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Pack Armor

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See also: Level 50 Gear Guide, Pack Weapons and Pack Accessories

Bought from the Mark Quartermaster at Wolves' Den Pier for Wolf Mark 250-1000 Wolf Mark. As PvP Gear, this set originally existed to provide the PvP-exclusive stat, Morale.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Lionsmane Armet Lionsmane armet icon1.png 50 100 GLA PLD Head 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Skill Speed +18 
Bearsmaw Armet Bearsmaw armet icon1.png 50 100 MRD WAR Head 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Determination +18 Skill Speed +25 
Lynxfang Armet Lynxfang armet icon1.png 50 100 DRK Head 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Skill Speed +25 
Snakestongue Helm Snakestongue helm icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG Head 94 74 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Determination +18 
Hawkwing Armet Hawkwing armet icon1.png 50 100 PGL MNK Head 74 74 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 
Batsight Okabuto Batsight okabuto icon1.png 50 100 ROG NIN Head 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Skill Speed +18 
Birdsong Mask Birdsong mask icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD Head 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 
Parrotbeak Mask Parrotbeak mask icon1.png 50 100 MCH Head 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 
Wolfseye Hat Wolfseye hat icon1.png 50 100 THM BLM Head 54 94 2 (5) Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Determination +25 Spell Speed +18 
Elkhorn Hat Elkhorn hat icon1.png 50 100 ACN SMN Head 54 94 2 (5) Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Determination +18 
Swansgrace Hood Swansgrace hood icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM Head 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Determination +18 Spell Speed +25 
Elktail Hat Elktail hat icon1.png 50 100 SCH Head 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Spell Speed +25 Piety +18 
Owlsight Hood Owlsight hood icon1.png 50 100 AST Head 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Spell Speed +25 Piety +18 
Lionsmane Cuirass Lionsmane cuirass icon1.png 50 100 GLA PLD Body 180 180 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +27 Determination +39 
Bearsmaw Cuirass Bearsmaw cuirass icon1.png 50 100 MRD WAR Body 180 180 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Skill Speed +27 
Lynxfang Cuirass Lynxfang cuirass icon1.png 50 100 DRK Body 180 180 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Skill Speed +27 
Snakestongue Scale Mail Snakestongue scale mail icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG Body 126 99 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Determination +39 Skill Speed +27 
Hawkwing Cyclas Hawkwing cyclas icon1.png 50 100 PGL MNK Body 99 99 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +39 
Batsight Osode Batsight osode icon1.png 50 100 ROG NIN Body 99 99 2 (5) Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Determination +27 Skill Speed +39 
Birdsong Coat Birdsong coat icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD Body 99 99 2 (5) Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +39 
Parrotbeak Coat Parrotbeak coat icon1.png 50 100 MCH Body 99 99 2 (5) Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +27 Determination +39 
Wolfseye Coat Wolfseye coat icon1.png 50 100 THM BLM Body 72 126 2 (5) Intelligence +36 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +39 Spell Speed +27 
Elkhorn Robe Elkhorn robe icon1.png 50 100 ACN SMN Body 72 126 2 (5) Intelligence +36 Vitality +33 Determination +27 Spell Speed +39 
Swansgrace Coat Swansgrace coat icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM Body 72 126 2 (5) Mind +36 Vitality +33 Determination +39 Piety +27 
Elktail Robe Elktail robe icon1.png 50 100 SCH Body 72 126 2 (5) Mind +36 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +39 Piety +27 
Owlsight Coat Owlsight coat icon1.png 50 100 AST Body 72 126 2 (5) Mind +36 Vitality +33 Spell Speed +27 Piety +39 
Lionsmane Gauntlets Lionsmane gauntlets icon1.png 50 100 GLA PLD Hands 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Determination +18 Skill Speed +25 
Bearsmaw Gauntlets Bearsmaw gauntlets icon1.png 50 100 MRD WAR Hands 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Determination +25 Skill Speed +18 
Lynxfang Gauntlets Lynxfang gauntlets icon1.png 50 100 DRK Hands 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Direct Hit Rate +18 Skill Speed +25 
Snakestongue Gauntlets Snakestongue gauntlets icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG Hands 94 74 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Skill Speed +25 
Hawkwing Gauntlets Hawkwing gauntlets icon1.png 50 100 PGL MNK Hands 74 74 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 
Batsight Kote Batsight kote icon1.png 50 100 ROG NIN Hands 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Determination +18 
Birdsong Gloves Birdsong gloves icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD Hands 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Skill Speed +18 
Parrotbeak Gloves Parrotbeak gloves icon1.png 50 100 MCH Hands 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Skill Speed +18 
Wolfseye Long Gloves Wolfseye long gloves icon1.png 50 100 THM BLM Hands 54 94 2 (5) Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +18 Spell Speed +25 
Elkhorn Gloves Elkhorn gloves icon1.png 50 100 ACN SMN Hands 54 94 2 (5) Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Determination +18 
Swansgrace Armguards Swansgrace armguards icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM Hands 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Spell Speed +18 
Elktail Gloves Elktail gloves icon1.png 50 100 SCH Hands 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Determination +25 Piety +18 
Owlsight Armguards Owlsight armguards icon1.png 50 100 AST Hands 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Spell Speed +18 
Lionsmane Breeches Lionsmane breeches icon1.png 50 100 GLA PLD Legs 180 180 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Determination +27 
Bearsmaw Hose Bearsmaw hose icon1.png 50 100 MRD WAR Legs 180 180 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Determination +27 Skill Speed +39 
Lynxfang Breeches Lynxfang breeches icon1.png 50 100 DRK Legs 180 180 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Determination +39 Skill Speed +27 
Snakestongue Brais Snakestongue brais icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG Legs 126 99 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Determination +27 Skill Speed +39 
Hawkwing Gaskins Hawkwing gaskins icon1.png 50 100 PGL MNK Legs 99 99 2 (5) Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Skill Speed +27 
Batsight Haidate Batsight haidate icon1.png 50 100 ROG NIN Legs 99 99 2 (5) Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Determination +39 Skill Speed +27 
Birdsong Breeches Birdsong breeches icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD Legs 99 99 2 (5) Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +27 Determination +39 
Parrotbeak Breeches Parrotbeak breeches icon1.png 50 100 MCH Legs 99 99 2 (5) Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Skill Speed +27 
Wolfseye Brais Wolfseye brais icon1.png 50 100 THM BLM Legs 72 126 2 (5) Intelligence +36 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +27 Determination +39 
Elkhorn Slops Elkhorn slops icon1.png 50 100 ACN SMN Legs 72 126 2 (5) Intelligence +36 Vitality +33 Determination +39 Spell Speed +27 
Swansgrace Hose Swansgrace hose icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM Legs 72 126 2 (5) Mind +36 Vitality +33 Spell Speed +39 Piety +27 
Elktail Slops Elktail slops icon1.png 50 100 SCH Legs 72 126 2 (5) Mind +36 Vitality +33 Determination +27 Spell Speed +39 
Owlsight Hose Owlsight hose icon1.png 50 100 AST Legs 72 126 2 (5) Mind +36 Vitality +33 Determination +27 Spell Speed +39 
Lionsmane Sabatons Lionsmane sabatons icon1.png 50 100 GLA PLD Feet 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Determination +25 Skill Speed +18 
Bearsmaw Sabatons Bearsmaw sabatons icon1.png 50 100 MRD WAR Feet 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Determination +18 Skill Speed +25 
Lynxfang Sabatons Lynxfang sabatons icon1.png 50 100 DRK Feet 134 134 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 
Snakestongue Greaves Snakestongue greaves icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG Feet 94 74 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 
Hawkwing Boots Hawkwing boots icon1.png 50 100 PGL MNK Feet 74 74 2 (5) Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Skill Speed +18 
Batsight Sune-ate Batsight sune-ate icon1.png 50 100 ROG NIN Feet 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Skill Speed +25 
Birdsong Boots Birdsong boots icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD Feet 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Determination +18 Skill Speed +25 
Parrotbeak Boots Parrotbeak boots icon1.png 50 100 MCH Feet 74 74 2 (5) Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Determination +25 Skill Speed +18 
Wolfseye Thighboots Wolfseye thighboots icon1.png 50 100 THM BLM Feet 54 94 2 (5) Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Determination +18 
Elkhorn Thighboots Elkhorn thighboots icon1.png 50 100 ACN SMN Feet 54 94 2 (5) Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Determination +18 Spell Speed +25 
Swansgrace Boots Swansgrace boots icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM Feet 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Spell Speed +25 Piety +18 
Elktail Thighboots Elktail thighboots icon1.png 50 100 SCH Feet 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Determination +25 Spell Speed +18 
Owlsight Boots Owlsight boots icon1.png 50 100 AST Feet 54 94 2 (5) Mind +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Spell Speed +18 
