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Alison is a Hyur in Mor Dhona. She is stationed in Revenant's Toll.
Small Talk
Alison: Well met, friend, and welcome to Revenant's Toll. Is there aught you wish to know?
What do you do here?
Alison: I am an adventurer like yourself, here at the guild's behest to provide support to those who mean to brave the wilds of Mor Dhona. (If the player began as an Arcanist or Marauder) Alison: If I might ask, where did you first get your start? Limsa Lominsa, you say? Well, you may congratulate yourself for having come this far. It takes a seasoned adventurer to make the journey unscathed. Alison: Yet seasoned though you may be, I would advise you to tread warily in these parts. A single misstep could cost you your life. If you were to turn up a corpse, Baderon would never let me hear the end of it. (If the player began as a Archer, Conjurer or Lancer) Alison: If I might ask, where did you first get your start? Gridania, you say? Well, you may congratulate yourself for having come this far. It takes a seasoned adventurer to make the journey unscathed. Alison: Yet seasoned though you may be, I would advise you to tread warily in these parts. A single misstep could cost you your life. If you were to turn up a corpse, Miounne would never let me hear the end of it. (If the player began as a Gladiator, Pugilist or Thaumaturge) Alison: If I might ask, where did you first get your start? Ul'dah, you say? Well, you may congratulate yourself for having come this far. It takes a seasoned adventurer to make the journey unscathed. Alison: Yet seasoned though you may be, I would advise you to tread warily in these parts. A single misstep could cost you your life. If you were to turn up a corpse, Momodi would never let me hear the end of it.
What kind of place is this?
Alison: This facility was established under the auspices of the Adventurers' Guild. It used to be situated a short distance to the west, but the Calamity laid the original camp to waste. Alison: When the reconstruction of aetheryte camps began across Eorzea, it was decided that Revenant's Toll would be relocated to where we now stand. Alison: Ah, mayhap you wonder where the camp got its name. Well, some years before the Sixth Astral Era ended, an imperial airship fell from the skies and crashed here. Alison: The impact was such that an entire settlement was annihilated in the blink of an eye. When the camp was built, it was named in remembrance of those poor souls who died in the tragedy.