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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Mor Dhona (22.7, 6.4)
Yozan (son)
Homei (father)
Quest NPC

Hozan Nagae is a Hyur in Mor Dhona.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Why We Adventure Main Scenario quest 50 Hozan
Keeping the Flame Alive Main Scenario quest 51 Hozan
A Thousand and One Farewells Feature quest 70 Hozan

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Yugiri's Game Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Guardian of Eorzea Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
In Search of Raubahn Main Scenario quest 51 Higiri
Tales from the Far East Main Scenario quest 61 Alphinaud
Precious Reclamation Feature quest 70 Kozakura
Doman Reconstruction: Tsuranuki Other quest 70 Kozakura
Doman Reconstruction: Araragi Other quest 70 Kozakura
Doman Reconstruction: Minazuki Other quest 70 Kozakura
Lighting the Way Feature quest 70 Kozakura


Zone Coordinates Level range
Eastern Thanalan (X:15.2, Y:29.9)
Eastern Thanalan (X:13.9, Y:29.3)
Mor Dhona (X:22.7, Y:6.4)
The Doman Enclave (X:5.8, Y:8.0)
The Doman Enclave (X:5.7, Y:8.8)
The Doman Enclave (X:7.5, Y:5.9)
Western Thanalan (X:13.1, Y:14.5)
Western Thanalan (X:11.5, Y:14.4)


"All that remains of Doma now are our mementos and memories."

Hozen's father, Homei, fought loyally in the service of the Doman generals as a foot soldier, but understood well the limits of his own abilities. Not wishing the same disgrace to befall his only son, he encouraged Hozan at an early age to walk the path of the shinobi. During the Garlean invasion, Hozan's shinobi masters forbade him from fighting, citing the boy's youth. However, naught could prevent him from joining the rebellion, and he went to battle under Yugiri's command.

Now thirty-eight years of age, Hozan carries hopes that Yozan, his son, will grow into a man of strength, but as an adventurer, rather than as a soldier.

Incidentally, Hozan craves sticky rice cakes swimming in a sweet bean broth, another delicacy of Doma.

Encyclopædia Eorzea, p. 196


Small Talk

After completion of all Doman Reconstruction Quests

Hozan: I cannot describe how much it means for us to return to our homeland and lead meaningful lives. The people of Mor Dhona showed us incredible kindness but I could not escape the feeling that we were a burden to them.

Main Scenario QuestYugiri's Game

Hozan: Greetings. Alphinaud informed me that a Scion would be arriving to help with the preparations. I am honored to meet you, though shamed as well. A great warrior should not be tasked with such trivialities.
Hozan: Aye, I knew from a glance what manner of man you were. I too have some skill at arms, as do many of our people.
Hozan: Pray forgive this trifle, but might I trouble you to help round up the children that have been given into my care?
Hozan: They are most adept at staying hidden from my sight, but perhaps your keen eyes will succeed where I have failed.
Hozan: You have my thanks, friend. Pray seek out my son Yozan. He can tell you more.
Hozan: These have been trying times, but Yozan has handled himself well. I only wish there were more I could do for him.
Hozan: Wonderful! All the children are accounted─ Hide-and-seek? Ah, I see that you are curious. It is quite simple, really.
Hozan: Lady Yugiri thought it best that the children know what to do in case the Garleans found us.
Hozan: I should hope that those days are behind us, but I nevertheless take comfort in knowing that we are prepared.

Main Scenario QuestWhy We Adventure

Hozan: The first caravan is due to depart shortly, followed by the rest at regular intervals. My family and I─including my stubborn old father Homei─will be traveling in the lead carriage together with young Koharu, whom I believe you've already met.
Hozan: Though I understand the road to Ul'dah is regularly patrolled by your Brass Blades, it would give us great comfort if you would agree to accompany us on our journey...
Hozan: Once again, I thank you for your kindness. When you are ready to leave, please inform our coachman.
Hozan: These reports of a great beast on the road to Ul'dah are most troubling...
Hozan: It pleases me to see you well. Come, let the coachman know we can continue onward to Ul'dah.
Hozan: Well fought, [sir/madam], well fought! Ah, if only I were in better health, I should have been proud to stand at your side!
Hozan: Hmph. Be that as it may, I cannot help but envy you. Had we been able to call upon heroes of your strength and skill in Doma, things would have been very different.
Hozan: <sigh> But we cannot change the past. Those who fought─and fell─are forever lost to us.
Hozan: In kind, Father. To she who has given everything, we shall give our all.
Hozan: Whatever work there is to be done we shall do without question. Ditch digging, bricklaying, it matters not─Revenant's Toll will grow and prosper by our hands.
Hozan: All right, all right─ That's enough questions for [Mister/Miss] [Forename].
Hozan: We can talk more about it in the carriage on the way. Will you be joining us?
Hozan: It will be good to sleep in a proper bed for a change, even if it's only for a night.

Main Scenario QuestGuardian of Eorzea

Hozan: My people's spirits were thoroughly crushed by the loss of our homeland, but thanks to your courage and generosity I see their inner flames once more flicker back to life. I, too, have felt my strength of will make a gradual return.

Main Scenario QuestIn Search of Raubahn

Hozan: You come at a good time, my friends. But moments ago, the traitor Ilberd arrived and entered Halatali.
Hozan: From this, we may be certain that General Raubahn is being held within.

Main Scenario QuestKeeping the Flame Alive

Hozan: There is no time to lose─General Aldynn may be executed at any moment. You must enter Halatali and free him from his captors.
Hozan: Please see to your preparations, and tell me when you are ready to proceed. One of our own will accompany you inside.

Main Scenario QuestTales from the Far East

Hozan: Hm? What is it, my friend? You look as though you have something to ask.
Hozan: That you go to join Yugiri and Gosetsu in the fight fills me with such joy! Ah, forgive my exuberance. You require information, yes?
Hozan: We of the Nagae clan have served Doma faithfully for generations. My ancestors held positions within Doma Castle, even. Now it is home to the imperial viceroy's witch, and her host of men and magitek.
Hozan: To think that what was once the shining symbol of our heritage─and the seat of dear Lord Kaien─has become a den for Garlean dogs...
Hozan: Doma was all but wiped from the face of Othard. Only Doma Castle, seat of our Lord and symbol of all that we were, was spared the wages of war.
Hozan: Yet for the blessing that that is, the thought of that witch and her sycophants claiming it for their own fills me with unspeakable anger...

Feature QuestPrecious Reclamation

Hozan: How very good to see you, my friend─though not at all expected. You look as though you have something important to say. Do you?
Hozan: I...I know not what to say! Return to Doma? Has the day truly come at last?
Hozan: Wait here while I summon the others. This concerns them all...
Hozan: Why the long face, Higiri? This is cause for celebration!
Hozan: Never did I intend to for us to disappear into the night like thieves and vagabonds. Everything you have said is right and true.
Hozan: All labors we have undertaken will be seen to a measure of completion. That much goes without saying, I am sure.
Hozan: I will speak with Slafborn and ensure that we have enough days to prepare for our journey. In the meantime, I would encourage you all to prepare gifts and so forth.
Hozan: Hah! Given your constitution, Father, I should not be surprised if you bury us all.
Hozan: Hmm... If you have no pressing obligations, [Forename], might I impose upon you to assist us with our final preparations?
Hozan: Since this is all quite sudden, many of our people may require a second opinion on a farewell gift or something else. All I ask is that you make yourself available for any such consultations. Would that be all right?
Hozan: Thank you, my friend. We will look for you near the northern gate.
Hozan: Quickly now, everyone! Let us not keep [Forename] waiting!
Hozan: How fortunate I am that you are still here! My father told me how you helped him, and I was hoping you might do the same for me.
Hozan: I seek your wisdom concerning Slafborn of the Adventurers' Guild, who helped secure us a place here in Revenant's Toll.
Hozan: Thanks to him, we were able to work side by side with the frontier hands to build these walls and lay these cobblestones. We were given food and shelter, it is true, but more importantly, we were given purpose.
Hozan: We have of course already expressed our gratitude to him many times before. I myself presented Slafborn with a Doman dagger, which I am told he treasures...
Hozan: But now that we must part ways, I feel as though we must make one final grand gesture─a more elaborate, expensive gift, perhaps, or... Well, what do you think?
< Something flashy and gaudy that's got bells on. >
Hozan: B-Bells...? Far be it from me to presume, but I did not take Slafborn for a man who delights in such things...but perhaps you are right.
Hozan: Given our limited resources it may be difficult to purchase something satisfactory, but we will do what we can. My thanks for your candor.
< Maybe just try to stay in touch? >
Hozan: Really? We should be glad to maintain our relationship with Slafborn and the Toll, but do you truly believe that in of itself is enough?
Hozan: Hmm... Perhaps you have the right of it. Considering the lengths he has gone to to ease our burdens, spending exorbitant sums on farewell gifts may only frustrate him.
Hozan: Besides, whatever we purchased would come from the Eorzean markets. Better to wait until we have returned to our homeland that we might send them something more Doman. Dried persimmons from my village, perhaps?
Hozan: How go your efforts, brothers and sisters?
(All answers correct)
Hozan: By all accounts, it could not have gone any better! And we owe it all to you, my friend!
Hozan: We are forever in your debt!
(Some answers correct)
Hozan: By all accounts, it went quite well, and we have you to thank for that. You are too kind, my friend.
Hozan: Some yet struggle to put their affairs in order, but others have been more successful. Thankfully, we should have enough time before we depart...
(All answers incorrect)
Hozan: Hmm... I suppose I cannot be surprised. This is all rather sudden, and it is only natural for us all to struggle. I can but hope that we manage to put all our affairs in order before we depart...
(Side QuestToll Booty incomplete)
Hozan: There are some few matters I must attend to before I speak with Slafborn, but it should not take much─ Hmm?
Hozan: That is Rhesh Polaali, is it not? Formerly of the Crystal Braves. Another kind-hearted soul to whom we owe much. She looks as though she is searching for something or someone...
Hozan: [Forename], I know it is not my place to ask, but would you assist her? I would myself if I could, but with our impending journey...
(Side QuestToll Booty complete, Side QuestShort Arms of the Law incomplete)
Hozan: There are some few matters I must attend to before I speak with Slafborn, but it should not take much time... Ah, yes─I recall that the children were searching for something? I do not know the details, but it sounded important to them.
Hozan: [Forename], I know I have imposed upon you enough, but might I ask you to assist my Yozan with his little adventure? If we do not let them see it through to the end before we leave, I will never hear the end of it...
(Side QuestToll Booty complete, Side QuestShort Arms of the Law complete)
Hozan: That said, perhaps we should speak with Slafborn sooner than later. I cannot think of any reason to delay.
Hozan: [Forename], I know I have imposed upon you enough, but might I ask you to accompany me as well?

Feature QuestA Thousand and One Farewells

Hozan: We should pay our respects to Slafborn while we and the others have time to spare, would you not agree?
Hozan: In that case, I ask that you go on ahead and wait for us with Slafborn.
Hozan: I will require a moment to gather the others, but I do not expect it will take long.
Hozan: It is as you say, Master Slafborn...
Hozan: The day many of us thought would never come has arrived, and now we make ready to return to our homeland.
Hozan: Let me assure you, however, that we have no intention of abandoning our responsibilities. My people have either completed their labors or ensured that others may easily do so in their stead.
Hozan: Aye, we would be honored to receive you and any other man or woman or child of Revenant's Toll. Let this not be an ending, but another new beginning─the beginning of a lasting relationship between our two homes.
Hozan: That is my dream for the future of our peoples. As we built these walls stone by stone, may we build it together.
Hozan: A most surprising but welcome gift! We shall endeavor not to drink it all at once.
Hozan: We will collect the bottles and return to our preparations at once. Thank you, Master Slafborn.
Hozan: And thank you, [Forename], for everything.
Hozan: The children are delighted with their new hats! Miss F'lhaminn could not have chosen a better gift.
Hozan: Preparations are proceeding apace. Slafborn and the guild have finalized arrangements for the ship, so once we have finished here, we need only make our way south.
Hozan: How many times have I thanked you, I wonder? Not enough, that much I know...
Hozan: Thank you, [Forename], from the bottom of my heart.
Hozan: You are and ever shall be a true friend to Doma and her people...
Hozan: I expect you will find yourself in the enclave before us. If so, I pray you tell Kozakura that we shall join her soon.
Hozan: Until we meet again, my friend. And if you should find yourself in the enclave before us, I pray you tell Kozakura that we shall join her soon.

Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Tsuranuki

Gil 65,000 donated

Hozan: Master Tsuranuki! [Forename]!
Hozan: To Eorzea's shores, aye. There we remained for some time, but we are returned at last, Master Tsuranuki─all of us!
Hozan: I am told you have contributed much to the restoration of the enclave as well. Truly, my friend, your generosity knows no bounds.
Hozan: Once we have regained our strength, we too shall join in the reconstruction!

Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Araragi

Gil 80,000 donated

Hozan: I know not if you were aware, but we were contacted by the Shazenkai before we left Eorzea, and on their behalf explored various avenues by which we might sell paper and papercraft to the merchants of the West.
Hozan: Through an intermediary we contacted several trading concerns...
Hozan: One rather large and highly successful company expressed an interest in entering into an arrangement. I can say with... some confidence that they will... do their utmost to ensure that we all profit.
Hozan: Ro...
Hozan: Rowena's House of Splendors...
Hozan: By the kami... do not tell me she holds power over you too? What dark secrets could the Warrior of Light be so desperate to conceal...
Hozan: In any event, her reputation notwithstanding, 'tis better to have such a ruthless merchant as an ally rather than a foe, is it not? None will fight more fervently on our behalf... I pray.

Gil 110,000 donated

Hozan: There you are, Kozakura. And Master Araragi is with you! Very good.
Hozan: More than satisfied, sir! They increased their order by thirty percent! That is why I was searching for you─to deliver the good tidings!

Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Minazuki

Gil 185,000 donated

Hozan: While it was not my intention to eavesdrop, I could not help overhearing that you might be visiting the school. I did have a message for you, but it seems it no longer needs to be delivered.
Hozan: Come now, what is so strange about seeing a Doman man dressed in the traditional manner? Truth be told, most of us former refugees were glad for the chance to put on something more comfortable.
Hozan: All except the children, that is. They have grown so accustomed to their Eorzean clothing that they are reluctant to wear anything else! Far be it from me to deny them when they are so adamant...
Hozan: Oh yes, that reminds me. The little ones wanted me to bring you to the school. Apparently, they have something to show you.

Feature QuestLighting the Way

Hozan: [He/She] was a pillar of strength to the refugees during our time in Eorzea, and continues to be so here. I could spend a thousand lifetimes singing [his/her] praises and it still would not be enough!
Hozan: Who can say what the new dawn will bring─ For Doma, for all of us...

Additional Information