Miner Node Locations

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See also: Unspoiled Mining Nodes, Folklore Nodes and Ephemeral Nodes

Level Type Zone Coordinate Items Extra
5 Mineral Deposit Central Thanalan (x18,y25) Muddy water icon1.png  Muddy Water, Copper ore icon1.png  Copper Ore, Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard
5 Mineral Deposit Central Thanalan (x24,y26) Bone chip icon1.png  Bone Chip, Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard
5 Mineral Deposit Western Thanalan (x26,y25) Muddy water icon1.png  Muddy Water, Copper ore icon1.png  Copper Ore, Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard, Water Shard.png  Water Shard
10 Mineral Deposit Central Thanalan (x20,y22) Tin ore icon1.png  Tin Ore, Zinc ore icon1.png  Zinc Ore, Soiled femur icon1.png  Soiled Femur, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard
10 Mineral Deposit Western Thanalan (x22,y28) Tin ore icon1.png  Tin Ore, Zinc ore icon1.png  Zinc Ore, Soiled femur icon1.png  Soiled Femur, Obsidian icon1.png  Obsidian, Water Shard.png  Water Shard
10 Mineral Deposit Lower La Noscea (x27,y18) Raw sunstone icon1.png  Raw Sunstone, Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard
10 Mineral Deposit North Shroud (x28,y25) Raw lapis lazuli icon1.png  Raw Lapis Lazuli, Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard, Potters clay icon1.png  Potter's Clay
15 Rocky Outcrop Central Thanalan (x14,y23) Rock salt icon1.png  Rock Salt, Ragstone icon1.png  Ragstone, Fine sand icon1.png  Fine Sand, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard
15 Rocky Outcrop Western Thanalan (x24,y18) Iron sand icon1.png  Iron Sand, Cinnabar icon1.png  Cinnabar, Copper sand icon1.png  Copper Sand, Water Shard.png  Water Shard
15 Mineral Deposit Western Thanalan (x27,y17) Iron ore icon1.png  Iron Ore, Water Shard.png  Water Shard
20 Mineral Deposit North Shroud (x29,y22) Raw sphene icon1.png  Raw Sphene, Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard
20 Mineral Deposit Eastern Thanalan (x17,y20) Alumen icon1.png  Alumen, Raw malachite icon1.png  Raw Malachite, Raw fluorite icon1.png  Raw Fluorite, Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard
20 Mineral Deposit Western La Noscea (x29,y22) Sunrise tellin icon1.png  Sunrise Tellin, Raw danburite icon1.png  Raw Danburite, Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard
20 Rocky Outcrop Middle La Noscea (x15,y10) Grade 1 carbonized matter icon1.png  Grade 1 Carbonized Matter, Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard
20 Rocky Outcrop Western La Noscea (x26,y24) Mudstone icon1.png  Mudstone, Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard, Limestone icon1.png  Limestone
25 Rocky Outcrop Upper La Noscea (x12,y23) Fire rock icon1.png  Fire Rock, Water rock icon1.png  Water Rock, Lightning rock icon1.png  Lightning Rock, Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard
25 Rocky Outcrop South Shroud (x23,y21) Silver sand icon1.png  Silver Sand, Earth rock icon1.png  Earth Rock, Ice rock icon1.png  Ice Rock, Wind rock icon1.png  Wind Rock, Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard
25 Mineral Deposit South Shroud (x15,y19) Effervescent water icon1.png  Effervescent Water, Silver ore icon1.png  Silver Ore, Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard
30 Rocky Outcrop Eastern Thanalan (x23,y19) Red pigment icon1.png  Red Pigment, Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal, Grade 1 thanalan topsoil icon1.png  Grade 1 Thanalan Topsoil (Rare)
30 Rocky Outcrop Western Thanalan (x23,y23) Blue pigment icon1.png  Blue Pigment, Water Shard.png  Water Shard, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
30 Rocky Outcrop Western La Noscea (x31,y28) Grey pigment icon1.png  Grey Pigment, Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
30 Rocky Outcrop Lower La Noscea (x26,y15) Yellow pigment icon1.png  Yellow Pigment, Brown pigment icon1.png  Brown Pigment, Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal, Grade 1 la noscean topsoil icon1.png  Grade 1 La Noscean Topsoil (Rare)
30 Rocky Outcrop East Shroud (x20,y27) Green pigment icon1.png  Green Pigment, Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal, Grade 1 shroud topsoil icon1.png  Grade 1 Shroud Topsoil (Rare)
30 Rocky Outcrop Southern Thanalan (x18,y11) Purple pigment icon1.png  Purple Pigment, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
30 Mineral Deposit Eastern Thanalan (x26,y17) Wyvern obsidian icon1.png  Wyvern Obsidian, Saltpeter icon1.png  Saltpeter, Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard
30 Rocky Outcrop Southern Thanalan (x22,y29) Bomb ash icon1.png  Bomb Ash, Silex icon1.png  Silex, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard
30 Rocky Outcrop Upper La Noscea (x12,y26) Siltstone icon1.png  Siltstone, Brimstone icon1.png  Brimstone
35 Mineral Deposit Eastern La Noscea (x28,y27) Raw garnet icon1.png  Raw Garnet, Raw aquamarine icon1.png  Raw Aquamarine, Raw goshenite icon1.png  Raw Goshenite, Water Shard.png  Water Shard
35 Mineral Deposit Central Shroud (x14,y21) Raw peridot icon1.png  Raw Peridot, Raw amethyst icon1.png  Raw Amethyst, Granite icon1.png  Granite, Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard
35 Rocky Outcrop Southern Thanalan (x17,y18) Mythril sand icon1.png  Mythril Sand, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard
35 Mineral Deposit Southern Thanalan (x25,y41) Raw heliodor icon1.png  Raw Heliodor, Mythril ore icon1.png  Mythril Ore, Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard, Little worm icon1.png  Little Worm (Hidden)
40 Mineral Deposit Coerthas Central Highlands (x24,y19) Jade icon1.png  Jade, Raw zircon icon1.png  Raw Zircon, Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard
40 Mineral Deposit South Shroud (x28,y22) Black alumen icon1.png  Black Alumen, Raw tourmaline icon1.png  Raw Tourmaline, Raw spinel icon1.png  Raw Spinel, Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard
40 Rocky Outcrop Northern Thanalan (x21,y28) Grenade ash icon1.png  Grenade Ash, Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard
45 Mineral Deposit Upper La Noscea (x30,y25) Electrum ore icon1.png  Electrum Ore, Raw turquoise icon1.png  Raw Turquoise, Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard
45 Rocky Outcrop Upper La Noscea (x28,y22) Electrum sand icon1.png  Electrum Sand, Marble icon1.png  Marble, Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard
45 Mineral Deposit Eastern Thanalan (x12,y19) Raw amber icon1.png  Raw Amber, Raw rubellite icon1.png  Raw Rubellite, Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard
50 Mineral Deposit Northern Thanalan (x22,y24) Cobalt ore icon1.png  Cobalt Ore, Adamantoise shell icon1.png  Adamantoise Shell, Basilisk egg icon1.png  Basilisk Egg, Ogre horn icon1.png  Ogre Horn, Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard
50 Rocky Outcrop Lower La Noscea (x22,y34) Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal, Grade 2 la noscean topsoil icon1.png  Grade 2 La Noscean Topsoil (Rare)
50 Rocky Outcrop Western Thanalan (x18,y28) Water Shard.png  Water Shard, Grade 2 thanalan topsoil icon1.png  Grade 2 Thanalan Topsoil (Rare)
50 Rocky Outcrop East Shroud (x18,y24) Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal, Grade 2 shroud topsoil icon1.png  Grade 2 Shroud Topsoil (Rare)
50 Rocky Outcrop Western La Noscea (x34,y28) Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal, Black limestone icon1.png  Black Limestone (Hidden)
50 Mineral Deposit Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y27) Dragon obsidian icon1.png  Dragon Obsidian, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
55 Mineral Deposit Coerthas Western Highlands (x31,y12) Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal, Raw larimar icon1.png  Raw Larimar, Raw mormorion icon1.png  Raw Mormorion, Mythrite ore icon1.png  Mythrite Ore (Hidden)
55 Rocky Outcrop Coerthas Western Highlands (x16,y12) Mythrite sand icon1.png  Mythrite Sand, Yellow quartz icon1.png  Yellow Quartz, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal, Green quartz icon1.png  Green Quartz
55 Mineral Deposit The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y16) Raw star sapphire icon1.png  Raw Star Sapphire, Raw star ruby icon1.png  Raw Star Ruby, Titanium Ore.png  Titanium Ore (Hidden), Chalcocite icon1.png  Chalcocite, Pyrite icon1.png  Pyrite, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
55 Mineral Deposit The Dravanian Forelands (x27,y31) Dravanian spring water icon1.png  Dravanian Spring Water, Raw tigers eye icon1.png  Raw Tiger's Eye, Raw agate icon1.png  Raw Agate
60 Rocky Outcrop The Churning Mists (x29,y18) Hardsilver sand icon1.png  Hardsilver Sand, Cloud mica icon1.png  Cloud Mica, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal, Tektite icon1.png  Tektite, Fossilized dragon bone icon1.png  Fossilized Dragon Bone, Lumythrite sand icon1.png  Lumythrite Sand, Duskfall moss icon1.png  Duskfall Moss
60 Rocky Outcrop The Azim Steppe (x20, y14) Steppe rock salt icon1.png  Steppe Rock Salt, Flat stone icon1.png  Flat Stone, Steppe clay icon1.png  Steppe Clay, Skystone icon1.png  Skystone (Namazu quest), Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal Namazu Tribe Required
60 Rocky Outcrop The Azim Steppe (x25, y20) Pure white silex icon1.png  Pure White Silex, Steppe copper ore icon1.png  Steppe Copper Ore, Steppe whetstone icon1.png  Steppe Whetstone, Steppe obsidian icon1.png  Steppe Obsidian, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Steppe geode icon1.png  Steppe Geode Namazu Tribe Required
60 Rocky Outcrop The Azim Steppe (x33, y32) Steppe cinnabar icon1.png  Steppe Cinnabar, Steppe soapstone icon1.png  Steppe Soapstone, Steppe mudstone whetstone icon1.png  Steppe Mudstone Whetstone, Mondite icon1.png  Mondite (Namazu quest), Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal Namazu Tribe Required
60 Rocky Outcrop The Azim Steppe (x11, y13) Steppe geode icon1.png  Steppe Geode, Pure white silex icon1.png  Pure White Silex, Steppe copper ore icon1.png  Steppe Copper Ore, Steppe coal icon1.png  Steppe Coal, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal Namazu Tribe Required
60 Rocky Outcrop The Azim Steppe (x35, y11) Steppe mica icon1.png  Steppe Mica, Steppe spring water icon1.png  Steppe Spring Water, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal Namazu Tribe Required
60 Mineral Deposit The Dravanian Hinterlands (x27,y24) Hardsilver ore icon1.png  Hardsilver Ore (Hidden), Raw chrysolite icon1.png  Raw Chrysolite, Adamantite ore icon1.png  Wyrm Obsidian, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
60 Mineral Deposit The Sea of Clouds (x33,y31) Abalathian spring water icon1.png  Abalathian Spring Water, Aurum regis sand icon1.png  Aurum Regis Sand, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
60 Mineral Deposit Coerthas Western Highlands (x23,y30) Ice stalagmite icon1.png  Ice Stalagmite, Eventide jade icon1.png  Eventide Jade, Raw citrine icon1.png  Raw Citrine, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
60 Mineral Deposit The Dravanian Forelands (x20,y26) Beastkin horn icon1.png  Beastkin Horn, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal, Eventide jade icon1.png  Eventide Jade, Raw carnelian icon1.png  Raw Carnelian, Raw opal icon1.png  Raw Opal, Rainbow pigment icon1.png  Rainbow Pigment
60 Mineral Deposit The Fringes (x15,y12) Gyr abanian alumen icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Alumen, Starcrack sand icon1.png  Starcrack Sand, Cotter dynasty relic icon1.png  Cotter Dynasty Relic, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
60 Mineral Deposit The Ruby Sea (x17,y33) Shishu koban icon1.png  Shishu Koban, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
60 Mineral Deposit The Peaks (x35,y10) Yellow kudzu root icon1.png  Yellow Kudzu Root, Peaks pigment icon1.png  Peaks Pigment, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
65 Rocky Outcrop The Churning Mists (x34,25) Cloudkin feather icon1.png  Cloudkin Feather, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
65 Rocky Outcrop The Peaks (x21,y13) Koppranickel sand icon1.png  Koppranickel Sand, Stiperstone icon1.png  Stiperstone, Slate icon1.png  Slate, Pinch of active ingredients icon1.png  Pinch of Active Ingredients, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
65 Rocky Outcrop The Ruby Sea (x14,y16) Diatomite icon1.png  Diatomite, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal, Shisui jewel icon1.png  Shisui Jewel
65 Mineral Deposit The Ruby Sea (x25,y35) Koppranickel ore icon1.png  Koppranickel Ore, Feather iron ore icon1.png  Feather Iron Ore (lvl 65 quest), Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal, Sparkstone icon1.png  Sparkstone
65 Mineral Deposit The Fringes (x23,y13) Gyr abanian mineral water icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Mineral Water, Raw kyanite icon1.png  Raw Kyanite, Harpoon head icon1.png  Harpoon Head, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
65 Mineral Deposit Coerthas Western Highlands (x22,y35) Phial of thermal fluid icon1.png  Phial of Thermal Fluid, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
65 Mineral Deposit Yanxia (x33,y22) Doman iron ore icon1.png  Doman Iron Ore, Crescent spring water icon1.png  Crescent Spring Water, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal, Malleable still material icon1.png  Malleable Still Material
70 Mineral Deposit Yanxia (x36,y19) Durium ore icon1.png  Durium Ore, Serpentine icon1.png  Serpentine (lvl 68 quest), Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
70 Mineral Deposit The Azim Steppe (x29,y15) Durium sand icon1.png  Durium Sand, Doman iron sand icon1.png  Doman Iron Sand, Palladium sand icon1.png  Palladium Sand, Strong steppe spice icon1.png  Strong Steppe Spice, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
70 Mineral Deposit The Lochs (x10,y18) Molybdenum ore icon1.png  Molybdenum Ore, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal, Hard place furnishing materials icon1.png  Hard Place Furnishing Materials
70 Rocky Outcrop Amh Araeng (x30,y25) Yellow alumen icon1.png  Yellow Alumen, Coarse saltpeter icon1.png  Coarse Saltpeter, Animal trace icon1.png  Animal Trace, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
75 Mineral Deposit Il Mheg (x8,y20) Highland spring water icon1.png  Highland Spring Water, Megafauna leftovers icon1.png  Megafauna Leftovers, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal, Truegold ore icon1.png  Truegold Ore, Level 75 Miner Quest
75 Mineral Deposit Lakeland (26,y34) Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Bluespirit ore icon1.png  Bluespirit Ore, Animal droppings icon1.png  Animal Droppings
75 Rocky Outcrop Kholusia (x21,y30) Truegold sand icon1.png  Truegold Sand, Hard mudstone icon1.png  Hard Mudstone, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
75 Rocky Outcrop The Rak'tika Greatwood (x17,y19) Manasilver sand icon1.png  Manasilver Sand, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
80 Mineral Deposit Lakeland (x35,y16) Underground spring water icon1.png  Underground Spring Water, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Titancopper ore icon1.png  Titancopper Ore, Dimythrite ore icon1.png  Dimythrite Ore
80 Mineral Deposit The Rak'tika Greatwood (x23,y28) Extra effervescent water icon1.png  Extra Effervescent Water, Megafauna trace icon1.png  Megafauna Trace, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
80 Rocky Outcrop Kholusia (x22,y16) Volcanic tuff icon1.png  Volcanic Tuff, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal, Black aethersand icon1.png  Black Aethersand (Level 80 Miner Quest)
80 Rocky Outcrop Amh Araeng (x15,y12) Titancopper sand icon1.png  Titancopper Sand, Dimythrite sand icon1.png  Dimythrite Sand, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
85 Rocky Outcrop Labyrinthos (x23, y10) Chloroschist icon1.png  Chloroschist, Eternity ring material icon1.png  Eternity Ring Material (Level 90 Gathering Quest), High durium sand icon1.png  High Durium Sand, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
85 Mineral Deposit Labyrinthos (x30, y9) Raw ametrine icon1.png  Raw Ametrine, Sharlayan rock salt icon1.png  Sharlayan Rock Salt, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
85 Rocky Outcrop Thavnair (x11, y14) Hannish staple icon1.png  Hannish Staple (Level 80 Gathering Quest), Pewter ore icon1.png  Pewter Ore, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
85 Mineral Deposit Thavnair (x18, y28) High durium ore icon1.png  High Durium Ore, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
85 Rocky Outcrop Garlemald (x20, y27) Eblan alumen icon1.png  Eblan Alumen, Garlean staple icon1.png  Garlean Staple (Level 83 Gathering Quest), Phrygian gold ore icon1.png  Phrygian Gold Ore, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
85 Mineral Deposit Mare Lamentorum (x29, y35) Bismuth ore icon1.png  Bismuth Ore, Lunar staple icon1.png  Lunar Staple (Level 85 Gathering Quest), Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
90 Mineral Deposit Elpis (x27, y11) Elpis staple icon1.png  Elpis Staple (Level 88 Gathering Quest), Manganese ore icon1.png  Manganese Ore, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
90 Rocky Outcrop Elpis (x14, y19) Ambrosial water icon1.png  Ambrosial Water, Annite icon1.png  Annite, Raw blue zircon icon1.png  Raw Blue Zircon, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
90 Rocky Outcrop Ultima Thule (x21,y33) Raw star quartz icon1.png  Raw Star Quartz, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
90 Mineral Deposit Ultima Thule (x19,y13) Chondrite icon1.png  Chondrite, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
95 Mineral Deposit Urqopacha (x15,y29) Lar ore icon1.png  Lar Ore, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
95 Rocky Outcrop Urqopacha (x28,y30) Mountain rock salt icon1.png  Mountain Rock Salt, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
95 Mineral Deposit Urqopacha (x13,y13) Mountain chromite ore icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Ore, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
95 Mineral Deposit Kozama'uka (x9,y13) Raw ihuykanite icon1.png  Raw Ihuykanite, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
95 Mineral Deposit Kozama'uka (x38,y22) Rarefied raw ihuykanite icon1.png  Rarefied Raw Ihuykanite
Botanist Miner Fisher

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Fishing Locations
Big Fishing
Fishing Collectables
Folklore Fish