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To do:
Glotos/Longing So for All the Fish
- add weapon images to weapon set pages - ex. Artifact Weapons (Heavensward)
- Level 1-15 Crafted Weapons
- Level 16-20 Crafted Weapons
- Level 21-24 Crafted Weapons
- Level 25-28 Crafted Weapons
- Level 29-32 Crafted Weapons
- Level 33-35 Crafted Weapons
- Level 36-38 Crafted Weapons
- Level 39-41 Crafted Weapons
- Level 42-44 Crafted Weapons
- Level 45-47 Crafted Weapons
- Level 48-49 Crafted Weapons
- Grand Company Private's Weapons (Level 21-22)
- Grand Company Private's Weapons (Level 30)
- Grand Company Sergeant's Weapons (Level 39)
- Grand Company Sergeant's Weapons (Level 42)
- Grand Company Sergeant's Weapons (Level 44)
- Grand Company Officer's Weapons
- Grand Company Captain's Weapons
- Grand Company Elite Weapons
- Allagan Weapons
- Augmented Ironworks Magitek Weapons
- Aurum Weapons
- Baldur Weapons
- Beastlord Weapons
- Crier's Weapons
- Darklight Weapons
- Diamond Zeta Weapons
- Direwolf Weapons
- Doctore's Weapons - sword + shield?
- Doman Weapons (Kai)
- Dreadwyrm Weapons
- Dzemael Weapons
- Ebony Weapons
- Edengrace Weapons
- Emerald Weapons
- GARO Weapons
- Genyo Weapons
- Gerolt's Masterworks Weapons
- Ghost Barque Weapons
- Giantsgall Weapons
- Gordian Weapons
- Halonic Weapons
- Hellhound Weapons
- High Allagan Weapons
- Hive Weapons
- Horde Weapons
- Ice Weapons
- Ifrit's Weapons
- Inferno Weapons
- Levin Weapons
- Longstop Weapons
- Manor Weapons
- Mighty Thunder Weapons
- Mogpon Weapons
- Orthodox Weapons
- Pack Weapons
- Packliege Weapons
- Qarn Weapons
- Ronkan Weapons
- Rose Gold Weapons
- Rowena's Token Weapons
- Ruby Weapons
- Sharlayan Weapons
- Spruce Weapons
- Thousand Maws Weapons
- Tropaios Weapons
- Twelve Weapons
- Ultimate Alexander Weapons
- Vigil Weapons
- Warwolf Weapons
- Weapons of the Heavens
- Woad Weapons
- Wolf Weapons
- link fish in Big Fishing back to page?
- fish:
The Black Shroud partial
- Central Shroud
- Fishing Log: The Vein
- Chirurgeon - mooch from Striped Goby
- Fishing Log: The Mirror
- Ghost Carp - 9pm-3am, rain, Butterworm
- Fishing Log: Hopeseed Pond
- Black Ghost - mooch from Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish
- Seema
- The Green Jester - 6pm-9pm, fair or clear or rain or thunder, Honey Worm
- Fishing Log: Haukke Manor
- Bloodbath - thunder, mooch from Silverfish
- Fishing Log: Everschade
- Levinlight - 6pm-10pm, Syrphid Basket
- Fishing Log: The Vein
- Central Shroud
La Noscea
- Mist
- Fishing Log: Mist
- Twitchbeard - 4-6am, clear or fair, mooch from Fullmoon Sardine
- Fishing Log: Mist
- Middle La Noscea
- Fishing Log: Nym River
- High Perch - 5-8am, Sinking Minnow
- Fishing Log: Rogue River
- Beguiler Chub - 9am-2pm, Moth Pupa
- Fishing Log: West Agelyss River
- Great Gudgeon - clouds or fair, Crayfish Ball
- Fishing Log: Nym River
- Western La Noscea
- Fishing Log: Isles of Umbra Northshore
- Sunfish - clouds; mooch Ocean Cloud
- Helmsman's Hand - 8am-2pm, clouds, wind or fog; mooch Ocean Cloud
- Fishing Log: The Ship Graveyard
- Frilled Shark - 5pm-3am, overcast or fog; mooch Giant Squid
- Fishing Log: Sapsa Spawning Grounds
- The Captain's Chalice - 11pm-2am; mooch Fullmoon Sardine
- Fishing Log: Isles of Umbra Northshore
- Eastern La Noscea
- Fishing Log: Rhotano Sea (Privateer Forecastle)
- The Old Man in the Sea - showers or rain -> clear; mooch Harbor Herring -> Ogre Barracuda
- Fishing Log: Raincatcher Gully
- Thunderbolt Sculpin - showers or rain
- The Terpsichorean - fog; Honey Worm
- Fishing Log: The Juggernaut
- Sludgeskipper
- Mirrorscale - 9am-4pm, clear or fair; mooch from Copperfish
- Fishing Log: Rhotano Sea (Privateer Forecastle)
- Upper La Noscea
- Fishing Log: Oakwood
- Four-eyed Fish
- Common Sculpin
- Coeurlfish - mooched from Common Sculpin
- Toramafish - 5-8pm, fog or clouds, mooched from Common Sculpin
- Fishing Log: Fool Falls
- Bluebell Salmon
- Four-eyed Fish
- Fall Jumper - mooched from Copperfish
- Joan of Trout - 4-6am, Crow Fly
- Fishing Log: Northeast Bronze Lake
- Fishing Log: Northeast Bronze Lake Depths (spearfishing)
- Nosceasaur - requires 4x Verdigris Guppy
- Fishing Log: Northwest Bronze Lake Depths (spearfishing)
- Opal Tetra - collectible, must have Collect on
- Fishing Log: Oakwood
- Outer La Noscea
- Mist
Thanalan partial
- Eastern Thanalan
- Fishing Log: North Drybone
- Bone Cleaner
- Mudskipper
- Marrow Sucker - 8pm-3am, showers or rain, Syrphid Basket
- Fishing Log: South Drybone
- Mudskipper
- Bone Cleaner
- Mud Pilgrim - 5pm-7am, showers or rain, Midge Basket
- Fishing Log: Yugr'am River
- Yugr'am Salmon
- Trader Eel - 5pm-10am, Honey Worm
- The Warden's Wand - 5pm-8am, clear, Honey Worm
- Fishing Log: The Burning Wall
- Yugr'am Salmon
- Southern Pike
- Gigantpole - Topwater Frog
- Sundisc - 10am-3pm, clear or fair, Caddisfly Larva
- The Thousand-year Itch - fog, Stem Borer
- Fishing Log: North Drybone
- Western Thanalan
- Fishing Log: The Footfalls
- Mudskipper
- Mud Golem - night; Butterworm
- Fishing Log: Parata's Peace
- Bat-o'-Nine-Tails - rain -> any; mooch Silverfish
- Fishing Log: Moondrip
- Ndendecki - 6pm-5am, fog; mooch Silverfish or Assassin Betta
- Fishing Log: Nophica's Wells
- Glimmerscale - Butterworm; Clear or Fair
- Fishing Log: The Footfalls
- Eastern Thanalan
Coerthas partial
- Coerthas Central Highlands
- Fishing Log: South Banepool
- Icepick
- Ammonite
- Seema Patrician
- Mountain Kraken - fish eyes (?), Brute Leech?
- Magic Bucket - snagging, Brute Leech?
- Captain Nemo - snow->blizzard, Brute Leech
- Fishing Log: South Banepool
- Coerthas Central Highlands
Mor Dhona
- Fishing Log: North Silvertear
- Heliobatis - 5-8pm; Caddisfly Larva, Versatile Lure?
- Aetherlouse - 3am-1pm, gloom; Glowworm
- Fishing Log: The Tangle
- Cadaver Carp - gloom
- Ninja Betta - mooch from Assassin Betta
- Tangle Skipper - requires Crazy Like the Pox
- Fishing Log: Rathefrost
- Fishing Log: Singing Shards
- Blood Red Bonytongue - 4am-12pm, clear or fair -> fog; mooch from Silverfish
- Fishing Log: The Deep Tangle
- Ignus Horn - gloom -> clear or fair; Glowworm
- Fishing Log: The North Shards
- Canavan - 8am-6pm, gloom; mooch from Goldfish
- Kuno the Killer - mooch from Assassin Betta; requires 1 Canavan
- Fishing Log: North Silvertear
Dravania partial
- The Churning Mists partial
- Fishing Log: Weston Waters
- Thousand Fin - clouds->gale, Brute Leech
- Fishing Log: Weston Waters
- Dravanian Forelands partial
- Fishing Log: Anyx Old
- Riddle - clear->clear, 8am-3pm, mooch Granite Crab
- Fishing Log: Anyx Old
- The Churning Mists partial
Othard partial
- The Ruby Sea partial
- Fishing Log: The Isle of Bekko
- Tawny Wench Shark - clear, 10am-5pm
- Seven Stars - thunder->fair, 10am-5pm , Blue Bobbit
- Fishing Log: The Isle of Bekko
- The Ruby Sea partial
Gyr Abania partial
- The Peaks partial
- Fishing Log: Grymm & Enid
- Bondsplitter - dust storms, Suspending Minnow
- Drepanaspis - dust storms, 2xBondsplitter, Suspending Minnow
- Fishing Log: Grymm & Enid
- The Peaks partial
- aquarium types, canvas types(?) on fish pages
- move gear set images to ends of images for gear items
- minion images
- furnishing images
- flower images (?)
- Framer's Kits images