's Gloves Shire emissarys gloves icon1.png 60 260 ROG NIN VPR Hands 152 152 2 Dexterity +57 Vitality +59 Direct Hit Rate +57 Skill Speed +40 
Shire Pankratiast's Gloves Shire pankratiasts gloves icon1.png 60 260 PGL MNK SAM Hands 152 152 2 Strength +57 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +40 Skill Speed +57 
Shire Pathfinder's Gauntlets Shire pathfinders gauntlets icon1.png 60 260 LNC DRG RPR Hands 193 152 2 Strength +57 Vitality +59 Direct Hit Rate +57 Skill Speed +40 
Shire Philosopher's Gloves Shire philosophers gloves icon1.png 60 260 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 110 193 2 Intelligence +57 Vitality +53 Direct Hit Rate +57 Spell Speed +40 
Shire Preceptor's Gloves Shire preceptors gloves icon1.png 60 260 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 110 193 2 Mind +57 Vitality +53 Spell Speed +57 Piety +40 
Sunburst Armguard of Maiming Sunburst armguard of maiming icon1.png 60 265 LNC DRG RPR Hands 195 153 0 Strength +58 Vitality +61 
Sunburst Armguards of Casting Sunburst armguards of casting icon1.png 60 265 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 112 195 0 Intelligence +58 Vitality +55 
Sunburst Armguards of Striking Sunburst armguards of striking icon1.png 60 265 PGL MNK SAM Hands 153 153 0 Strength +58 Vitality +61 
Sunburst Gauntlets of Fending Sunburst gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 265 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 279 279 0 Strength +58 Vitality +61 
Sunburst Sleeves of Aiming Sunburst sleeves of aiming icon1.png 60 265 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 153 153 0 Dexterity +58 Vitality +61 
Sunburst Sleeves of Healing Sunburst sleeves of healing icon1.png 60 265 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 112 195 0 Mind +58 Vitality +55 
Sunburst Sleeves of Scouting Sunburst sleeves of scouting icon1.png 60 265 ROG NIN VPR Hands 153 153 0 Dexterity +58 Vitality +61 
Alexandrian Gauntlets of Fending Alexandrian gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 282 282 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Determination +41 Direct Hit Rate +58 
Alexandrian Gauntlets of Maiming Alexandrian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG RPR Hands 197 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Determination +58 Direct Hit Rate +41 
Alexandrian Gloves of Aiming Alexandrian gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Determination +41 Direct Hit Rate +58 
Alexandrian Gloves of Casting Alexandrian gloves of casting icon1.png 60 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 113 197 2 Intelligence +60 Vitality +57 Critical Hit +58 Direct Hit Rate +41 
Alexandrian Gloves of Healing Alexandrian gloves of healing icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 113 197 2 Mind +60 Vitality +57 Determination +41 Piety +58 
Alexandrian Gloves of Scouting Alexandrian gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN VPR Hands 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +41 Determination +58 
Alexandrian Gloves of Striking Alexandrian gloves of striking icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK SAM Hands 155 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Determination +58 Direct Hit Rate +41 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Gloves Augmented shire conservators gloves icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +41 Skill Speed +58 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Gauntlets Augmented shire custodians gauntlets icon1.png 60 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 282 282 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Skill Speed +58 Tenacity +41 
Augmented Shire Emissary's Gloves Augmented shire emissarys gloves icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN VPR Hands 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Gloves Augmented shire pankratiasts gloves icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK SAM Hands 155 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +41 Skill Speed +58 
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Gauntlets Augmented shire pathfinders gauntlets icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG RPR Hands 197 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Gloves Augmented shire philosophers gloves icon1.png 60 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 113 197 2 Intelligence +60 Vitality +57 Direct Hit Rate +58 Spell Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Gloves Augmented shire preceptors gloves icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 113 197 2 Mind +60 Vitality +57 Spell Speed +58 Piety +41