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Template:Emote list

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Shows a list of emotes by type - for use on the emote page. It uses the semantic result template Template:Emote list row to format each entry.


{{Emote list|<type>}}
unnamed parameter 1
Type, General, Special or Expressions


{{Emote list|General}}
Emote Command Description Patch
Aback.png  Aback /aback Act taken aback. 4.2
Advent of light icon1.png  Advent of Light /advent, /adventoflight You leap majestically into the air before making a suitably herioc landing. 6.4
Air Quotes.png  Air Quotes /airquotes Make air quotes with your fingers for added sarcasm, emphasis, etc. 2.0
All saints charm icon1.png  All Saints' Charm /allsaintscharm Swish and flick to cast a spell. 6.4
Angry.png  Angry /angry Be angry. 2.0
Backflip (Emote).png  Backflip /backflip, /bflip Perform a backflip. 3.5
Battle Stance.png  Battle Stance /battlestance, /bstance Prepare yourself for battle. 3.2
Beckon.png  Beckon /beckon Make a beckoning motion. 2.0
Blow Kiss.png  Blow Kiss /blowkiss Throw an airborne smooch in someone's general direction. 2.0
Blush.png  Blush /blush Blush with embarrassment. 2.0
Bow.png  Bow /bow Perform a bow. 2.0
Box.png  Box /box Put up your dukes. 4.1
Eat Bread.png  Break Fast /bread, /breakfast Chow down on a piece of bread. 5.21
Cheer.png  Cheer /cheer Cheer enthusiastically. 2.0
Chuckle.png  Chuckle /chuckle Chuckle in amusement. 2.0
Clap.png  Clap /clap Applaud. 2.0
Clutch Head.png  Clutch Head /clutchhead Seize your head in pain or anguish. 5.45
Comfort.png  Comfort /comfort Make a consoling gesture. 2.0
Congratulate.png  Congratulate /congratulate Offer congratulations. 2.0
Consider.png  Consider /consider Mull over a curious question. 5.35
Converse.png  Converse /converse Strike up a conversation. 4.1
Crimson Lotus.png  Crimson Lotus /crimsonlotus Practice the art of the crimson lotus. 4.3
Cry.png  Cry /cry Break into tears. 2.0
Dance.png  Dance /dance Start dancing. 2.0
Deny.png  Deny /deny Strongly disagree. 2.0
Deride.png  Deride /deride, /pagaga Bare your teeth derisively. 6.2
Determined icon1.png  Determined /determined Punch your own palm with readiness. 6.1
Disappointed.png  Disappointed /disappointed Convey utter disappointment. 2.0
Dote.png  Dote /dote Throw a heartfelt kiss at your beloved. 3.5
Doubt.png  Doubt /doubt Appear doubtful. 2.0
Doze.png  Doze /doze Start dozing off. If a bed is nearby, your character will sleep in it. 2.0
Draw Weapon.png  Draw Weapon /draw Ready your weapon. 5.45
Drink Tea icon1.png  Drink Tea /tea Sip serenely from a teacup. 6.11
Ear wiggle emote.png  Ear Wiggle /earwiggle Wiggle suddenly enormous ears. 6.35
Eastern Bow.png  Eastern Bow /easternbow, /ebow Perform a bow in the Far Eastern fashion. 4.0
Eastern Greeting.png  Eastern Greeting /easterngreeting Perform a greeting common in the Far East. 3.4
Eastern Stretch.png  Eastern Stretch /estretch Stretch your muscles in the Far Eastern fashion. 3.57
Eat Apple.png  Eat Apple /apple, /eatapple Bite into an apple. 5.41
Eat Chicken.png  Eat Chicken /eatchicken Snack on a piece of fried chicken. 6.5
Eat Chocolate.png  Eat Chocolate /choco, /eatchocolate Snack on Valentione's chocolate. 6.2
Eat Egg.png  Eat Egg /eategg, /egg Casually eat a boiled egg. 6.1
Eat Pizza.png  Eat Pizza /eatpizza, /pizza Snack on a slice of pizza. 5.45
Eat pumpkin cookie icon1.png  Eat Pumpkin Cookie /cookie, /eatpumpkincookie Nibble on a pumpkin cookie. 6.2
Eat Rice Ball.png  Eat Rice Ball /eatriceball, /riceball Eat a rice ball. 5.41
Elucidate.png  Elucidate /elucidate Explain yourself to any who will listen. 4.3
Embrace (Emote).png  Embrace /embrace Perform a loving embrace. 2.45
Eureka (Emote).png  Eureka /eureka Experience a brief moment of enlightenment. 3.25
Examine Self.png  Examine Self /examineself Admire yourself. 2.0
Facepalm.png  Facepalm /facepalm Bury your head into your hands in frustration. 3.4
Fist Bump.png  Fist Bump /fistbump Attempt a fistbump. 3.0
Flame Salute.png  Flame Salute /flamesalute Perform an official Immortal Flames salute. 2.0
Flex.png  Flex /flex Flex your muscles. 3.4
Flower shower icon1.png  Flower Shower /flowershower, /petals Toss fragrant flower petals into the air. 5.5
Frighten.png  Frighten /frighten Attempt to appear menacing. 6.35
Fume.png  Fume /fume Express annoyance. 2.0
Furious.png  Furious /furious Be furious. 2.0
Goodbye.png  Goodbye /goodbye Bid farewell. 2.0
Gratuity.png  Gratuity /gratuity, /makeithail Humbly scatter gold coins at the feet of your admirers. 4.56
Greeting.png  Greeting /greet Wave your hand in greeting. 4.2
Grovel.png  Grovel /grovel Fall to your knees in unworthiness. 2.0
Hand Over.png  Hand Over /handover Extend your hand in a giving gesture. 2.35
Handtoheart.png  Hand to Heart /handtoheart Gently place your hand on your heart. 6.4
Happy.png  Happy /happy Display extreme happiness. 2.0
Haurchefant (Emote).png  Haurchefant /haurchefant Express your fervent approval. 3.3
Headache.png  Headache /headache Reel from a terrible headache. 5.15
High Five.png  High Five /hfive, /highfive Give someone a high five. 5.31
Hug.png  Hug /hug Give a warm hug. 2.38
Huh.png  Huh /huh Act bemused. 2.0
Humble Triumph.png  Humble Triumph /humbletriumph, /waitforit Strike a mildly triumphant pose. 6.51
Huzzah.png  Huzzah /hurray, /huzzah Give a hearty cheer. 2.35
Imperial Salute.png  Imperial Salute /imperialsalute Perform an Imperial Garlean Army salute. 2.0
Insist.png  Insist /insist Speak emphatically to get your point across. 5.21
Joy.png  Joy /joy Express joy. 2.0
Jump for Joy 1.png  Jump for Joy 1 /jumpforjoy1 Jump happily for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 2.png  Jump for Joy 2 /jumpforjoy2 Jump merrily for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 3.png  Jump for Joy 3 /jumpforjoy3 Jump enthusiastically for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 4.png  Jump for Joy 4 /jumpforjoy4 Jump cheerfully for joy. 6.5
Jump for Joy 5.png  Jump for Joy 5 /jumpforjoy5 Jump for joy like a sabotender. 6.5
Kneel.png  Kneel /kneel Kneel in respect. 2.0
Lali-ho.png  Lali-ho /laliho Perform a traditional dwarven greeting. 5.0
Laugh.png  Laugh /laugh Burst out laughing. 2.0
Linkpearl emote.png  Linkpearl /linkpearl Make a linkpearl call. 6.3
Little Ladies Dance2.png  Little Ladies' Dance /ladance, /littleladiesdance Perform the Little Ladies' Dance. 6.3
Lookout.png  Lookout /lookout Scan the area. 2.0
Magic Trick emote.png  Magic Trick /magictrick Perform a magic trick 6.4
Me.png  Me /me Motion to yourself. 2.0
Megaflare.png  Megaflare /megaflare Cast Megaflare. 4.25
No.png  No /no Disagree. 2.0
Paint It Black.png  Paint It Black /paintblack Swab the floor with black paint. 5.4
Paint It Blue.png  Paint It Blue /paintblue Swab the floor with blue paint. 5.4
Paint It Red.png  Paint It Red /paintred Swab the floor with red paint. 5.4
Paint It Yellow.png  Paint It Yellow /paintyellow Swab the floor with yellow paint. 5.4
Panic.png  Panic /panic Start to panic. 2.0
Pantomime.png  Pantomime /mime, /pantomime Perform a pantomime. 5.45
Pay Respects.png  Pay Respects /respect Offer up a silent prayer. 4.0
Pet.png  Pet /pet, /stroke Take the love within your heart and focus it into your hand. 2.35
Point.png  Point /point Point at something. 2.0
Poke.png  Poke /poke Make a poking gesture. 2.0
Pose.png  Pose /pose Strike a pose. 2.0
Power Up.png  Power Up /powerup Put your true strength on display. 4.2
Pray.png  Pray /pray Offer solemn words of prayer to the Twelve or whatever gods it is you keep. 2.0
Pretty Please.png  Pretty Please /pplease, /prettyplease Make a pleading motion. 4.1
Psych.png  Psych /psych Psych yourself up. 2.0
Rally.png  Rally /rally Give encouragement. 2.0
Read.png  Read /read Pore over a book. 5.21
Reference emote.png  Reference /reference Consult literature. 6.45
Salute.png  Salute /salute Perform a salute. 2.0
Scheme.png  Scheme /scheme Spin a web of lies and deceit. 4.45
Serpent Salute.png  Serpent Salute /serpentsalute Perform an official Order of the Twin Adder salute. 2.0
Sheathe Weapon.png  Sheathe Weapon /sheathe Put away your weapon. 5.45
Shiver.png  Shiver /shiver Tremble from the cold. 4.36
Shocked.png  Shocked /shocked Act shocked. 2.0
Shrug.png  Shrug /shrug Shrug. 2.0
Shush.png  Shush /shh, /shush Gesture to be quiet. 5.55
Slap.png  Slap /slap Let your hand do the talking. 2.38
Slump.png  Slump /slump Hang your head in defeat. 6.5
Snap.png  Snap /snap Snap your fingers. 5.2
Soothe.png  Soothe /soothe Make a comforting gesture. 2.0
Spectacles.png  Spectacles /spectacles Adjust your spectacles. 3.5
Spirit icon1.png  Spirit /spirit Show off your team spirit. 6.2
Splash.png  Splash /splash Splash playfully when in water. 4.3
Stagger.png  Stagger /stagger Stagger for a moment. 2.0
Stand Up.png  Stand Up /standup 2.0
Storm Salute.png  Storm Salute /stormsalute Perform an official Maelstrom salute. 2.0
Stretch.png  Stretch /stretch Stretch. 2.0
Sulk.png  Sulk /sulk Wallow in self-pity. 2.0
Surprised.png  Surprised /surprised Act surprised. 2.0
Sweat.png  Sweat /sweat Wipe the sweat from your brow. 4.35
Think.png  Think /think Become lost in thought. 2.0
Throw.png  Throw /throw Throw an object. 2.1
Thumbs Up.png  Thumbs Up /thumbsup Strongly agree. 2.0
Toast.png  Toast /toast Raise a toast to those around you. 5.1
Tomestone (Emote).png  Tomestone /tomestone Lovingly tap your tomestone. 4.4
Uchiwasshoi.png  Uchiwasshoi /bigfan, /uchiwasshoi Stir the air with a giant fan. 7.0
Upset.png  Upset /upset Express disgust. 2.0
Vexed icon1.png  Vexed /vexed Appear visibly frustrated. 5.57
Victory.png  Victory /vpose Celebrate victory. 3.2
Victory Reveal.png  Victory Reveal /victoryreveal, /vreveal Await news of your victory. 6.51
Water Flip.png  Water Flip /waterflip Perform a somersault underwater. 4.0
Wave.png  Wave /wave Wave your hand. 2.0
Welcome.png  Welcome /welcome Make a welcoming gesture. 2.0
Wow emote.png  Wow /wow Sparkle with amazement. 6.25
Yes.png  Yes /yes Nod in approval. 2.0