Long Live the Queen

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Long Live the Queen

Long live the queen.png
35 (Sync: 36)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
30 minutes

At first, the now-frequent deadly avalanches in the Coerthas highlands were written off as displays of Oschon's might. That is, until local mountaineers spotted a giant bomb sending smaller explosives up onto the Nail to self-destruct, triggering massive cataracts of snow and rock. Knowing now the true cause of the matter, the Holy See has put a bounty on the floating head of this "bomb queen." The task of regicide, however, will not be an easy one, for she is attended to by a retinue of royal subjects who are ready to serve her in any way necessary─including self-destruction.

— In-game description

Long Live the Queen is a level 35 guildhest introduced in patch 2.0.


In this guildhest, players will travel through a snowy corridor and face a series of Bomb monsters. The venture culminates into a boss fight with the Queen Bomb. The various Bomb monsters all have different detonating methods.

The guildhest will begin with a wave of adds:

  • Votive Candle - Small fire wisps near the entrance.
  • Bomb Servitor - an orange bomb that will explode shortly after being aggro'd, KO-ing itself. Due to this, simply avoid its AoE and don't bother attacking it.
  • Bomb Charr - a green version of the Bomb Servitor. Just avoid it and don't attack it.
  • Red Marshmallow - Slime adds that can inflict Sleep (status effect) icon1.png Sleep, but the cast can be interrupted. If a party member gets slept, then they will be unable to dodge the AoEs put out by the other enemies. Healers should be ready with Esuna.png  Esuna to cleanse off the Sleep. If the healer gets slept and a Bard frame icon.png Bard is present, then they should use The Warden's Paean.png  The Warden's Paean to cleanse the healer.

When all adds have been defeated, three dark circles will appear, and the Bomb Queen boss will spawn in the middle circle.

Aggressive difficulty r4.png Bomb Queen

Bomb Servitors (orange) and Bomb Charrs (green) will appear like before - avoid their self-destructs, and try not to spend too long attacking them.

This phase also adds Bomb Baronets (black), which will take damage for a while until the Bomb Queen orders them to destruct.

Focus damage on the Bomb Queen instead of the adds, and she should go down quickly. Shortly after she goes down, any remaining bombs will detonate, so be ready to move if necessary.


Rewards: Experience 5,410 experience, Gil 210 gil