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Not Allowed
Time limit
15 minutes
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 50 
Req. quest
Feature quest Earning Your Wings

On the forgotten fringes of the Dravanian hinterlands, there lie the remnants of a Sharlayan testing site known as Astragalos. With their boundless ingenuity, the goblins of Idyllshire have transformed the place into an expansive training ground. Here, brave adventurers can take control of mighty machines in large-scale war games reminiscent of battles against the Garlean Empire. A furious struggle for territorial supremacy awaits!

— In-game description

Astragalos is a level 30 PvP duty introduced in patch 4.15 with Stormblood. It is a type of Rival Wings, a large-scale PvP battle involving up to 48 combatants. Participants are divided into two teams, the Falcons and the Ravens, comprised of six light parties each.

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Participating in Campaigns

Players can queue to enter Astragalos campaigns alone, or in a party of up to four players. There are no role restrictions when queueing as a party.

Role Requirements

When participating in Astragalos campaigns, there are no role requirements or restrictions for parties. Moreover, players can freely change jobs at their team's landing.

  • The recast time of skills will not be reset when changing jobs.

Preparing for Battle

Rival Wings participants will be placed on one of two teams: the Falcons or the Ravens. Players will then begin the match at their teams' respective landing points. Matches will begin after a 90-second countdown.


The Say, Party, Alliance, Yell, Shout, Free Company, Linkshell, and Novice Network chat channels can be used during Rival Wings.

  • Say, Yell, and Shout can only be used with players on the same team.


Incapacitated players will be returned to their landing point, where they will be allowed to rejoin combat after a short delay. Furthermore, players will be invulnerable so long as they remain at their landing point. This effect will be lost upon returning to the battlefield.


Players are free to use mounts during Astragalos campaigns. However, players taking damage while mounted will be inflicted with the Limp status effect.

  • Flying mounts cannot be used to fly during Astragalos campaigns. Furthermore, two-person mounts cannot be ridden.


Using Return will teleport players back to their landing point. Moreover, this action has no recast time during Astragalos campaigns. Please note, however, casting will be interrupted by attacks.

Abandoning Matches

Players who abandon an Astragalos campaign (not including players who join a match in progress or are vote kicked) will receive a penalty. Players so penalized will be unable to register for PvP duties for 30 minutes. Players inactive for over a period of two minutes will automatically be removed from play.

Basic Rules and Objectives

The first team to destroy the core located on the opponent's base will be declared the winner. In the event neither team destroys a core, victory will be decided based on each team's remaining number of towers, tower HP, and core HP, in that order.

  • In the event these values are the same for both teams, the match will end in a draw.


Each team has a core located at its base, and the chief objective is to destroy the enemy's core. The core is protected by a magitek field eminating from two towers. As such, before you can strike at the core, you must first destroy the towers and deactivate the magitek field.

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Each team has two towers that serve to protect their core. Each tower, meanwhile, is enveloped in a magitek field that mitigates damage taken by team members and restores their HP. Players can take advantage of this protection when hard pressed by the opposing team.

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Display of Core and Tower HP

A unique UI is used to display the HP of cores and towers. Because each team's core cannot be damaged until their towers are destroyed, only the HP of towers will be displayed at the start of a match. Once the core is exposed, however, its HP will also be displayed.

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Players can deploy three types of powerful machina in battle. Before they can be deployed, however, players must obtain Ceruleum (CE). Ceruleum stores can be built up by collecting tanks in the field or defeating enemy team members and mammets up to a maximum of 100 units.

Means of Procurement Amount
Found on the field 10 units
Defeating enemy mammets 10 units
Granted by power generators 1 unit per 3 seconds

Hangar terminals are located near the starting area for each team, from which machina can be deployed.

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Accessing a terminal will display a unique UI containing information on available machina.

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Machina Restrictions

Only one machina may be operated per party at any given time, regardless of type. In the case of the Opressor, however, the limit is two per team. Two Brute Justices can be deployed by each team per match, one becoming available for each tower you lose.

  • After acquiring the required ceruleum, Cruise Chaser and Oppressor can be deployed at any time.

Resource Management

When deploying a machina, its HP will be displayed in place of the player. Its HP cannot be restored by curative actions of teammates, nor will it restore automatically when out of combat. Machina actions will expend EP, a resource that can only be restored by using the Ceruleum Refill action. Be advised that use of this action will deplete your party's ceruleum stores.

Ceruleum Refill

  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Recast Time: 30s
  • Required Ceruleum: 25 units
  • Range/Radius: 0y/0y
  • Effect: Uses 25 units of ceruleum fuel (CE) to restore 500 EP to currently mounted warmachina.

Cruise Chaser

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A next-generation machina ideal for combat against enemy players and machina.

  • HP: 30,000
  • Required Ceruleum: 50 units
  • Maximum Simultaneous Deployment:: 6
  • Requirements to Deploy: None


Spin Crusher

  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Recast Time: 3s
  • Cost: 25 EP
  • Range/Radius: 0y/5y
  • Effect: Delivers an attack with a potency of 6,000 to all opposing warmachina in a cone before you. 600 when attacking a player, mammet, or object.

Laser X Sword

  • Cast Time: 2s
  • Recast Time: 10s
  • Cost: 100 EP
  • Range/Radius: 0y/15y
  • Effect: Delivers an attack with a potency of 8,000 to all opposing players and warmachina in a cone before you. 800 when attacking a mammet or object.

Optical Sight

  • Cast Time: 2s
  • Recast Time: 5s
  • Cost: 50 EP
  • Range/Radius: 50y/10y
  • Effect: Deals magic damage with a potency of 4,000 to all opposing players and warmachina near point of impact. 400 when attacking a mammet or object.


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A hulking machina engineered for siege warfare, it excels at wreaking havoc upon structures.

  • HP: 75,000
  • Required Ceruleum: 50 units
  • Maximum Simultaneous Deployment: 2
  • Requirements to Deploy: -


Steam Release

  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Recast Time: 5s
  • Cost: 50 EP
  • Range/Radius: 0y/10y
  • Effect: Deals magic damage to all opposing players and warmachina nearby with a potency of 1,000. 100 when attacking a mammet or object.
  • Additional Effect: 15-yalm knockback

3000-tonze Missile

  • Cast Time: 2.5s
  • Recast Time: 15s
  • Cost: 200 EP
  • Range/Radius: 75y/10y
  • Effect: Deals magic damage with a potency of 200,000 to all objects near point of impact. 2,000 to opposing players, warmachina, or mammets.
    Potency decreases the greater the target's distance from point of impact, to a maximum of 30 yalms.

Brute Justice

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Boasting unrivaled power, Brute Justice dominates opposing players on the battlefield, while also laying waste to structures with its lethal armaments.

  • HP: 150,000
  • Required Ceruleum: 50 units
  • Maximum Simultaneous Deployment: 2
  • Requirements to Deploy: Available after losing a tower.



  • Cast Time: 2s
  • Recast Time: 10s
  • Cost: 50 EP
  • Range/Radius: 0y/31y
  • Effect: Deals fire damage with a potency of 8,000 to all opposing players and warmachina in a cone before you. 800 when attacking a mammet or object.

Double Rocket Punch

  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Recast Time: 3s
  • Cost: 25 EP
  • Range/Radius: 50y/3y
  • Effect: Deals physical damage with a potency of 40,000 to all objects near point of impact. 4,000 when attacking opposing players, warmachina, or mammets.
  • Additional Effect: Stun
  • Duration: 3s

Mega Beam

  • Cast Time: 2s
  • Recast Time: 15s
  • Cost: 100 EP
  • Range/Radius: 0y/70y
  • Effect: Delivers magic damage with a potency of 12,000 to all opposing players and warmachina in a straight line before you. 1,200 when attacking a mammet or object.
  • Additional Effect: 30-yalm knockback

Steam Cannon

A steam cannon has been erected near each team's core. While it cannot be moved, it is a powerful weapon which may prove useful in deterring enemy forces.

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  • Cast Time: 1.5s
  • Recast Time: 1s
  • Cost: -
  • Range/Radius: 65y/6y
  • Effect: Deals magic damage with a potency of 4,000 to all opposing players and warmachina near point of impact. 400 when attacking a mammet or object.


Mammets are clockwork soldiers programmed to seek out and destroy towers and cores. They emerge from their own core at regular intervals before striking out on a set route, and will remain in battle for a set duration. Upon detecting an enemy mammet, they will engage and attack until either side is destroyed. Mammets that arrive at an enemy tower or core will perform a powerful self-sacrificing attack. That is the extent of their programming; mammets will not harm adventurers.

Wind-up Viking

These mammets boast high HP and specialize in fighting at close quarters.

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Wind-up Magus

These mammets specialize in long range combat with magic-based attacks.

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Gaining Ceruleum from Mammets

Parties can gain up to ten units of Ceruleum upon defeating an enemy mammet. These units will be distributed to all parties that engage with the mammet based on the amount of damage inflicted. Ceruleum cannot be gained from damage inflicted by other mammets.

Power Generators

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A power generator is located at the center of the map. Combatants from either team can take control of the generator by interacting with it. While the generator is under a team's control, the stores of ceruleum for all of its alliances will gradually replenish.


When you defeat an enemy team member, your party receives the Soaring enhancing effect. This effect can stack up to ten times, increasing all party members' damage dealt and HP restored via healing magic, while also reducing damage taken. However, each time a party member is KO'd, half the party's current number of stacks will be lost and awarded to the party of the opposing team.

Status/Requirement Effect
Soaring/Defeat enemy players. Increase damage dealt and HP restored via healing magic by 2%, while reducing damage taken by 1%. Effect stacks up to ten times.

Gaining stacks of Soaring

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Losing stacks of Soaring

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An icon will also be displayed next to the name of players under the effects of Soaring.

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The Soaring effect of other parties on your team can be confirmed via the alliance list.

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Rival Wings makes use of a unique UI to display match information such as the deployment of machina by allies or enemy players and the units of ceruleum stored by your party. This UI also displays the number of stacks of Soaring accumulated by your party.

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The position of these UI elements can be changed via the HUD Layout interface under System in the main menu.

  • These UI elements can only be adjusted while participating in Rival Wings.

The duty list will not be displayed while participating in Rival Wings.