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Male ♂
Roegadyn (Sea Wolves)
Lower La Noscea (26.4, 33.7)
Limsa Lominsa
Naldiq & Vymelli's
Ahtzapfyn (father)
Quest NPC

"Have you ever seen anything so grand? It pains me that I'll have to let her go one day..."

— In-game description

Ahtbyrm is a Roegadyn found in Lower La Noscea. He is in an employee of Naldiq & Vymelli's, charged with overseeing the shipwrights working on the Victory at Moraby Drydocks.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Without a Doubt Main Scenario quest 12 Ahtbyrm
Do Angry Pirates Dream Main Scenario quest 13 Ahtbyrm

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
On to the Drydocks Main Scenario quest 11 H'naanza
Righting the Shipwright Main Scenario quest 12 Haldbroda
Victory in Peril Main Scenario quest 14 Ghimthota


After completion of Main Scenario quest Victory in Peril

Ahtbyrm: Ah, good to see you again, [Forename]. You did me and the Maelstrom both a great service, salvaging the Victory as you did.

Tell me about yourself.


Ahtbyrm: The name's Ahtbyrm. I serve as foremost shipwright on the Victory─the vessel that lies here before us. She's Naldiq & Vymelli's first endeavor since the Calamity, and my personal pride and joy.
Ahtbyrm: From the moment of her conception, I have stood beside her, watching as she grew to where she is now.
Ahtbyrm: When the girl is finally seaworthy, not only will she be the most powerful ship in the Maelstrom armada, but she'll serve as a symbol of Limsa Lominsa's return to nautical supremacy.
Ahtbyrm: Which is why I cannot take my eyes off these lazy dogs for even a moment. Give the lot a single ilm, and the Victory would probably be in flames before I could blink.

After completion of Main Scenario quest Victory in Peril

Ahtbyrm: If I told you I'd made my peace with my Da─or myself─after the incident, I'd be either a liar or a fool. 
Ahtbyrm: Still, I've chosen my path─the path of the shipwright. I've plotted my course and set sail, and this is no time to think about returning to harbor.
Ahtbyrm: For the Maelstrom needs the Victory, and the Victory needs me. Worry not, friend, I'll see that your brave deeds do not go in vain.

What are you building?

Ahtbyrm: Here at the Moraby Drydocks, we build and repair ships at the behest of Naldiq & Vymelli's.
Ahtbyrm: It used to be that no one outside the Armorers' Guild was allowed within a malm of the facilities. This was mainly to prevent the thalassocracy's enemies from sabotaging her ships.
Ahtbyrm: The flames of the Calamity, however, changed all that. Now, we must look to adventurers, freelancers, even pirates to see that all the work is completed.
Ahtbyrm: And it is my job to make certain that everyone remains in line...which, in the case of adventurers, freelancers, and pirates, is rarely ever.

Main Scenario quest Do Angry Pirates Dream

 Ahtbyrm: [Forename]. While I originally had doubts about your motives, you have repeatedly proven yourself an asset to Naldiq & Vymelli's. I still do not like you, but that does not mean I do not trust you.
 Ahtbyrm: Ghimthota, head of the watch here at the Drydocks, believes that pirates may be plotting an attack on the Victory, and she requires assistance investigating a group of unsavory individuals making camp nearby. I have recommended you for the task.
Ahtbyrm: Despite all Limsa Lominsa endured before, during, and following the Calamity, the fact that there are still those who would turn their back on the city-state so that they might line their pockets with a few handfuls of coin... Just the thought of it sickens me.

Main Scenario quest On to the Drydocks

 Ahtbyrm: You have a missive for me from Forgemaster H'naanza? I assume it pertains to the pending arrival of the materials I ordered over a moon past. Let's see it, then.


 Ahtbyrm: Blast and botheration! Another delay? I am well aware of the shortage of skilled artisans, but this is insufferable!
 Ahtbyrm: <sigh> My apologies. The messenger does not deserve to bear the brunt of my frustration. Might I have your name?
 Ahtbyrm: [Forename], is it? Well, [Forename], this proud maiden you see taking shape before you is the Victory, the first new vessel to grace the docks since the Calamity.
 Ahtbyrm: We may have lost the bulk of our ships that fateful day, but starting with this beauty, we will restore the Maelstrom's fleet to its former glory. The Victory is more than a single warship – it is the symbol of Limsa Lominsa's rebirth from the wreckage wrought by the coming of the Seventh Umbral Era.
 Ahtbyrm: Yet even with such unprecedented measures, there are never enough hands to handle the abundance of tasks. Should you choose to linger at the docks for a time, there is no end of odd jobs for a hardworking adventurer. Be you fair warned–there is no place here for layabouts or troublemakers.

Main Scenario quest Righting the Shipwright

 Ahtbyrm: I am relieved to hear that both Fyrilsmyd and the supplies are unharmed, though it was foolish for him to believe that I would blame him for that which was obviously out of his hands.
 Ahtbyrm: You see, there was no storm that day, and the seas here adjacent the Drydocks were as calm as a slumbering child. This leads me to believe that the trouble the ships encountered off Candlekeep Quay was of a less natural sort–the sort which the Sahagin have been known to conjure.

Main Scenario quest Victory in Peril


 Ahtbyrm: Da! What are you doing, you great bloody fool!?
 Ahtbyrm: Why would you do such a thing!? Have you any idea how important this ship is? What it represents?
 Ahtbyrm:You're the one with no bloody sense, Da! Don't you see? The pirates had their glory days, but that era is over!
 Ahtbyrm: Ghimthota! [Forename]! Pray beat the tar out of this bloated sea slug, and make sure no harm comes to the Victory!


 Ahtbyrm: Da, this is madness!
 Ahtbyrm: My father... You must stop him!
 Ahtbyrm: Please! You cannot let him win!


 Ahtbyrm: Da...
 Ahtbyrm: My thanks, [Forename]. I shudder to think what may have become of the Victory without your intervention.
 Ahtbyrm: <sigh> The pirates have made a right mess of things–I'd best get to sorting out the docks.
 Ahtbyrm: ...And my thoughts could use some sorting out as well. Ever did my father have a way of turning my life upside down.
 Ahtbyrm: Pray convey my thanks–and my apologies–to Ghimthota.

Main Scenario quest Victory in Peril

 Ahtbyrm: Where in the seven hells is that man!? Not once in twelve moons has he been late with a shipment, and now two whole turns of the sun without a single word.
 Ahtbyrm: A shipwright of mine–a young man named Fyrilsmyd–recently left Candlekeep Quay to retrieve several crates of supplies ordered from Limsa Lominsa...but has yet to return.
 Ahtbyrm: I have sent several missives to Haldbroda, but his replies are always the same. He does not recall ever seeing the wright, nor the supplies he was scheduled to collect. That man knows something, and I severely doubt he is telling the whole truth.
 Ahtbyrm: As I cannot leave my post, I would ask you to travel to Candlekeep Quay in my stead and inform Haldbroda that if he insists on playing these games, I will personally see that he is transferred to Turtleback Island, where he can rot alone in the middle of the sea for eternity.

