Return of the Bull
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Return of the Bull
- Quest giver
- Raubahn
- Location
- The Lochs (X:28.2, Y:22.9)
- Quest line
- Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 70
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Blissful Arrival
- Next quest
Tidings from the East
None Forgotten, None Forsaken
- Patch
- 4.1
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 512 / 960 (53.3%)
Stormblood Progress: 133 / 162 (82.1%)
“— In-game description
- Unlocks
Solo Duty
Upon speaking with Arenvald, you will enter a solo duty.
- Your Duty Action is a short range instant cast AoE on standard spell/skill cooldown, best suited to taking out aether spheres in groups. NPCs with the Echo will also target the aether spheres but at a much slower pace -- account for their target, but don't rely on them to catch any missed.
- In the 2nd part of the fight, NPCs will avoid AoE, spread for markers and stack appropriately. Their reaction times are delayed, so some may find it easier to not move immediately. One NPC will also cast a shield for the ultimate (since your Duty Action is already in use).
- Boss's HP appears to not go below 18% - when this point is reached, an NPC will prepare the killing blow while you should stay in shield.
- Join your fellow Scions in the Ala Mhigan Quarter.
- Speak with the Resistance guard.
- Speak with Arenvald.
- Speak with Lyse.
- Speak with Lyse in Rhalgr's Reach.
- Wary of Qalyana treachery, Raubahn is minded to bolster security for the forthcoming meeting. Arenvald duly volunteers to round up your fellow Scions, and bids you assemble with them in the Ala Mhigan Quarter.
- At the appointed location, you rendezvous with Arenvald, who has succeeded in enlisting the aid of Alphinaud, Y'shtola, and Thancred. Deeming it best to have eyes both inside and outside the throne room, you proceed to divide your forces into two groups. Thancred and Y'shtola will keep watch without, while you and the others take up positions within. Make your way to the palace's rear entrance, on the eastern edge of the quarter, and identify yourself to the guard on duty.
- In the midst of the meeting, the Qalyana broodmother somehow summons forth an incarnation of Sri Lakshmi, plunging the throne room into chaos. Too late, you realize that the guards entrusted with keeping the area free of crystals have themselves been enthralled. As the only warriors present blessed with the protection of the Echo, you and Arenvald must occupy the primal whilst your companions defend the visiting envoys from the Qalyana and the enthralled guards. Rally the hesitant Arenvald, and make your stand against the Lady of Bliss!
- ※In the event that you leave the palace, speak with the Resistance guard in the Ala Mhigan Quarter to re-enter the throne room.
- Try as you might, the need to protect your allies from the primal's baleful influence renders you powerless to wrest the initiative from your foe─until, that is, Fordola arrives to even the odds. Swallowing your questions, you engage Sri Lakshmi together, and succeed at last in banishing her to the aether. The battle is over, but the Butcher still stands before you, free of her fetters, weapon in hand...
- After a taut moment, Fordola surrenders her sword, and returns to her cell of her own accord. It would seem the danger has passed. Ask Lyse if she and her guests are unharmed.
- After thanking you for your efforts in the throne room, Lyse returns to conclude her meeting with the envoys from Gyr Abania. No longer needed, you retire to the rooftop gardens, where you are joined after a time by Raubahn. The General tells you of the council's decision to form an elected government, signaling the end of his time in Ala Mhigo. You subsequently pass Nanamo on your way to speak with Lyse, and sense that Raubahn's plans to return to Ul'dah are about to encounter a sultana-sized wrinkle...
- As you and your companions discuss the day's events, Nanamo arrives, flanked by Pipin and a rather sheepish-looking Raubahn. After some prompting by the sultana, the gruff warrior duly announces that he has been dismissed as leader of the Immortal Flames, and stripped of his seat on the Syndicate. Shocking though these revelations are, it does not take long for the assembled company to make light of them─and small wonder, for Ala Mhigo's dearest son is finally home. Speak with Lyse, and learn of her plans for the future.
- For the moment, it seems that Lyse intends to return to Rhalgr's Reach. Follow Alphinaud's lead, and join her at the Resistance stronghold.
- Lyse declares that her time as commander of the Resistance is over, and that she means to invite Raubahn to take her place. With Nanamo's resettlement project also proceeding apace, all present agree that the seeds of hope have at last begun to quicken in the war-torn land of Ala Mhigo.
(Optional) Arenvald: Turning the Qalyana away now would've made a mockery of Lyse's promise to give everyone a say. She couldn't not let them in.
Accepting the Quest
Raubahn: This Qalyana elder's intentions seem at odds with all we know of her tribe. What think you, [Forename]?
< What will you say? > < The enthralled cannot be trusted. > < Mayhap even the enthralled can learn to compromise? >
< The enthralled cannot be trusted. > Raubahn: Aye, it is said that once a creature has fallen under the sway of a primal, there is no salvation. And I strongly doubt the Qalyana have suddenly broken free of Lakshmi's will.
< Mayhap even the enthralled can learn to compromise? > Raubahn: You believe an understanding can be reached? ...'Tis not entirely unheard of, I suppose: those who followed Saint Shiva eventually sought reconciliation with Ishgard.
(Both) Raubahn: Whatever the truth, I would take no chances. The guard must be strengthened─ideally with people who know a thing or two about primals. Can we rely on the Scions?
Arenvald: I'll round up our comrades, and send them to the Ala Mhigan Quarter. You can go on ahead if you like, [Forename].
Raubahn: My thanks. I will see you in the palace.
Joining your fellow Scions in the Ala Mhigan Quarter (Cutscene)
Arenvald: [Forename]! I've brought reinforcements.
Alphinaud: Arenvald told me of the arrival of our unexpected guests, and I agreed that it would be prudent to call upon Y'shtola and Thancred as well.
Y'shtola: One can never be too careful when dealing with the enthralled.
Thancred: I am not familiar with the Qalyana tribe myself, but Alisaie's report suggested that they shunned contact with other races. Despised it, in fact. Even compared to other Ananta.
Alphinaud: Indeed. This apparent reversal in attitude is most curious. No one expected a response to our invitation, much less an envoy, and I imagine Lyse was forced to make some rather hasty arrangements in order to accommodate them.
Arenvald: Speaking of which, how should we deploy ourselves?
Y'shtola: If the meeting is to be held in the throne room, 'twould seem wise to have eyes both inside and outside the palace.
Thancred: Y'shtola and I can stand guard without. That leaves the three of you to keep watch over proceedings in the throne room itself.
Alphinaud: Understood. We should join General Aldynn inside, then.
Arenvald: [Forename], do you know of the rear entrance to the palace? It's on the eastern edge of the city, at the top of the stairs. The guard there should have been instructed to let us pass.
Thancred: Leave external security to us, [Forename]. I scouted around the palace quite extensively while I was searching for Krile, so I know the lay of the land.
Arenvald: The rear entrance to the palace is just up these steps. The guard should wave us through.
Y'shtola: As fortune would have it, I was visiting Rhalgr's Reach to look in on Alisaie. She sends her regards.
Alphinaud: If we could somehow come to an understanding with the Qalyana, it would represent a great step toward resolving the primal dilemma in Ala Mhigo. I only hope they are sincere in their intentions...
Speaking with the Resistance guard
Resistance Guard: You're with the Scions, [miss/sir]? General Aldynn left orders that you were to be escorted inside. If you'll follow me...
Lyse: Thank you all for coming. Lyse: I am Lyse Hext, and I speak for the Resistance. Lyse: Among you are village elders, refugee leaders; envoys from the Ananta and the Qiqirn. Lyse: You've come from every corner of Gyr Abania to help decide the future of Ala Mhigo. But before that, I want to ask you a question. Lyse: What was the first thing you noticed when you came in? Lyse: For me, it was that empty throne. Lyse: It has no one to sit on it now. No viceroy. No king. Lyse: Would any of you like to take their place? Lyse: Or should someone else sit there? Lyse: Then let's sit here, in a circle. As equals. And, I hope, as friends.
Alphinaud: Expertly done. Lyse has removed monarchy as a choice early in the game, and positioned them to consider a joint government. Alphinaud: All things considered, I would say events have got off to a fine start...
Raganfrid: ...and that is Ala Gannha's stance on the matter.
Lyse: Thank you, Raganfrid. Another vote in favor. Next, let's hear from Shanti of the Qalyana. Tell us, how do your people feel about the idea of a republic...?
Shanti: The Ananta wish only that those who dwell within Gyr Abania devote themssselves to our faith... Shanti: You shall all worship Sri Lakshmi! Shanti: Lady of Bliss! Grace usss once more with your beauteousss visage!
Lyse: This can't be happening... No crystals were allowed through the door!
Alphinaud: We can worry about the how of it later! We need to evacuate these people right now, or the primal will make thralls of them all!
Arenvald: It's up to us!
Raubahn: Godsdammit! The guards were already turned! Raubahn: Fools!
Lyse: No you don't!
Raubahn: The Qalyana would see us all enthralled.
Lyse: Then they're going to be sorely disappointed. We have the Warrior of Light and Arenvald to shield us.
Raubahn: Aye, but they can't well defend your guests and attack the primal, can they? We're stuck on the back foot.
Lyse: Uh... All right. I think I have an idea. Keep these people safe, General! I'll be back as soon as I can!
Raubahn: Bah! Whatever she's about, she'd best make it quick! Raubahn: Come, then! Who will be next to die on my steel!?
(Optional) Raubahn: Leave the underlings to me. You have a primal to fight!
Speaking with Arenvald
Arenvald: How do we fight her without leaving our allies wide open? We can't stay on the back foot forever... Arenvald: ...No, dammit, if I think like that we've already lost. I have the Warrior of Light at my side! W-We can do this! Arenvald: Isn't that right, [Forename]!?
System: Use the duty action Deflect to dissipate the aether spheres Lakshmi releases during the battle. System: Be warned that allowing an ally to be enthralled by an aether sphere will result in failure.
Solo Duty
Lakshmi: Leaders of Gyr Abania... Accept my love. Worship my light!
Arenvald: She means to enthrall everyone... We have to stop her!
Alphinaud: They've done a fine job of blocking our retreat...
Raubahn: We must break through! Forget the primal and focus on the foe before you!
Lakshmi: Why...? I offer you peace and ssserenity... Sssurrender yourselves to me...
Arenvald: And give up the freedom we've worked so hard to win? Not likely!
Lakshmi: Do not your mortal bodies tire? Far better to dwell in dream.
Arenvald: We'll keep our eyes open, thanks very much!
Lakshmi: I shall free you from your hate.
Arenvald: There are too many... We can't stop them all!
Arenvald: Damn it all... It's only a matter of time before we miss one... Arenvald: Her!?
Fordola: What of it? Do you want to kill this thing or not?
Solo Duty
Lakshmi: Why? Why do you deny my blessing!? You who defy me shall ressst in death!
Fordola Lupis: They brought you into this world over a mistake I made... And I'll be damned if I let you taunt me with it!
Raubahn: I'll cut us a path. Stand ready!
Lakshmi: You cannot flee my radiance. You will all be my dreamers.
Arenvald: We'll lock her down as best we can. The rest of you need to run!
Alphinaud: Quickly now, while the primal is─ ...Lyse!?
Lyse: I can't. I can't run away from this. They need us!
Raubahn: ...Then we stand and fight together. Alphinaud, the envoys are in your care!
Alphinaud: Surely you do not mean to... Very well. I shall see our guests to safety.
Fordola Lupis: All of you, to me! Fordola Lupis: Why are you two staying!? She still has more than enough strength to addle you both!
Lyse: You need more than three to best a primal! And if we let you fall here, then who'll be left to stop her?
Lakshmi: Pitiful, misssguided children. Lay down your weapons, lay down your heads...
Arenvald: Wha─ I can't move! She's going after Lyse and Raubahn!
Raubahn: My thanks, [Forename]! I'll make sure my steel is worth the effort!
Lakshmi: Again and again you refuse my gift... Lakshmi: Do not your sssouls weigh heavy?
Fordola Lupis: She's building up to something big! Come close to me, all of you!
Arenvald: Nice work, Fordola! ...Are you all right, though?
Fordola Lupis: <huff> This... <gasp> ...This is nothing!
Lyse: Ugh, it's one thing after another... We have to fight as one!
Lakshmi: Why do you cling to your misery?
Lyse: She's starting to weaken! Don't give up!
Lakshmi: Behold...my divine brilliance!
Fordola Lupis: What in the─? Her power's out of control! I'll shield us, but you'll have to finish her off! Fordola Lupis: ...Quickly! I can't hold her off forever! Fordola Lupis: ...Kill her! <gasp> You need to kill her now!
Lyse: Hold on, Fordola... We end this now! For Ala Mhigo!
Arenvald: We...we did it! We beat her!
Fordola: ...What is this?
Lyse: ...I'm only going to say this once. Lyse: The Ananta just summoned their primal in the throne room. My friends are fighting her, but they need help. Lyse: They need someone with the Echo, and by the gods, I wish I had it. But I don't. Lyse: I told you before that you still had time, but things have changed. I need your answer now. Lyse: You can end it like Zenos...or you can fight for Ala Mhigo. Your choice.
Echo End
Raganfrid: Seven hells... It's her...the Butcher!
Fordola: It's done. Take me back to my cell.
Raganfrid: You are not forgiven. Raganfrid: Not you. You I will never forgive. Raganfrid: But I will thank you. Raganfrid: For standing against a primal and saving us from servitude─you have my thanks.
Arenvald: That was unlike any battle I've ever seen. I'm not entirely sure how I survived it, to be honest.
Raubahn: One wrong step, and I would've lost my will to that fiend for the rest of my days. 'Tis a sobering thought...
Alphinaud: Lyse is certainly living up to her own ideal. Not every commander would choose to enlist a former enemy's aid in battle.
Y'shtola: I think I shall make a habit of checking for primal influence before our meetings from now on.
Thancred: We encountered our fair share of enthralled outside the palace. Enough to delay us from lending you a timely hand, I'm afraid...
Speaking with Lyse (Cutscene)
Lyse: Well fought, [Forename], Arenvald. That was a near thing.
Raubahn: Aye, our stand against the Qalyana would have been brief indeed had you not volunteered for guard duty. Raubahn: We'd be enthralled as surely as our sentries were. They must have planned this far in advance...
Lyse: Security was my responsibility, and I know how dangerous primals can be. I should have─ Gah! It's my fault. My stupid mistake.
Raubahn: Nay, lass, we were all caught unawares. We will take this as a lesson, and watch our own more carefully in future. Raubahn: You can be sure that the lackeys who smuggled the crystals into the throne room weren't the only thralls in our ranks. The soldier who first spoke up in favor of the Qalyana keeping their weapons springs to mind...
Y'shtola: A primal's servant is betrayed by his aura. If you mean to conduct an investigation, I can identify any others acting under Sri Lakshmi's influence.
Lyse: Thanks, Y'shtola. We'd appreciate the help.
Arenvald: Speaking of help, I almost fell over when Fordola turned up. What was she even doing there?
Lyse: I asked her to come...
Arenvald: Well, that explains it, then.
Lyse: It's sad, but Raganfrid was right: her victims will never forgive her for what she's done. Lyse: But I don't think Fordola picked up that sword looking for forgiveness. She just...she wanted to fight for her country. Lyse: If you say the world in which Fordola grew up is partly to blame for what she became, then as an Ala Mhigan, I feel responsible for improving that world. Lyse: We can't ignore what's happening right now─we have to show people a better way than vengeance, or we risk giving birth to a new generation of Skulls... Lyse: I know it's idealistic, but I want to help people to let go of their old grievances and make peace with each other. And I'll hold a thousand meetings and talk till I'm blue in the face if that's what it takes.
Alphinaud: 'Tis a long and arduous path you have chosen, but one well worth walking. Rest assured that I will do what I can to help you reach your destination.
Lyse: Thank you, Alphinaud. The first step will be to get our representatives back in the throne room. They're a little shaken, but not one of them seemed ready to run. We're all determined to finish what we started.
Raubahn: I will see that you're not interrupted. [Forename]─you and the Scions are to stand down. Get some rest. You've earned it.
Raubahn: A fine spot to contemplate the heavens... Raubahn: The meeting is over. The envoys have chosen to instate a government modeled on Ishgard's House of Commons─a ruling body of representatives elected by the people. Raubahn: 'Tis a fair decision, and one which signals the end of my part in all this. But I would gaze upon Gyr Abania's stars one last time before I leave...
Raubahn: Forget something? Raubahn: Your Grace!? I─ There was no word...
Nanamo Ul Namo: Raubahn Aldynn. You are hereby dismissed as General of the Immortal Flames, and relieved of your seat on the Syndicate.
Raubahn: But, Your Grace...
Nanamo Ul Namo: Raubahn, I am no longer a child. Nanamo Ul Namo: Stay here, in your homeland. Work with your brethren. Rebuild Ala Mhigo!
Raubahn: You desire to stand alone─I understand. But remember what happened...
Nanamo Ul Namo: I remember full well the consequences of my naivety! And thus did I consult at length with a most trusted advisor ere I embarked upon this course!
Raubahn: A most trusted advisor!? And what of me? Am I no longer deserving of your confidence?
Nanamo Ul Namo: What trust can there be between us when you withhold the truth from me!? Nanamo Ul Namo: Did you think me oblivious to the anguish in your eyes when you spoke of returning to Ul'dah!? Nanamo Ul Namo: For years and years, we have trusted one another, yet now you refuse to confess your heart's desire!?
Raubahn: I swore an oath to you that day on the sands. I pledged my sword─
Nanamo Ul Namo: And it has served me well. But in Pipin you have forged a new sword, as sharp and deadly as the blade you bequeathed him. Nanamo Ul Namo: I will show you a sultana who can wield every weapon at her disposal─including Lolorito and his Monetarist cronies! Nanamo Ul Namo: So follow your heart...please. You are home. You are free.
Raubahn: Nanamo, I...
Nanamo Ul Namo: Smile for me, Raubahn. I would have this parting be a joyous one.
Raubahn: Thank you, Your Grace. It has been an honor to serve you and Ul'dah.
Nanamo Ul Namo: Tomorrow you will serve Ala Mhigo, and fight for the good of all Eorzea. Am I understood?
Raubahn: Yes, Your Grace...
Alphinaud: Arenvald is of an age with Fordola, both of them born Ala Mhigan. One never wanted his Garlean blood, and the other tried to become Garlean but could never be. Alphinaud: Similar yet opposite─which would go some way to explaining the tension between them.
Arenvald: I went to see Fordola in her cell again. She did turn the tide of the battle after all, and I thought it only right to thank her. Arenvald: But she wouldn't listen─said she neither wanted nor needed my gratitude, and that I should go away. I don't know if I'll ever understand her...
Speaking with Lyse (Cutscene)
Lyse: Thanks for shielding us from Lakshmi, you two. If you hadn't been there, the rest of us would be worshipping her by now.
Arenvald: You're kind to include me, Lyse, but we both know who did most of the work. I could scarce keep track of the battle, let alone land a telling blow. Arenvald: No shame in admitting it. The Warrior of Light has put far better men than me in the shade.
Alphinaud: Ahem. Did I mention that I encountered the sultana in the palace? It would seem Her Grace has come to Gyr Abania to oversee the final stages of her relocation project. Alphinaud: She was in search of General Aldynn, and I directed her to the rooftop garden. I do hope he was still there...
Nanamo Ul Namo: Are you in the habit of gossiping about the affairs of royalty, Master Leveilleur?
Alphinaud: Certainly not, Your Grace! I was merely informing my companions─
Nanamo Ul Namo: Be at ease, Alphinaud. 'Twas only a jest. Nanamo Ul Namo: But I must yield the floor to Raubahn. He has an important announcement to make.
Raubahn: As of yesternight, I have been relieved of my post in the Immortal Flames and the Syndicate both...
Pipin: ...I shall be assuming my father's duties. And may I say that Tizona has never felt heavier upon my back.
Raubahn: 'Twould seem I am in need of employment. Mayhap one of my old acquaintances can introduce me to a mercenary company or some such...
Pipin: You may be getting on in years, Father, but you'd struggle to find a band of sellswords who wouldn't snap your hand off─your...remaining hand.
Nanamo Ul Namo: Yes, the Bull of Ala Mhigo need not be put out to pasture just yet...
Raubahn: Your Grace has developed a wicked edge to her humor. And you, Pipin, would do well not to laugh when the future may hold the same for you!
Lyse: So...does this mean you're staying?
Raubahn: Aye. That seems to be the way of it. I would be glad to aid you in rebuilding our nation. If you'll have me.
Lyse: "If,“ he says! Welcome home, Raubahn.
Alphinaud: Well, that was unexpected...though you seem distinctly unsurprised. Alphinaud: Either you are more astute than I give you credit for...or I am losing my touch. Alphinaud: In any event, one thing is certain: Ala Mhigo will rejoice at the homecoming of her dearest son.
Alphinaud: Lyse must be overjoyed to know that General Aldynn is staying...though I suppose I shouldn't call him “General” anymore.
Arenvald: Raubahn is the veteran of a hundred battlefields. Lyse couldn't ask for a more reliable ally to have at her side.
Nanamo Ul Namo: I have asked enough of you, [Forename]. My only words for you now are those of gratitude.
Pipin: I must assume Father's responsibilities without delay, lest our rivals─both inside and outside Ul'dah─treat his dismissal as a window of opportunity. Rest assured, they will find Tizona's edge just as sharp in my hands.
Raubahn: It seems my road has come full circle. I appreciate the support you showed for my earlier decision, overruled though it was!
Speaking with Lyse
Lyse: I think it's about time I headed back to Rhalgr's Reach. What's next for all of you?
Alphinaud: Alisaie will be eager to hear of recent events, so I shall join you, if you've no objections.
Lyse: I'd welcome the company! [Forename], why don't you come along to the Reach as well once you've said your farewells to Nanamo and the others.
System: Upon completion of this quest, you will be able to access the palace's rooftop gardens by speaking to the Royal Menagerie attendant.
Speaking with Lyse in Rhalgr's Reach (Cutscene)
'Lyse: Well, here we are again!
Alisaie: Alphinaud has regaled me with a thrilling tale of hidden treasure troves, mid-meeting betrayals, unlikely alliances, and joyous homecomings. It would seem I missed...everything.
M'naago: I was patrolling the palace grounds with Thancred and Y'shtola when we heard the report of a primal in the throne room. I honestly doubted my own ears. M'naago: As others have said, we were lucky to have our Echo-blessed champions nearby this time, but we'll need to keep a closer eye on the Qalyana...
Lyse: You can say that again. This whole episode has reminded me just how far apart our kinds still are. It looks like centuries of fear and mistrust really can't be washed away in a day. But someone has to make an effort at reconciliation if these conflicts are ever going to end. Lyse: Naturally, a lot of people are crying out for vengeance, but I've been doing my best to calm things down. Violent reprisals will only lead to more summonings.
Alphinaud: Indeed. Violence will ever beget violence─as the Empire has learned to its cost in recent times.
Lyse: In any case, summoning Lakshmi was the broodmother's doing, and whoever replaces her might not be so keen on the idea. We'll just have to watch and wait. Lyse: Which isn't to say we won't be putting the safety of our allies in the Vira and M tribes first. I plan to have Resistance scouts keep track of the Qalyana's movements at all times.
M'naago: My parents will be relieved to hear that. What are your plans for the rest of the Resistance army, out of interest? Are we to prepare for imperial counterattacks?
Lyse: That would be a question for the Resistance's newest recruit─a military commander with far more experience than me!
M'naago: What? The Bull of Ala Mhigo!?
Lyse: We call it an army, but the Resistance is really a collection of smaller, independent groups. And when Conrad passed his command on to me, that authority only extended to the freedom fighters based in Rhalgr's Reach. Lyse: He just happened to be serving as the Resistance spokesman at the time, and needed someone to take over the role while everything was in disarray. But that time has passed. Lyse: When I speak with the other leaders about reforming the army under the new government, I'll be nominating Raubahn as the overall commander of our forces. He has more experience than the rest of us put together, and we stand to learn a lot from him.
Alphinaud: Indeed. He is in all respects the ideal choice. Assuming he accepts the post, Ala Mhigo will have added a formidable weapon to its arsenal. Alphinaud: And given the progress of Nanamo's resettlement initiative, I see great cause for hope. The seeds which we so carefully sowed have begun to quicken, my friends.
Lyse: I like that. We tend to our promises, and watch as Ala Mhigo blooms.
Gosetsu: I do give thanks to the kami that my makeshift raft withstood the fury of the seas... Gosetsu: But there their generosity ended. Without coins in our pockets for new attire, we are doomed to look like so much jetsam. O, woe betide the poor man in a city of rich merchants...
Yotsuyu: These dango are delicious! Will you have one?
Gosetsu: Hm!? More sweetbreads!? I surrendered my blade to secure what few coins we have! Bah! Gosetsu: 'Tis like talking to a child... Gosetsu: Why fate saddled me with this burden I shall never know...but I am alive, and I must return to my master's side! Gosetsu: Come, Tsuyu. We shall find a ship to carry us across the Ruby Sea!
Meanwhile, in the imperial palace
Imperial Pilus Prior: Have you read the reports? First Doma, then Ala Mhigo─and Lord Zenos put to the sword!
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Do not believe everything you read. I hear the viceroy was merely wounded, and that he has already returned to the capital. Naturally, the savages beat their chests, and boast loudly of taking his head, regardless.
Imperial Pilus Prior: Nay... Lord Zenos lives?
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Deplorable. That our own officers should be fooled by Eorzean misinformation... Imperial Tribunus Militum: Small wonder the provinces have begun rising up in rebellion. We must prepare an official, and above all accurate announcement to quell these pernicious rumors.
Imperial Pilus Prior: They would wage war with empty words... Let them produce the viceroy's remains, then! We shall soon put the lie to their claims.