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Female ♀
Hyur (Midlander)
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (9.1,15.1)
Quest NPC

Forgive me for not having properly introduced myself. I am Nashmeira, principal dancer and leader of Troupe Falsiam. Ranaa, the girl whose performance you were admiring, is my number one student and protégé.

— In-game description

Nashmeira is a Hyur in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Gamboling for Gil Class quest 60 Nashmeira
A Soirée in the Sultanate Class quest 63 Nashmeira
Dances with Duskwights Class quest 65 Nashmeira
High-steppin' in the Holy See Class quest 68 Nashmeira
Rising to the Occasion Sidequest 80 Nashmeira

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Save the Last Dance for Me Class quest 70 Ranaa Mihgo
Shall We Dance Class quest 60 Eager Lominsan
Pain to Recall Sidequest 50 Clive Rosfield


"Lose yourself in the music, let the passion in your heart take over, and you will move as you have never moved before."

As erstwhile principal of Troupe Falsiam, Nashmeira inherited the duty of thwarting the dance of the damned from her predecessor, though an injury sustained in her youth that developed into a chronic illness has left the thirty-seven-year-old unable to perform the Kriegstanz to the best of her ability. Concerned that the Totentanz may have taken hold in Eorzea due to the scars left behind by the Seventh Umbral Calamity, she brought Troupe Falsiam across the sea to Limsa Lominsa, recruiting an adventurer with considerable poise as an apprentice to bolster its ranks while continuing to train her star pupil, Ranaa Mihgo. She is also reportedly close friends with the renowned F'lhaminn, whom she encountered by chance when the songstress fled to Thavnair following the events of Ul'dah's bloody banquet, and meets the older woman for a cup of chai whenever the opportunity arises.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 233


Nashmeira shares her name with a major antagonist from Final Fantasy XI, although she is a supporting character in the Dancer job quests.