Yozan Nagae is a Hyur in Mor Dhona. He is the founder of the Doman Adventurers' Guild.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Li'l Rascals | ![]() |
54 | Yozan |
Short Arms of the Law | ![]() |
54 | Yozan |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Yugiri's Game | ![]() |
50 | Alphinaud |
Guardian of Eorzea | ![]() |
50 | Minfilia Warde |
Toll Booty | ![]() |
54 | Rhesh Polaali |
A Thousand and One Farewells | ![]() |
70 | Hozan |
Doman Reconstruction: Ihase | ![]() |
70 | Kozakura |
Doman Reconstruction: Minazuki | ![]() |
70 | Kozakura |
Zone | Coordinates | Level range |
Mor Dhona | (X:22.5, Y:6.2) | — |
The Doman Enclave | (X:3.7, Y:9.3) | — |
The Doman Enclave | (X:4.8, Y:9.5) | — |
Western Thanalan | (X:13.8, Y:14.5) | — |
“"To be a better adventurer, you need to go adventuring!"
Yozan is the founder of the Doman Adventurers' Guild, and the organization's "swordfighter." From his training in Doma—and the aid of his father, Hozan—Yozan is very light on his feet, and can climb to great heights with ease. With his natural energy and balance, the Hyuran youth will likely prove a great warrior one day. At present, though, he can manage little more than mock swordplay, even with all he has learned from Hoary Boulder.
Yozan remains in many ways a boy of twelve years. He despises foods with overpowering flavors, and reputedly scampers away, yelling "no" when asked by Thancred if he has any romantic interests.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea, p. 197
Small Talk
After completion of all Doman Reconstruction Quests
Yozan: Where should I go on my first adventure? Maybe I can go to see Mister Boulder!
Yugiri's Game
Yozan: Oh, hello there! I'm Yozan, son of Hozan. Will you be coming with us to Ul'dah? I hear we're traveling by horsebird-drawn carriage! Yozan: But...don't you think they're queer? Giant birds that people ride like horses? I still want to try riding one, but─ Yozan: What's that? You're looking for the others? Don't worry. I already told them to get ready for the carriages. Yozan: I'll need your help, though. We were just finishing a game of hide-and-seek. Three players are still in hiding, and since Lady Yugiri told us to take it really seriously, they won't move until they're found. But Vesper Bay isn't that big, so I bet you can find them in no time!
Guardian of Eorzea
Yozan: Look! It's [Mister/Miss] [Forename]! [He/She]'s back from [his/her] adventures! Yozan: We heard you were off fighting "primals," and that they're some of the strongest enemies you could ever face! I wish I could've seen you in battle... Yozan: Anyway, we all want to be heroes, too─so we finally formed our very own Doman Adventurers' Guild to protect all the Domans! Yozan: Oh! Do you think you could train us today, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]? Maybe you could show us how you fought the primals!
Yozan: Mister Boulder and Mister Coultenet! Did you know that [Mister/Miss] [Forename] is back!?
Yozan: Ugh, I told you, Mister Boulder: we are not younglings anymore─we are adventurers! Yozan: And we were just asking [Mister/Miss] [Forename] if [he/she] could give us some special training. I think we're ready to hunt monsters alongside [him/her], don't you?
Yozan: Hurrah! We're to have a tournament! Come on, everyone─we must prepare our gear for an outing!
(Optional) Yozan: [Mister/Miss] [Forename] is here! Let the battle begin!
Yozan: Well, our teacher won't be beaten so easily! He's a master swordsman!
Yozan: [Mister/Miss] [Forename] is so strong... But you can't give up, Mister Boulder!
Yozan: <gasp> ... Yozan: ...That was incredible! [He/She] beat them both at the same time!
(Optional) Yozan: Mister Boulder fought well, but he was no match for you, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]! Yozan: Just you wait! One day I'll be good enough to knock you from the top of your mountain!
Toll Booty
Yozan: I hereby call this meeting of the Doman Adventurers' Guild to order! Old business first─Koharu, we'll start with you.
Yozan: No, no, that's not right! Those are all just chores─I want to go on a proper adventure! Didn't any of you find something exciting or scary or mysterious we could explore?
Yozan: I did too! We've got a big wide world to explore, and I was looking into ways to do it. Which is more than can be said for any of you.
Yozan: Shiun, you little snitch! I told you that in secret!
Yozan: That's perfect! We could be the first to find out what's hidden there! Now, we've just got to figure out how to leave town without being caught. Yozan: [Mister/Miss] [Forename]? What are you doing here?
Yozan: Hold on a moment! Yozan: I've got an important announcement! The Doman Adventurers' Guild needs experience in the field actually adventuring. No one's going to let us, though, because they think it's too dangerous. Yozan: But [Mister/Miss] [Forename] is a good friend of the guild, and he is an incredible adventurer, too. So, I say we invite him to join us in this quest!
Yozan: Now, come on! We've got to find out what's hidden at Camp Revenant's Toll!
Yozan: We won't know anything unless we poke around a bit. Spread out, and see what you can find─and be careful of monsters. Yozan: Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]─we've given up on being the Doman Braves. It just didn't seem right, after everything that happened.
(Optional) Yozan: There's something fishy about this tent... No, I mean, it smells like rotten fish. It's making my eyes water...
Yozan: Nothing, nothing, and more nothing! Did you find anything? Yozan: Even [Mister/Miss] [Forename] only found this junk. <sigh> Treasure's not easy to come by, I guess.
Yozan: Mmmmmm... Maybe we shouldn't. I think he'll just be angry that we have the wine at all. Yozan: Oh, but he wouldn't scold you, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]. Could you ask him for us? Yozan: Great! We'll go back to Revenant's Toll. Tell us what you find out!
(Optional) Yozan: Hurry up, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]! We're all waiting for you to go and ask Mister Slafborn about the wine!
Yozan: What did Mister Slafborn say about the wine? Yozan: Oh... So there never really was a treasure of Revenant's Toll. Yozan: Bother. I was hoping for buried gold, or an ancient demon, or something. Yozan: ...But I guess it wasn't so bad after all. We did get to go outside the town, and explore with [Mister/Miss] [Forename]!
Li'l Rascals
Yozan: Hello, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]. Have you found us another quest? Yozan: Oh. I was hoping... Well, no matter─we Doman adventurers can find our own! Yozan: Everyone, go and see what the travelers are talking about. Any rumors of more treasure we could hunt, or giant demons we could slay, or whatever! Yozan: We just need to find something good. Then, we'll head off on another quest with our trusty advisor in tow!
Yozan: [Mister/Miss] [Forename]? Does this mean you've found us a quest? Yozan: What? Of course we didn't steal anything! We're adventurers, not thieves! I'd better call the guild together, and quickly!
Yozan: We're being accused of something we didn't do! Before this can go any further, we have to tell Mister Slafborn! Yozan: ...Well, we can't just say we're innocent, though. We have to clear our names, by finding that grimoire and learning who took it! Yozan: We may be young, but we can show everyone we're proper adventurers─by protecting our friends and punishing the wicked!
Yozan: ...Lalafells!
Yozan: I thought they were Lalafells. Now we can begin the real investigation─by looking into them!
Short Arms of the Law
Yozan: [Mister/Miss] [Forename], Koharu's found our suspects! Yozan: They've parked their cart around the southeast gate. Come on, let's go investigate. But be quiet─we don't want them to know we're onto them yet.
Yozan: I think I've an idea of how to find out. Rokka, can you play along?
Yozan: That's old news! I think they've even given up hunting for the criminals. <sigh> It's too bad, though. I wanted that grimoire for myself.
Yozan: Shhh! Do you want everyone to know about all the buried gold and jewels!? And what about the weapons, hm? Yozan: They say those are stronger than the Empire's! I spent so much time learning that the treasure's in Camp Revenant's Toll, but I'll never find it now...
Yozan: We just have to beat them to Camp Revenant's Toll now. From the way they took the bait, I don't think we have much time. We'd better hurry! Yozan:Koharu, are you sure that's them?
Yozan: I hope they'll come quietly. But if they don't, you'll have to take care of them, [Mister/Miss] [Forename].
Yozan: We're not children─we're the Doman Adventurers' Guild! We're here to arrest you for stealing the grimoire from Rowena's!
Yozan: Just do like you did with Mister Boulder, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]!
Yozan: Damn it, they got away!
Yozan: That was a queer bunch, make no mistake! But they forgot one thing─the grimoire! Yozan: Come on, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]─get them!
Yozan: [Mister/Miss] [Forename], get the grimoire.
Yozan: Hah! Now that we've got the grimoire, all we need to do is show it to Mister Slafborn and explain what happened! Come on, what are we waiting for?
Yozan: Mister Slafborn, we are not younglings! Yozan: We are the Doman Adventurers' Guild! All the world will soon know our name, and one day, we'll even be more famous than [Mister/Miss] [Forename]!
A Thousand and One Farewells
Yozan: Oh, hey there, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]... You're not here to say good-bye, are you? Yozan: It's not fair! Why do they get to decide it's time to go back? I mean, I miss Doma too, but they should've asked us first! Yozan: Huh? Miss F'lhaminn wants us to come to the café!? Whatever it is she thinks we did, we─ ...Oh, it's not like that? Well, all right then... Yozan: With me, guild members! Miss F'lhaminn needs us! You too, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]!
Yozan: All members of the Doman Adventurers' Guild, reporting for duty! So what's the adventure? Monster hunting? Garlean gold!?
Yozan: A r-reward!? Really!?
Yozan: Wow, look at these!
Yozan: We'll make them the official uniform of the Doman Adventurers' Guild!
Yozan: Mister Boulder and Mister Coultenet! I thought you were away on important Scion business!
Yozan: You'll see! We'll become the most famous adventurers in Yanxia! And then we'll return to Eorzea and become famous here too! Yozan: Everyone may know the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Warrior of Light, but just you wait! Years from now, they'll all be talking about the Doman Adventurers' Guild!
Yozan: Right! We mustn't neglect our training! Find the heaviest crates and carry them to the horsebird carriages!
Yozan: And while we're on the ship, we'll have plenty of time to train!
Doman Reconstruction: Ihase
150,000 donated
Yozan: Hey, everyone! Mitsuba brought food! Come on, let's eat!
Yozan: Say, what brings you all the way here, [Mister/Miss] [Forename]? Have you come to visit us? Yozan: You're helping with the enclave? Wow! You're the best! Yozan: Since we got back here, the Doman Adventurers' Guild has been busier than ever.
Yozan: Last one clean is a rotten egg!
Yozan: You mean Miss Minazuki will be the teacher? That's great news!
Yozan: Yes, we'd love to! Yozan: The school can be our new headquarters! Come on─let's take a look!
Doman Reconstruction: Minazuki
160,000 donated
(Optional) Yozan: I heard you've been making lots of donations! That's what Miss Minazuki says anyway.
Yozan: Really? Then why don't you join our lesson?
Yozan: We'll never give in to those dogs! Doma forever!
165,000 donated
Yozan: Tsuranuki gave us some soot to make ink!
Yozan: What!? Why didn't I get one!?
185,000 donated
Yozan: Look! Up on the wall! Yozan: Miss F'lhaminn gave it to us when we left Revenant's Toll. It's so we don't forget Eorzea, and all the adventures we had there.
Yozan: Hey, Miss─do you see the big desert on the map? That's where Ul'dah is, and Revenant's Toll is next to it! Yozan: Maybe one day, we could travel to lots of new places, like [Mister/Miss] [Forename]. We can explore the lands under those white clouds!