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Level 39-41 Crafted Weapons

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See also: Leveling Gear Guide, Level 39-41 Crafted Armor and Level 39-47 Crafted Accessories

Crafted, level 39-41 recipes.
Using Level 40 weapon coffer icon1.png  Level 40 Weapon Coffer will transform it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
This is the third set including "vintage" gear, which is made by crafters from sub-par "damaged" gear. Vintage gear has an extra materia slot slot and superior Item Level.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Plumed Oak Macuahuitl Plumed oak macuahuitl icon1.png 41 41 GLA PLD 40 HQ icon.png44 Physical Damage.png 1 (5) Strength +6 HQ icon.png7Vitality +8 HQ icon.png9Tenacity +10 HQ icon.png11
Mythril Bhuj Mythril bhuj icon1.png 41 41 MRD WAR 40 HQ icon.png44 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +11 HQ icon.png12Direct Hit Rate +13 HQ icon.png15
Mythril Zweihander Mythril zweihander icon1.png 41 41 DRK 40 HQ icon.png44 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +11 HQ icon.png12Determination +13 HQ icon.png15
Mythril Lance Mythril lance icon1.png 40 40 LNC DRG 39 HQ icon.png43 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +10 HQ icon.png11Direct Hit Rate +14 HQ icon.png15
Tortoiseshell Hora Tortoiseshell hora icon1.png 41 41 PGL MNK 40 HQ icon.png44 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +11 HQ icon.png12Skill Speed +13 HQ icon.png15
Mythril Baselards Mythril baselards icon1.png 41 41 ROG NIN 40 HQ icon.png44 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +11 HQ icon.png12Determination +13 HQ icon.png15
Oak Composite Bow Oak composite bow icon1.png 40 40 ARC BRD 39 HQ icon.png43 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +10 HQ icon.png11Direct Hit Rate +14 HQ icon.png15
Mythril-barreled Musketoon Mythril-barreled musketoon icon1.png 41 41 MCH 40 HQ icon.png44 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +11 HQ icon.png12Skill Speed +13 HQ icon.png15
Horn Staff Horn staff icon1.png 39 39 THM BLM 38 HQ icon.png42 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +8 HQ icon.png9Vitality +9 HQ icon.png10Direct Hit Rate +13 HQ icon.png14
Lightning Brand Lightning brand icon1.png 41 41 THM BLM 40 HQ icon.png44 Magical Damage.png 1 (5) Intelligence +6 HQ icon.png7Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Determination +10 HQ icon.png11
Book of Mythril Book of mythril icon1.png 41 41 ACN SCH SMN 40 HQ icon.png44 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +9 HQ icon.png10Mind +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +10 HQ icon.png11Critical Hit +13 HQ icon.png15
Sprouting Rosewood Radical Sprouting rosewood radical icon1.png 41 41 CNJ WHM 40 HQ icon.png44 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Mind +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +10 HQ icon.png11Determination +13 HQ icon.png15
Mythril Planisphere Mythril planisphere icon1.png 41 41 AST 40 HQ icon.png44 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Mind +9 HQ icon.png10Vitality +10 HQ icon.png11Determination +13 HQ icon.png15
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bladed Lantern Shield Bladed lantern shield icon1.png 39 39 GLA PLD 141 HQ icon.png157 141 HQ icon.png157 1 (5) Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +3 HQ icon.png3Direct Hit Rate +4 HQ icon.png4
Rusting Scutum Rusting scutum icon1.png 40 35 GLA PLD 139 139 0 Strength +2 Vitality +3 
Vintage Scutum Vintage scutum icon1.png 40 43 GLA PLD 163 HQ icon.png181 163 HQ icon.png181 2 (5) Strength +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +3 HQ icon.png3Tenacity +4 HQ icon.png5