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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
The Doman Enclave (7.4, 7.8)
Quest NPC

Araragi is a Hyur in The Doman Enclave.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Lighting the Way Feature quest 70 Kozakura


After Feature quest Lighting the Way

Araragi: Crafting the lanterns used in the revived tento-okuri was an experience that I will cherish forever. I hope that a similar event will be held again in the future.

Feature quest Lighting the Way

Araragi: I would have come here by myself if he hadn't followed me! I cannot seem to escape this cantankerous curmudgeon.
Araragi: Kozakura─you wish to know of tento-okuri? Perhaps the reminiscences of an old man would be of some use on this occasion.
Araragi: As the name suggests, it involves “sending lanterns up to the heavens.” It is a chance to say our final farewells to the spirits of the dead as they embark on their journey into the hereafter.
Araragi: The lanterns float on the wind, ever upward, to light the way.
Araragi: Hello? Are you so absent-minded you have forgotten about me already? Making paper lanterns is one of my many specialties!
Araragi: It has been many a year since I last made lanterns for tento-okuri, but the design is simplicity itself. My apprentices will keep producing them until I give the order to stop, so there should be more than enough.