Resistance Officer
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After completion of
Resistance Officer
Resistance Officer is a Hyur in The Lochs.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Ruby Doomsday | ![]() |
80 | Resistance Officer |
Sleep Now in Sapphire | ![]() |
80 | Resistance Officer |
Blood of Emerald | ![]() |
80 | Resistance Officer |
In Memory | ![]() |
80 | Resistance Officer |
Duty in the Sky with Diamond | ![]() |
80 | Resistance Officer |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Old Enemies, New Threats | ![]() |
80 | Krile |
Forever at Your Side | ![]() |
80 | Severa |
Zone | Coordinates | Level range |
The Lochs | (X:11.3, Y:22.5) | — |
The Lochs | (X:36.2, Y:31.7) | — |
Small Talk
After completion of
Ruby Doomsday
Resistance Officer: We're lucky you showed up when you did. I'm not sure what we could've done to hold back the Ruby Weapon without you.
After completion of
Sleep Now in Sapphire
Resistance Officer: Still no news from headquarters, unfortunately. Or perhaps that should be “fortunately”? After all, no news is good news.
After completion of
Blood of Emerald
Resistance Officer: Still no information on the location of the Weapon, or that Alfonse character, I'm afraid. We'll let you know if we turn anything up.
After completion of
Forever at Your Side
Resistance Officer: Ever since the Ruby Weapon first appeared, we've been trying to come up with a name to describe the series of events that followed. The thing is, we're torn between two possible candidates. Resistance Officer: What do you think? “The Sorrow of Werlyt” or “Romance of the Four Giant Warmachina”?
Old Enemies, New Threats
Resistance Officer: Commander Aldynn has instructed me to escort you to Alliance Headquarters for further briefing. When you are ready to depart, you need only ask.
Ruby Doomsday
Resistance Officer: Ah, [Forename]. Glad you could make it. Resistance Officer: As you may have heard, Commander Aldynn has given orders to embark from Alliance Headquarters to hold back the advance of the Empire's latest menace. Resistance Officer: Not that the soldiers stationed there are too chuffed about being on the front line against these new Weapons. If they're designed to slay primals, they'd make short work of us mere mortals as well. Resistance Officer: Mind you, it's Gaius Baelsar and his followers who've led the charge so far. By all accounts, they've been giving as good as they get. Resistance Officer: Unfortunately, their sorties have met with little success. I dare say they'd benefit greatly from your presence on the battlefield. If you're ready, my colleague over at Porta Praetoria will show you the way.
(Optional) Resistance Officer: He was told to wait for you at the foot of the long set of stairs. I imagine he's milling about at the camp, trying not to step in any chocobo shite.
Resistance Officer: So, you put down the Ruby Weapon? Gods, I wish I could've seen it! Not from too close, mind. Resistance Officer: I suppose I should report news of your victory to the higher-ups. I realize you must've been through quite the ordeal, but could you give me a quick summary of the battle? Resistance Officer: You make it sound so easy! From the way you tell it, anyone would think you slay hulking brutes like that for a living! I'll put all of this into a report, and leave a copy over there, should you fancy a bit of light reading. Resistance Officer: Anyway, I expect you've got more pressing matters to take care of, like going for a celebratory pint. If the Garleans pluck up the courage to come knocking again, we'll let you know. Until then, rest up!
Sleep Now in Sapphire
Resistance Officer: [Forename]. I'm afraid we haven't much in the way of information to share from the front line. Resistance Officer: We have, however, received word that Gaius wishes to speak with you at Alliance Headquarters. Resistance Officer: I've arranged an escort to take you to headquarters, so when you're ready to depart, speak with the fellow over there.
(Optional) Resistance Officer: I wouldn't like to hazard a guess at exactly what it is your presence is required for, but it's probably not the sort of thing that can be put off until later.
Resistance Officer: Welcome back! It sounds like you've been on quite the journey. All the way to Terncliff! Resistance Officer: And judging by the fact you made it here in one piece, I trust everything went according to plan? Resistance Officer: What an astonishing account... I wouldn't mind putting that G-Warrior through its paces myself! Certainly a lot more stimulating than supervising this rabble, I'd imagine. Resistance Officer: Anyway, as before, I'll compile the information into a report and leave it over there for your perusal, should you feel so inclined. If we hear anything from headquarters, we'll be sure to pass it on.
Blood of Emerald
Resistance Officer: Ah, it's good to see you, [Forename]. Resistance Officer: I'm pleased to report that Master Garlond and the others uncovered a fair bit of useful information at the imperial facility in Terncliff. Resistance Officer: In fact, he'd like you to rendezvous with Gaius in the town square, where he'll reveal what they've found. Once you're ready to depart, your escort will lead the way.
(Optional) Resistance Officer: I wouldn't mind going with you to Terncliff, but I've got to stay here to keep an eye on this horrible lot!
Resistance Officer: We recently received word of your victory over the Emerald Weapon. I expect it was another fine display on your part, not that any of us were there to see it... Resistance Officer: For that reason, we'd be grateful if you could give us a blow-by-blow account, if you wouldn't mind. Resistance Officer: Good grief, it sounds like you had an awful lot to contend with! Rather you than me... Ahem! I shall add this to our ever-growing stack of reports, should anyone wish to review this information ahead of the next sortie. Resistance Officer: Now, if I may say so, it looks like your ordeals have taken their toll. We'll let you know if anything requires your attention, but until then, be sure to get some rest!
In Memory
Resistance Officer: Ah, [Forename]. I was hoping I might have a word with you. Resistance Officer: Ever since Terncliff was liberated, we've been sending troops to aid in getting the town back on its feet. Helping the residents, that sort of thing. Resistance Officer: We Ala Mhigans know how hard life can be for a society struggling to stand on its own after years of imperial rule. A lot of what most people would take for granted has to be rebuilt from the ground up. Resistance Officer: While we're able to assist when it comes to providing basic resources and keeping the place safe, there are countless other problems that need attending to. If you can spare the time, we could use your help. Resistance Officer: Bless you, [Forename]. You really are a saint. I'm sure the people of Terncliff will benefit from having someone like you around. Resistance Officer: Once you're ready, have a word with your usual escort. I wish you all the best.
(Optional) Resistance Officer: After more than half a century of imperial occupation, it's understandable that the recent liberation of Terncliff has had the effect of pulling the rug out from under their feet, regardless of how welcome the change may be.
Resistance Officer: So, how was your time in Terncliff? Resistance Officer: I see... Fate has dealt her a cruel hand, but now she has a chance to make a fresh start. The same could be said of the whole of Terncliff. Resistance Officer: It seems the liberation of that one small town will become a pivotal moment in Werlyt's history. Perhaps it won't be too long before the rest of the region is free from the Empire. Resistance Officer: Naturally, we'd be honored to fight alongside the people of Werlyt. We won't rest until the imperials are sent fleeing with their tails between their legs. Resistance Officer: Until that day arrives, we'll carry on doing our bit to support you and the others in ending the Weapon project. I'll be sure to pass on any pertinent information. In the meantime, take care.
Duty in the Sky with Diamond
Resistance Officer: I wasn't expecting to see you here, considering all that's been happening about Eorzea of late. Still, if you've a mind to assist us, we'd like to share the latest developments in Werlyt. Resistance Officer: You've come at the right time. There've been some developments in Werlyt we'd like to share with you. Resistance Officer: And as luck would have it, here comes the ideal person to explain the situation.
(Optional) Resistance Officer: We'll all be praying for your safe return, although I expect you'll be perfectly fine even without divine intervention!
Forever at Your Side
Resistance Officer: Welcome back, [Forename]! Congratulations on another hard-earned victory! Resistance Officer: Ever since we first heard the news, I've been dying to hear exactly how it all unfolded. So, what can you tell me of this Diamond Weapon? Resistance Officer: By Rhalgr's beard... Even for the Empire, that must be a new low. Those poor orphans... Resistance Officer: I can only pray that the citizens of Werlyt are able to enjoy the freedom that Gaius's wards gave their lives for. Resistance Officer: At the very least, we need no longer live in fear of the monstrous creations birthed by the Weapon project. I shall add your account to our official report. Resistance Officer: Finally, on behalf of the Ala Mhigan Resistance─and the whole of Eorzea, for that matter─allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude! Thank you!