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Level 33-35 Crafted Weapons

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See also: Leveling Gear Guide, Level 33-35 Crafted Armor and Level 33-38 Crafted Accessories

Crafted, level 33-35 recipes.
Using Level 34 weapon coffer icon1.png  Level 34 Weapon Coffer will transform it into a weapon corresponding to the user's current job.
This is the first set including "vintage" gear, which is made by crafters from sub-par "damaged" gear. Vintage gear has an extra materia slot and superior Item Level.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Walnut Macuahuitl Walnut macuahuitl icon1.png 34 34 GLA PLD 35 HQ icon.png39 Physical Damage.png 1 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +5 HQ icon.png6Tenacity +7 HQ icon.png8
Blunt Bastard Sword Blunt bastard sword icon1.png 35 30 GLA PLD 36 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +5 Vitality +5 
Vintage Bastard Sword Vintage bastard sword icon1.png 35 38 GLA PLD 38 HQ icon.png42 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +5 HQ icon.png6Vitality +6 HQ icon.png7Skill Speed +8 HQ icon.png9
Steel Bhuj Steel bhuj icon1.png 34 34 MRD WAR 35 HQ icon.png39 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Critical Hit +10 HQ icon.png11
Steel Zweihander Steel zweihander icon1.png 34 34 DRK 35 HQ icon.png39 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Skill Speed +10 HQ icon.png11
Heavy Steel Lance Heavy steel lance icon1.png 34 34 LNC DRG 35 HQ icon.png39 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Determination +10 HQ icon.png11
Boarskin Himantes Boarskin himantes icon1.png 35 35 PGL MNK 36 HQ icon.png40 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +8 HQ icon.png9Skill Speed +10 HQ icon.png11
Steel Baselards Steel baselards icon1.png 34 34 ROG NIN 35 HQ icon.png39 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Direct Hit Rate +10 HQ icon.png11
Cracked Daggers Cracked daggers icon1.png 35 30 ROG NIN 36 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +6 Vitality +7 
Maddening Daggers Maddening daggers icon1.png 35 38 ROG NIN 38 HQ icon.png42 Physical Damage.png 3 (5) Dexterity +8 HQ icon.png9Vitality +9 HQ icon.png10Critical Hit +12 HQ icon.png13
Oak Longbow Oak longbow icon1.png 35 35 ARC BRD 36 HQ icon.png40 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +8 HQ icon.png9Skill Speed +10 HQ icon.png11
Steel-barreled Musketoon Steel-barreled musketoon icon1.png 34 34 MCH 35 HQ icon.png39 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Critical Hit +10 HQ icon.png11
Decorated Silver Scepter Decorated silver scepter icon1.png 33 33 THM BLM 34 HQ icon.png38 Magical Damage.png 1 (5) Intelligence +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Direct Hit Rate +6 HQ icon.png7
Toothed Goathorn Staff Toothed goathorn staff icon1.png 34 34 THM BLM 35 HQ icon.png39 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +6 HQ icon.png7Spell Speed +10 HQ icon.png11
Damaged Cudgel Damaged cudgel icon1.png 35 30 THM BLM 36 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +5 Vitality +5 
Vintage Cudgel Vintage cudgel icon1.png 35 38 THM BLM 38 HQ icon.png42 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +5 HQ icon.png6Vitality +5 HQ icon.png6Critical Hit +8 HQ icon.png9
Book of Silver Book of silver icon1.png 34 34 ACN SCH SMN 35 HQ icon.png39 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +7 HQ icon.png8Mind +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +6 HQ icon.png7Determination +10 HQ icon.png11
Brittle Picatrix Brittle picatrix icon1.png 35 30 ACN SCH SMN 36 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +6 Mind +6 Vitality +6 
Vintage Picatrix Vintage picatrix icon1.png 35 38 ACN SCH SMN 38 HQ icon.png42 Magical Damage.png 3 (5) Intelligence +8 HQ icon.png9Mind +8 HQ icon.png9Vitality +8 HQ icon.png9Determination +12 HQ icon.png13
Budding Yew Wand Budding yew wand icon1.png 34 34 CNJ WHM 35 HQ icon.png39 Magical Damage.png 1 (5) Mind +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Piety +7 HQ icon.png8
Oak Radical Oak radical icon1.png 35 35 CNJ WHM 36 HQ icon.png40 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Mind +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Determination +10 HQ icon.png11
Silver Star Globe Silver star globe icon1.png 34 34 AST 35 HQ icon.png39 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Mind +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +6 HQ icon.png7Spell Speed +10 HQ icon.png11
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Decorated Buckler Decorated buckler icon1.png 34 34 GLA THM PLD BLM 61 HQ icon.png68 61 HQ icon.png68 1 (5) Intelligence +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Direct Hit Rate +3 HQ icon.png3
Tarnished Hoplon Tarnished hoplon icon1.png 35 30 GLA PLD 115 115 0 Strength +1 Vitality +2 
Worm-eaten Square Shield Worm-eaten square shield icon1.png 35 30 GLA CNJ THM PLD WHM BLM 58 58 0 Intelligence +1 Mind +1 Vitality +1 
Vintage Hoplon Vintage hoplon icon1.png 35 38 GLA PLD 138 HQ icon.png153 138 HQ icon.png153 2 (5) Strength +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +3 HQ icon.png3Skill Speed +4 HQ icon.png4
Vintage Square Shield Vintage square shield icon1.png 35 38 GLA CNJ THM PLD WHM BLM 69 HQ icon.png77 69 HQ icon.png77 2 (5) Intelligence +3 HQ icon.png3Mind +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +3 HQ icon.png3Direct Hit Rate +4 HQ icon.png4