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Minion Stats

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See also: Lord of Verminion and Minions

Stats and abilities for minions in Lord of Verminion.

Minion Type Auto Attack HP ATK DEF SPD Cost Strengths Special Action
Abroader Otter Critter Single Target 370 40 45 3 10 Shield Surf's Up - Doubles the amount of HP restored to allies stationed in Gates.
Duration: 20s
Accompaniment Node Gadget AoE 630 60 25 3 30 Gravity Field - Delivers an attack with a potency of 60 to all enemies within range while reducing movement speed by 70%.
Duration: 10s
Angel of Mercy Poppet Single Target 450 30 60 2 15 Shield Raise Shields - Instantly restores damaged ally Shield.
Anima Poppet Single Target 480 65 55 1 25 Arcana All That You Are - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 25.
Duration: 6s
Armadillo Bowler Critter Single Target 350 40 50 2 10 Shield Ball Up - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by monsters.
Duration: 10s
Assassin Fry Critter Single Target 425 40 25 3 10 Assassinate - Delivers an attack 5 times the potency of the caster's ATK.
Atrophied Atomos Monster AoE 460 35 65 3 25 Cyclone - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by poppets.
Duration: 5s
Attendee #777 Poppet Single Target 430 50 65 1 20 Eye Shield Dawn of Civilization - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 20.
Duration: 10s
Aurelia Polyp Critter Single Target 510 40 30 2 15 Gate Shield Irritating Tendrils - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Axolotl Eft Critter Single Target 300 20 80 2 10 Eft in Charge - Doubles the amount of HP restored to allies stationed in Gates.
Duration: 20s
Baby Bat Monster Single Target 420 25 40 4 10 Gate Ultrasonics - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Baby Behemoth Monster AoE 430 45 30 3 15 Wild Horn - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Baby Brachiosaur Poppet Single Target 490 115 50 1 30 Shield Starstorm - Inflicts a weakness to poppets on all enemies within range.
Duration: 15s
Baby Bun Monster Single Target 395 50 25 2 10 Gate Shield Poison Spore - Delivers an attack with a potency of 80 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 13%.
Duration: 6s
Baby Gremlin Critter Single Target 440 50 35 2 15 Eye Shield Foul Mouth - Reduces ATK by all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Baby Opo-opo Critter Single Target 420 40 25 4 10 Opo See, Opo Do - Inflicts a weakness to critters on all enemies within range.
Duration: 6s
Baby Raptor Monster Single Target 400 45 25 4 10 Gate Prehistoric Park - Renders the action party immune to all attacks by poppets.
Duration: 10s
Bacon Bits Monster Single Target 510 20 80 1 30 Arcana Porky Puff - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies and allies within range.
Beady Eye Monster Single Target 440 30 30 3 10 Gate Eye Eyes on Me - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Behemoth Heir Monster Single Target 400 40 55 2 15 Gate Eye Princely Roar - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Bite-sized Pudding Monster Single Target 400 30 40 2 10 Gate Eye Silly Pudding - Renders the action party immune to all attacks by poppets.
Duration: 10s
Bitty Duckbill Critter Single Target 540 30 70 3 25 Gate Shield Venomous Spurs - Delivers 20 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 15s
Black Chocobo Chick Critter Single Target 450 55 75 2 25 Eye Choco Trap - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Black Coeurl Critter Single Target 380 60 40 4 15 Eye Tiny Claw - Delivers 5% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Black Hayate Critter Single Target 500 30 60 3 20 Eye Hound Oath - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Blizzaria Monster Single Target 360 45 30 3 10 Eye Shiny Snowdrifts - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a monster).
Duration: 6s
Bluebird Critter Single Target 460 45 35 4 15 The Blues - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Bom Boko Critter Single Target 450 30 80 3 20 Shield Astral Era Racoon Dog War - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Bombfish Monster Single Target 470 25 30 2 10 Eye Shield Inflate - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 20.
Duration: 10s
Brave New Y'shtola Poppet AoE 400 45 30 2 15 Eye Matoya's Mystique - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Bridesmoogle Poppet Single Target 420 30 30 3 10 Gate Never the Bride - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 10.
Duration: 10s
Brina Monster Single Target 410 40 55 3 15 Eye Dance - Increases the ATK of all allies within range by 20. If Calca is within range, ATK is raised by 60.
Duration: 6s
Buffalo Calf Monster Single Target 440 35 25 3 10 Shield Bucking Bull - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Bullpup Critter Single Target 420 30 45 2 10 Gate Fighting Instinct - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by monsters.
Duration: 5s
Butterfly Effect Critter Single Target 400 30 40 4 10 Gate Shield Butterfly Effect - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Byakko Cub Monster Single Target 500 40 60 2 20 Eye Shield White Courier - Knocks back all enemies within range.
Cactuar Cutting Monster Single Target 380 30 45 4 10 Run Amok - Increases action party movement speed by 30%.
Duration: 10s
Cait Sith Doll Poppet Single Target 400 55 65 2 20 Gate Shield Toy Soldier - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Calamari Monster Single Target 480 65 60 2 25 Shield Jet Spray - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Calca Monster Single Target 370 40 45 2 10 Shield Jive - Increases the DEF of all allies within range by 10. If Brina is within range, DEF is raised by 40.
Duration: 6s
Capybara Pup Critter Single Target 500 40 30 3 15 Shield Bucktooth - Delivers 5% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Castaway Chocobo Chick Critter Single Target 580 70 25 3 25 Eye Tidal Sploosh - Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 40%.
Duration: 6s
Chameleon Critter Single Target 410 25 40 3 10 Gate Shield Invisible - Reduces HP of closest enemy Gate by 50%. No effect if Gate is already inoperable.
Cherry Bomb Monster Single Target 390 30 40 2 10 Eye Shield Self-destruct - Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies within range. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Chigoe Larva Critter Single Target 420 35 30 3 10 Gate Blood Drain - Increases action party ATK by 60.
Duration: 10s
Chocobo Chick Courier Critter Single Target 405 50 75 2 20 Gate Shield Choco Trap - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Clionid Larva Monster Single Target 420 40 50 2 15 Eye Shield Buccal Cones - Reduces HP of enemy Search Eye by 90%. No effect if Search Eye is already inoperable.
Clockwork Barrow Gadget Single Target 395 35 40 3 10 Gate Wax Fruit - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a gadget).
Duration: 6s
Clockwork Lantern Gadget Single Target 650 20 70 2 25 Shield Light My Fire - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Clockwork Twintania Monster Single Target 380 80 60 3 25 Neurolink - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a monster).
Duration: 6s
Coblyn Larva Monster AoE 400 50 30 2 15 Shield Vulcanize - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a monster).
Duration: 6s
Coeurl Kitten Critter Single Target 365 50 25 4 10 Eye Tiny Blaster - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Conditional Virtue Monster Single Target 490 90 55 4 30 Gate Shield Last Virtue Standing - Increases caster ATK by 10 and DEF by 5 for every 5% of HP lost.
Duration: 10s
Construct 8 Monster Single Target 580 60 35 1 25 Arcana Compute - Delivers an attack 5 times the potency of the caster's ATK.
Continental Eye Monster Single Target 430 45 40 3 15 Gate Eye Single Gaze - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies within range.
Copycat Bulb Monster Single Target 450 30 50 3 15 Gate Eye Shield Sickly Sweet Breath - Binds all enemies within range.
Duration: 5s
Demon Box Critter AoE 530 40 70 2 30 Jack-out-the-box - Disarms deployed enemy traps.
Demon Brick Monster Single Target 390 25 80 2 15 Rebut - Knocks back all enemies within range.
Dhalmel Calf Critter Single Target 400 30 35 3 10 Gate Eye Cold Stare - Reduces action points of all enemies within range by 50% of the maximum value.
Domakin Critter Single Target 510 20 80 1 20 Arcana Flashy Fins - Delivers an attack with a potency of 30 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Doman Magpie Critter Single Target 310 60 45 3 15 Gate Love Song - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Dress-up Alisaie Poppet Single Target 390 45 25 3 10 Shield Emery-thing I Do - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Dress-up Raubahn Poppet AoE 400 55 40 2 20 Gate Eye Shield Immortal Flame - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Dress-up Tataru Poppet Single Target 440 30 35 3 10 Eye Scion Song - Reduces minion summoning recast time by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Dress-up Thancred Poppet Single Target 420 55 30 4 15 Gate Going Commando - Reduces movement speed of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 5s
Dress-up Y'shtola Poppet Single Target 480 80 50 2 25 Aetherial Pulse - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by critters.
Duration: 5s
Dress-up Yugiri Poppet AoE 310 90 50 4 30 Assassin's Kiss - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Dust Bunny Critter Single Target 340 50 30 4 10 Gate Eye Romp - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Dwarf Rabbit Critter Single Target 450 60 45 4 20 Shield Carrots and Sticks - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 10 to all enemies within range every second.
Duration: 20s
Activation Delay: 10s
Eden Minor Monster AoE 450 85 45 2 30 Eternal Breath - Delivers an attack with a potency of 380 to all enemies within range.
Eggplant Knight Critter Single Target 415 45 50 3 15 Gate Eye Eggvincible - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a critter).
Duration: 6s
Enkidu Critter Single Target 480 55 45 4 20 Eye Eerie Soundwave - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies within range.
Faepup Critter Single Target 440 65 35 4 20 Shield Teething - Reduces HP of enemy Shield by 70%. No effect if Shield is already inoperable.
Fat Cat Critter Single Target 380 45 25 3 10 Shield Perfect Purr - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a critter).
Duration: 6s
Faustlet Monster Single Target 390 100 75 3 30 Eye Exemplar - Delivers an attack with a potency of 380 to all enemies within range.
Fenrir Pup Monster Single Target 380 65 30 4 15 Howling Moon - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a monster).
Duration: 6s
Flame Hatchling Critter Single Target 320 45 45 3 10 Shield Flame Cry - Reduces action points of all enemies within range by 50% of the maximum value.
Fledgling Apkallu Critter Single Target 510 80 70 2 30 Waddle - Changes action party auto-attacks to area of effect attacks.
Duration: 12s
Fledgling Dodo Monster Single Target 500 60 55 3 25 Gate New Nest - Instantly restores damaged ally Shield.
Forgiven Hate Monster Single Target 510 20 80 1 20 Arcana Trigger and Push - Delivers an attack with a potency of 30 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Fox Kit Critter Single Target 500 65 50 3 25 Gate Crazy - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a critter).
Frilled Dragon Critter Single Target 400 35 30 3 10 Shield Desert Sprint - Increases movement speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Gaelikitten Critter Single Target 490 30 40 3 15 Eye Shield Gaelikick - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range while inflicting a weakness to critters.
Duration: 10s
Garlic Jester Critter Single Target 435 25 60 3 15 Eye Irresistible Aroma - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a critter).
Duration: 6s
Gestahl Critter Single Target 320 45 45 3 10 Shield Royal Blood - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by monsters.
Duration: 10s
Ghido Critter Single Target 330 40 55 2 10 Shield Turtle Infestation - Reduces minion summoning recast time by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Giant Beaver Critter Single Target 460 55 55 3 20 Eye Squeal - Instantly restores damaged ally Shield.
Gigantpole Monster Single Target 495 50 40 4 20 Gate Huge Guts - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Gigi Poppet Single Target 445 60 50 2 20 Gate Temporal Magicks - Delivers 6% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Gold Rush Minecart Gadget Single Target 445 40 35 3 15 Gate Eye 24 Karat - Instantly restores damaged ally Shield.
Goobbue Sproutling Monster AoE 410 55 40 3 20 Big Sneeze - Disarms deployed enemy traps.
Gravel Golem Monster Single Target 480 60 40 2 20 Gate Eye Gravelskin - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Griffin Hatchling Monster Single Target 310 65 45 3 15 Wingbeat - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by poppets.
Duration: 5s
Heavy Hatchling Critter Single Target 360 35 75 2 15 Gate Unsatiable - Doubles the amount of HP restored to allies stationed in Gates.
Duration: 20s
Hecteye Monster Single Target 450 35 35 2 10 Gate Surveillance - Reduces movement speed of all enemies within range by 70%.
Duration: 5s
Hedgehoglet Critter Single Target 480 60 40 3 20 Gate Eye Acupuncture - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Heliodor Carbuncle Critter Single Target 610 20 30 2 15 Curl - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Hellpup Critter Single Target 420 45 45 4 15 Eye Yelp - Reduces minion summoning recast time by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Hoary the Snowman Poppet Single Target 420 40 50 2 15 Gate Eye Thumpety Thump - Grants action party the ability to deal extra damage to Arcana Stones.
Duration: 6s
Hovernyan Monster Single Target 365 50 25 2 10 Gate Gusty Cross Paw - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Hunting Hawk Critter Single Target 520 40 50 4 20 Hawk's Eye - Reduces ATK by all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Infant Imp Monster Single Target 380 75 45 3 20 Eye Trick or Treat - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Iron Dwarf Monster Single Target 360 35 45 3 10 Eye Fist of Iron - Increases action party ATK by 60.
Duration: 10s
Ironfrog Ambler Gadget Single Target 435 50 60 2 20 Eye Soul of Mining - Delivers 5% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Ivon Coeurlfist Doll Monster Single Target 390 65 55 3 20 Gate Shield Spiritfist - Doubles the amount of HP restored to allies stationed in Gates.
Duration: 20s
Jibanyan Monster Single Target 620 50 30 4 25 Shield Paws of Fury - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Kidragora Critter Single Target 360 65 35 1 15 Arcana Gate Shield Head Butt - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Koala Joey Critter Single Target 600 20 80 2 25 Eye Shield Koala Cuddle - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Komainu Poppet Single Target 460 50 50 3 20 Eye Shield Two Pups in a Pod - Disarms deployed enemy traps.
Komajiro Monster Single Target 510 40 30 2 15 Gate Shield Wild Zaps - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Komasan Monster Single Target 520 40 40 2 20 Gate Eye Shield Spirit Dance - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Korpokkur Kid Critter Single Target 440 30 55 3 15 Eye Seedbed - Delivers an attack with a potency of 10 every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Kyubi Monster AoE 630 40 30 2 25 Inferno - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Lesser Panda Critter Single Target 405 95 50 4 25 Gate Take a Stand - Reduces HP of enemy Shield by 70%. No effect if Shield is already inoperable.
Little Leannan Monster Single Target 460 35 50 2 15 Gate Eye Spring Breeze - Reduces HP of closest enemy Gate by 60%. No effect if Gate is already inoperable.
Little Yang Monster Single Target 600 35 65 1 25 Gate Villainous Vanish - Renders action party immune to all attacks.
Duration: 6s
Little Yin Monster Single Target 410 10 50 4 10 Eye Devilish Dispel - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies within range.
Littlefoot Monster Single Target 410 65 25 3 15 Eye Absolute Zero - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Magic Broom Gadget AoE 420 50 60 2 25 Flipp'er Over - Removes beneficial effects from all enemies and allies within range.
Magic Bucket Gadget Single Target 530 20 55 1 15 Slippery Floor - Increases movement speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Magitek Avenger F1 Poppet Single Target 360 50 50 3 15 Gate Autopilot - Increases caster ATK by 10 and DEF by 5 for every 5% of HP lost.
Duration: 6s
Mameshiba Critter Single Target 500 60 30 3 20 Gate Shield Full of Beans - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 30%.
Duration: 6s
Mammet #001 Poppet Single Target 410 25 45 1 10 Arcana Gate Eye Deconstruct - Disarms deployed enemy traps.
Mammet #003G Poppet AoE 280 35 55 1 10 Arcana Gate Serpent Standard - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Mammet #003L Poppet Single Target 365 30 45 1 10 Arcana Gate Shield Storm Standard - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Mammet #003U Poppet Single Target 420 30 35 1 10 Arcana Gate Eye Flame Standard - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 40%.
Duration: 6s
Mandragora Queen Critter Single Target 560 50 75 2 30 Gate Shield Photosynthesis - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a critter).
Manjimutt Monster Single Target 530 30 30 3 15 Gate Creepy Superbite - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Meerkat Critter Single Target 400 50 45 3 15 Gate Shield Sunbathe - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Micro Gigantender Monster Single Target 565 60 40 1 25 Arcana 1000 Flowers - Delivers 8% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Midgardsormr Critter AoE 435 60 45 2 25 Open Beta - Reduces HP of enemy Search Eye by 90%. No effect if Search Eye is already inoperable.
Mini Mole Critter Single Target 430 90 40 3 25 Shield Mountain Maker - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Miniature Minecart Gadget Single Target 415 35 60 1 15 Arcana Gate Shield On Track - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Minion of Light Poppet Single Target 395 40 35 3 10 Eye Petit Poppet - Inflicts a weakness to poppets on all enemies within range.
Duration: 6s
Minitek Conveyor Poppet Single Target 550 80 30 1 25 Arcana Eye Hijack - Binds all enemies within range.
Duration: 8s
Minute Mindflayer Monster Single Target 455 75 50 2 25 Eye Kind Blast - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 40%.
Duration: 6s
Mock-up Grynewaht Monster Single Target 590 80 45 2 30 Gate Gunsaw - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Model Enterprise Gadget Single Target 460 45 60 2 20 Eye Aft Crane - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Model Magitek Bit Monster AoE 455 50 75 2 30 All-range Attack - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Model Vanguard Monster Single Target 340 35 50 3 10 Eye Overcharge - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Monkey King Monster Single Target 620 90 20 4 30 Jingu Bang - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Morbol Seedling Monster AoE 560 40 75 1 30 Gate Eye Shield Bad Breath - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Morpho Critter AoE 470 40 50 2 20 Poison Scales - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 30s
Motley Egg Poppet Single Target 350 20 60 2 10 Gate Eye Mummer's Farce - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Mudpie Monster AoE 380 40 50 2 15 Shield Muddy Waters - Delivers an attack with a potency of 60 to all enemies within range while reducing movement speed by 70%.
Duration: 10s
Mummy's Little Mummy Monster Single Target 475 35 40 1 15 Arcana Gate Shield Forty-thousand-year Funk - Inflicts a weakness to monsters on all enemies within range.
Duration: 15s
Mystic Weapon Monster Single Target 390 85 35 3 20 Gate Smite of Rage - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Namingway Poppet Single Target 450 50 50 3 20 Eye Shield Hummingway - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Nana Bear Critter Single Target 380 45 30 2 10 Gate Eye Stuffed Stomp - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Naughty Nanka Monster Single Target 415 55 40 2 15 Gate Eye Ninki Nonka - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 25.
Duration: 6s
Noko Monster Single Target 650 30 30 2 20 Eye Noko Smile - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a monster).
Nutkin Critter Single Target 450 100 50 4 30 Skull Eater - Sets a trap that, when triggered, reduces the movement speed of all enemies within range by 70%.
Duration: 20s
Activation Delay: 10s
OMG Monster Single Target 540 70 65 1 30 Arcana Shield Targeting - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 to all enemies within range while inflicting a weakness to monsters.
Duration: 10s
Odder Otter Critter Single Target 500 65 35 3 20 Shield Backstroke - Inflicts a weakness to critters on all enemies within range.
Duration: 6s
Onion Prince Critter Single Target 440 55 30 3 15 Eye Teary Twirl - Delivers 5% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Owlet Critter Single Target 540 55 50 4 25 Gate Eye Fundamental Reading - Reduces minion summoning recast time by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Page 63 Monster Single Target 415 30 35 1 10 Arcana Gate Eye Censored Passage - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Paissa Brat Monster Single Target 620 55 40 2 25 Eye Infinity - Renders ally Gates, Shield, and Search Eye impervious to damage.
Duration: 20s
Palico Critter Single Target 480 40 30 4 15 Eye Coral Orchestra - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 25.
Duration: 6s
Panda Cub Critter AoE 450 30 40 2 15 Shield Tasty History - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Pegasus Colt Critter Single Target 500 70 45 3 25 Shield Tail 'n Mane - Increases speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Penguin Prince Critter AoE 415 35 30 2 10 Gate Black Ice - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 10 every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Activation Delay: 10s
Peridot Carbuncle Critter Single Target 430 65 45 3 20 Eye Shield Backdraft - Knocks back all enemies within range.
Piggy Critter Single Target 375 45 30 3 10 Oink - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Plush Cushion Gadget Single Target 390 30 40 4 10 Eye A Moment's Respite - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies and allies within range.
Pod 054 Gadget Single Target 280 30 60 3 10 Gate Eye A014: Point Up - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Pod 316 Gadget Single Target 520 25 40 3 15 Gate Shield R014: Speed Up - Increases movement speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Poogie Critter Single Target 400 30 45 2 10 Gate Shield Dig - Disarms deployed enemy traps.
Poro Roggo Critter Single Target 420 50 65 2 20 Eye Shield Providence - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Princely Hatchling Critter Single Target 365 30 45 2 10 Gate Shield Choco Coronation - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Private Moai Gadget AoE 450 40 50 2 20 Gate Eye Stone Cold - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a gadget).
Duration: 6s
Pudgy Puk Monster Single Target 460 50 30 2 15 Gate Eye Excess Baggage - Inflicts a weakness to monsters on all enemies within range.
Duration: 15s
Puff of Darkness Monster Single Target 540 70 60 4 30 Eye Nanoparticle Beam - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 30%.
Duration: 6s
Pumpkin Butler Critter Single Target 420 40 50 2 15 Gate Eye Winter's Call - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Road Sparrow Critter Single Target 450 30 35 2 10 Eye Hit the Road - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Robonyan F-type Monster Single Target 400 35 30 3 10 Eye I'll Be Blast - Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies within range. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Salt & Pepper Seal Critter Single Target 480 50 50 1 20 Arcana Puppy-seal Eyes - Reduces action points of all enemies within range by 70% of the maximum value.
Scarlet Peacock Monster AoE 450 50 40 2 20 Gate Scarlet Dreams - Delivers an attack with a potency of 80 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 30%.
Duration: 6s
Seitei Monster AoE 400 70 20 3 20 Gate Monster Party - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Serpent Hatchling Critter Single Target 350 55 35 3 10 Shield Serpent Cry - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Set of Primogs Poppet Single Target 460 35 45 3 15 Shield Moogle Madhouse - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a poppet).
Duration: 6s
Shaggy Shoat Critter Single Target 450 95 55 3 30 Eye Shield Are You My Mother - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (30 if the ally is a critter).
Duration: 9s
Shalloweye Monster Single Target 420 50 40 3 15 Leer - Reduces movement speed of all enemies within range by 70%.
Duration: 10s
Sharksucker-class Insubmersible Gadget Single Target 415 60 40 3 15 Torpedo - Delivers an attack with a potency of 120 to all enemies within range while increasing action party ATK by 20.
Duration: 6s
Shoebill Critter Single Target 430 40 35 1 10 Eye Shield Regal Air - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 40%.
Duration: 6s
Shogunyan Monster Single Target 650 30 30 2 20 Shield Bonito Blade - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 30%.
Duration: 6s
Slime Puddle Monster AoE 430 30 30 2 10 Gate Cytoplasm - Inflicts a weakness to monsters on all enemies within range.
Duration: 15s
Smallshell Monster Single Target 420 30 35 2 10 Gate Shield Tweezer - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies within range.
Spoony Bard Poppet Single Target 400 40 55 3 15 Bardsong - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 20.
Duration: 10s
Steam-powered Gobwalker G-VII Gadget Single Target 330 30 70 2 15 Gate Eye Steam Cannon - Reduces HP of closest enemy Gate by 60%. No effect if Gate is already inoperable.
Storm Hatchling Critter Single Target 315 50 35 3 10 Eye Storm Cry - Binds all enemies within range.
Duration: 5s
Taoist Moogle Poppet Single Target 410 30 35 3 10 Eye Enter the Moogle - Knocks back all enemies within range.
Tender Lamb Critter Single Target 680 30 25 2 20 Shield Heart of Wool - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Tengu Doll Critter Single Target 400 30 70 3 15 Eye Shield Sticky Beak - Reduces movement speed of all enemies within range by 70%.
Duration: 5s
The Gold Whisker Poppet Single Target 560 60 80 2 30 Ring My Bell - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
The Great Serpent of Ronka Critter Single Target 460 55 15 3 15 Gate Eye Shield Lost Secret - Increases action party movement speed by 30%.
Duration: 10s
The Prince of Anemos Monster Single Target 430 30 20 3 10 Gate Eye Shield Dipsy Duel - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 30%.
Duration: 6s
Tight-beaked Parrot Critter Single Target 365 50 35 3 10 Parley - Transports action party to the central summoning Gate.
Tinker's Bell Gadget AoE 400 20 60 3 15 Shield Enigmatic Note - Delivers an attack with a potency of 30 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 30%.
Duration: 6s
Tiny Bulb Monster Single Target 480 80 40 2 25 Gate Shield Sow - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Tiny Echevore Monster Single Target 380 40 60 2 15 Gate Taste of Nectar - Grants action party the ability to deal extra damage to Arcana Stones.
Duration: 6s
Tiny Rat Critter Single Target 400 25 45 3 10 The Plague - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 25%.
Duration: 6s
Tiny Tapir Critter Single Target 390 45 25 2 10 Gate Eye Sleep Tight - Inflicts a weakness to critters on all enemies within range.
Duration: 6s
Tiny Tatsunoko Critter Single Target 300 45 40 2 10 Eye Trapdoor - Triggers an enemy trap as if it were your own. If the trap deals physical damage, then potency is increased by 150%.
Tiny Tortoise Monster Single Target 480 40 60 3 20 Baby Stomp - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 25%.
Duration: 6s
Tomato King Critter Single Target 355 80 45 4 20 Killer Attack - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Tora-jiro Critter Single Target 440 65 40 4 20 Eye Eye of the Tora - Reduces movement speed of all enemies within range by 70%.
Duration: 5s
Toy Alexander Monster AoE 600 30 60 2 25 Rise Up - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a monster).
Duration: 6s
Treasure Box Monster AoE 390 50 35 3 15 Leaden Lid - Delivers an attack with a potency of 120 to all enemies within range while increasing action party ATK by 20.
Duration: 6s
USApyon Monster Single Target 550 30 30 2 15 Eye Shield Bunny Beam - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Ugly Duckling Critter Single Target 480 40 60 3 20 Shield Miserable Company - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Unicolt Critter Single Target 415 35 30 3 10 Gate Alicorn - Increases speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Venoct Monster AoE 630 50 40 2 30 Octo Snake - Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all enemies within range.
Water Imp Critter AoE 430 60 30 2 20 Shield Waterline - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 40%.
Duration: 6s
Wayward Hatchling Critter Single Target 410 60 30 3 15 Gate Eye Choco Shuffle - Inflicts a weakness to critters on all enemies within range.
Duration: 15s
Whisper Monster AoE 420 40 30 2 15 Eye Blabbermouth - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
White Whittret Critter Single Target 440 75 15 3 15 Wind Slash - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wide-eyed Fawn Critter Single Target 400 55 40 4 15 Gate Dilation - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by monsters.
Duration: 5s
Wind-up Aerith Poppet Single Target 430 35 55 2 15 Great Gospel - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by critters.
Duration: 5s
Wind-up Airship Gadget Single Target 465 50 75 4 25 Eye Cargo - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a gadget).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Aldgoat Critter Single Target 340 30 50 2 10 Gate Eye Shield Mouton - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Wind-up Alisaie Poppet Single Target 460 40 40 4 15 Gate Futures Past - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Alpha Critter Single Target 440 70 70 4 25 Teleport Tag - Transports action party to the central summoning Gate.
Wind-up Alphinaud Poppet Single Target 420 30 35 3 10 Gate Eye Operation Archon - Delivers an attack with a potency of 80 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 13%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Amalj'aa Poppet Single Target 465 30 25 4 10 Gate Harder and Stronger - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a poppet).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Ananta Poppet Single Target 450 30 80 2 20 Gate Shield Snake Charmer - Restores 200 HP to all allies within range (250 if the ally is a poppet).
Wind-up Aymeric Poppet Single Target 465 80 75 3 30 Eye Shield True Blue - Reduces HP of enemy Shield by 70%. No effect if Shield is already inoperable.
Wind-up Bahamut Monster AoE 410 70 40 3 25 Fizzle Flare - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Bartz Poppet Single Target 450 80 65 4 30 Eye Shield Boko Bump - Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies within range. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Wind-up Bismarck Monster Single Target 550 25 30 3 15 Gate Shield Bubble Puff - Reduces HP of enemy Shield by 70%. No effect if Shield is already inoperable.
Wind-up Brickman Monster AoE 410 30 35 2 10 Charge Up - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Calofisteri Monster AoE 440 50 55 2 25 Gate Eye Split End - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Cheerleader Poppet Single Target 440 40 40 1 15 Arcana Rallying Cheer - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 25.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Chimera Monster Single Target 510 55 60 3 25 Eye Shield Night Terror - Reduces action points of all enemies within range by 50% of the maximum value.
Wind-up Cid Poppet Single Target 500 70 70 4 30 Gate Magitrap - Sets a trap which can be activated by button after 10 seconds. When triggered, it delivers an attack with a potency of 180 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Cirina Poppet Single Target 410 20 50 2 10 Eye Word of the Gods - Reduces minion summoning recast time by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Cloud Poppet Single Target 490 75 65 3 30 Shield Finishing Touch - Delivers an attack with a potency of 380 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Cursor Gadget Single Target 400 55 40 3 15 Eye The Finger - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Wind-up Dalamud Gadget AoE 520 30 40 3 20 Disable Limiter - Increases action party movement speed by 30%.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Delivery Moogle Poppet AoE 370 45 60 3 20 Gate Chain Letter - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 25%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Dezul Qualan Poppet Single Target 460 45 35 3 15 Gate Eye Fly Like the Wind - Delivers 5% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Wind-up Dragonet Critter Single Target 510 75 60 1 30 Arcana Dragon Puff - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Dullahan Monster AoE 445 30 55 2 20 Eye Wandering Armor - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 180 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Wind-up Echidna Monster AoE 410 50 45 3 20 Gate Death Knell - Renders both ally and enemy Shields and Search Eyes inoperable. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Wind-up Edda Monster Single Target 420 90 40 1 25 Arcana Dead Weight - Reduces DEF of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Wind-up Edvya Poppet Single Target 360 50 50 4 15 Eye Curious Crafting Craze - Inflicts a weakness to poppets on all enemies within range.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Elvaan Poppet Single Target 470 50 50 4 20 Eye Fan Dance - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Estinien Poppet Single Target 380 45 20 4 10 Gate Super Jump - Transports action party to the central summoning Gate.
Wind-up Exdeath Monster Single Target 440 65 65 2 25 Gate Eye Shield Power of the Void - Changes action party auto-attacks to area of effect attacks.
Duration: 12s
Wind-up Fafnir Monster Single Target 300 80 20 3 10 Gate Eye Ridill - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Wind-up Firion Poppet Single Target 600 75 20 3 25 Gate Name of the Rose - Delivers an attack with a potency of 80 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 13%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Founder Poppet Single Target 440 40 45 3 15 Eye Undefeated - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Fran Poppet Single Target 470 65 55 3 25 Gate Shield Feral Strike - Reduces HP of enemy Shield by 70%. No effect if Shield is already inoperable.
Wind-up Fuath Poppet AoE 390 45 40 2 15 Gate Jolly Good Sport - Sets a trap that, when triggered, reduces the movement speed of all enemies within range by 70%.
Duration: 20s
Activation Delay: 10s
Wind-up G'raha Tia Poppet Single Target 520 40 50 3 20 Gate Eye Shield The Good Eye - Renders ally Gates, Shield, and Search Eye impervious to damage.
Duration: 20s
Wind-up Garuda Monster AoE 495 50 25 4 20 Airy Blast - Reduces action points of all enemies within range by 50% of the maximum value.
Wind-up Gentleman Poppet Single Target 400 90 75 4 30 Gate Eye Power of Deduction - Increases ATK and DEF of all allies within range by 40. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Duration: 20s
Wind-up Gilgamesh Poppet AoE 485 40 55 4 25 Bitter End - Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies within range. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Wind-up Gnath Poppet Single Target 480 70 30 3 20 Gate Shield Carapace - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 20.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Goblin Poppet Single Target 435 40 45 2 15 Gate Eye Gobjammer - Reduces action points of all enemies within range by 50% of the maximum value.
Wind-up Gosetsu Poppet AoE 320 60 30 2 15 Shield Iai - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 30%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Gundu Warrior Poppet Single Target 420 35 30 2 10 Gate Eye Sunrise Dance - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Wind-up Haurchefant Poppet Single Target 530 85 45 4 30 Shield E - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Hien Poppet Single Target 520 60 55 2 25 True Steel - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a poppet).
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Hobgoblin Poppet Single Target 510 30 60 3 20 Shield Goblin Punch - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 270 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Wind-up Hraesvelgr Monster Single Target 500 65 50 3 25 Shield Holy Covenant - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Wind-up Iceheart Poppet AoE 400 55 60 2 25 Shield Dreams of Ice - Binds all enemies within range.
Duration: 5s
Wind-up Ifrit Monster Single Target 380 85 35 3 20 Hellfire - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Illuminatus Poppet Single Target 390 35 35 3 10 Eye Birdlime - Increases movement speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Ixal Poppet Single Target 390 40 30 2 10 Gate Shield All for Nine - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Ixion Monster Single Target 560 60 75 3 30 Eye Shield Aerosparkle - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Wind-up Kain Poppet AoE 440 75 55 3 30 Dragoon's Might - Renders ally Gates, Shield, and Search Eye impervious to damage.
Duration: 20s
Wind-up Kan-E Poppet AoE 430 45 45 4 20 Claustrum - Removes all detrimental effects from all allies within range.
Wind-up Kefka Monster Single Target 600 60 70 1 30 Arcana Forsaken - Reduces minion summoning recast time by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Khloe Poppet Single Target 520 25 40 3 15 Eye Wondrous Tale - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Wind-up Kobold Poppet Single Target 440 30 30 3 10 Gate Adulation - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 40%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Kobolder Poppet Single Target 440 20 45 2 10 Shield Untested Prototype - Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies within range. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Wind-up Kojin Poppet Single Target 430 40 40 3 15 Arcana Shield Treasure Trove - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a poppet).
Wind-up Krile Poppet AoE 390 30 30 3 10 Rejoinder - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a poppet).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Lakshmi Monster AoE 320 30 55 1 10 Shield Peck on the Cheek - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a monster).
Wind-up Leviathan Monster AoE 455 60 65 2 30 Gate Leviath - Reduces HP of closest enemy Gate by 90%. No effect if Gate is already inoperable.
Wind-up Louisoix Poppet Single Target 410 50 40 4 15 Gate Eye Flames of Rebirth - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a poppet).
Wind-up Lulu Poppet Single Target 430 70 40 2 20 Eye Black Magicks - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Lyse Poppet Single Target 500 55 40 4 25 Gate Eye Final Heaven - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Magnai Poppet Single Target 650 65 45 1 30 Arcana Angry Brother - Delivers 10% damage to the nearest enemy Arcana Stone.
Wind-up Matanga Monster Single Target 600 80 20 2 25 Gate Shield Rear Naked Smash - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Meateater Poppet Single Target 480 65 60 3 25 Gate Tiny Intuition - Disarms deployed enemy traps.
Wind-up Merlwyb Poppet AoE 470 40 40 4 20 Annihilator - Reduces minion summoning recast time by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Minfilia Poppet Single Target 400 80 40 3 20 Eye Hello Hello - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Mithra Poppet Single Target 480 50 50 3 20 Gate Eye Mihgo's Amigos - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a poppet).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Moenbryda Poppet Single Target 400 30 35 3 10 Gate Dual Haken - Reduces HP of closest enemy Gate by 50%. No effect if Gate is already inoperable.
Wind-up Moogle Poppet AoE 470 40 40 2 20 Morose Mogdance - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Moon Gadget Single Target 500 75 65 2 30 Eye Moonlight - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a gadget).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Namazu Poppet Single Target 510 60 55 3 25 Eye Shield Catty Cunning - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies within range.
Wind-up Nanamo Poppet AoE 490 35 40 2 20 Eye Bloodline - Increases caster ATK by 10 and DEF by 5 for every 5% of HP lost.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Nero Tol Scaeva Poppet Single Target 420 50 60 3 20 Gate Reverse Engineering - Triggers an enemy trap as if it were your own. If the trap deals physical damage, then potency is increased by 150%.
Wind-up Nidhogg Monster Single Target 450 95 60 3 30 Gate Eye Dragonsong - Delivers an attack with a potency of 110 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Nu Mou Poppet Single Target 380 45 50 2 15 Gate Eye Fitting Payment - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Wind-up Odin Monster Single Target 500 75 65 4 30 Gate Non-tetsuken - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Ohl Deeh Critter Single Target 450 55 50 3 20 Eye Mischief - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Wind-up Omega-F Monster AoE 400 85 20 4 25 Shield Resonance F - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (60 if the ally is wind-up Omega-M).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Omega-M Monster Single Target 440 15 80 1 15 Arcana Resonance M - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (40 if the ally is wind-up Omega-F).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Onion Knight Poppet Single Target 430 30 60 4 15 Eye Onion Skin - Renders action party immune to all attacks.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Papalymo Poppet AoE 420 35 55 3 20 Gate Shield Sparkler - Delivers 10 points of damage every second to all enemies within range.
Duration: 20s
Wind-up Pixie Poppet Single Target 510 20 80 1 20 Arcana Pixual Healing - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a poppet).
Wind-up Qalyana Poppet Single Target 450 80 30 2 20 Gate Eye Shield Tail Thwap - Delivers an attack with a potency of 30 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Wind-up Qiqirn Poppet Single Target 380 60 40 3 15 Gate Sparkly Shine - Grants action party the ability to deal extra damage to Arcana Stones.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Ramuh Monster Single Target 515 40 75 3 25 Gate Judgment Sparkle - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Ramza Poppet Single Target 620 50 50 4 30 Gate Eye Shield I'm Trying! - Renders action party immune to all attacks.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Raubahn Poppet AoE 470 45 35 3 20 Tizona - Reduces movement speed of all enemies within range by 70%.
Duration: 5s
Wind-up Ravana Monster Single Target 550 70 30 2 25 Gate Eye Shield Chandrahas - Delivers an attack with a potency of 120 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Wind-up Red Mage Poppet Single Target 445 50 45 3 20 Gate Eye Shield Return to Garlaige - Increases movement speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Redback Poppet Single Target 430 40 40 3 15 Gate Eye Shield Kasaya - Delivers an attack with a potency of 80 to all enemies within range while reducing DEF by 10%.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Relm Poppet Single Target 415 40 25 2 10 Eye Shield Enchanted Artistry - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Rikku Poppet Single Target 420 50 40 4 15 Eye Mix - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Wind-up Sadu Poppet AoE 500 75 35 3 30 Shield Falling Dusk - Delivers an attack with a potency of 300 to all enemies within range. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Wind-up Sahagin Poppet Single Target 435 45 40 4 15 Gate Pshhh - Removes all beneficial effects from all enemies within range.
Wind-up Sasquatch Monster Single Target 420 45 45 3 15 Shield Agitation - Disarms deployed enemy traps.
Wind-up Scathach Monster Single Target 420 30 30 3 10 Gate Pitch Slap - Knocks back all enemies within range.
Wind-up Sea Devil Poppet Single Target 500 50 65 4 25 Eye Trident - Increases action party ATK by 60.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Shantotto Poppet Single Target 525 45 60 2 25 Gate Shield Play Rough - Increases action party ATK by 40.
Duration: 15s
Wind-up Shinryu Monster AoE 480 60 60 1 30 Arcana Gate Toodle Wave - Renders both ally and enemy Shields and Search Eyes inoperable. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Wind-up Shiva Monster Single Target 420 35 35 3 10 Gate Diamond Speck - Binds all enemies within range.
Duration: 5s
Wind-up Succubus Monster Single Target 340 55 25 3 10 Eye Carnal Knowledge - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a monster).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Sun Gadget Single Target 440 35 50 3 15 Eye Sunbathe - Increases action party DEF by 40.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Susano Monster AoE 400 55 40 1 20 Arcana Mini Murakumo - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Wind-up Suzaku Monster Single Target 480 55 35 3 20 Gate Eye Twinkling Interlude - Delivers an attack with a potency of 110 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Sylph Poppet Single Target 490 40 30 4 15 Gate Sylphic Incantation - Reduces ATK of all enemies within range by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Wind-up Tarutaru Poppet Single Target 370 80 25 3 15 Gate Refresh - Grants 10 action points to all allies within range who do not have similar actions.
Wind-up Tataru Poppet Single Target 440 35 25 3 10 Gate Special Tonic - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 10 (30 if the ally is a poppet).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Thancred Poppet AoE 450 50 35 3 20 Gate Love, Eventually - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Wind-up Tifa Poppet Single Target 440 60 40 3 20 Gate Eye Final Heaven - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 and knocks back all enemies within range.
Wind-up Titan Monster Single Target 380 30 75 2 15 Shield Crag Prison - Binds all enemies within range.
Duration: 5s
Wind-up Tonberry Monster AoE 470 45 35 4 20 Gate Everybody's Grudge - Increases ATK and DEF of all allies within range by 40. The action party is immediately withdrawn from the playing field after execution.
Duration: 20s
Wind-up Tsukuyomi Monster AoE 430 60 35 2 20 Gate Nightbloom - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Ultros Monster AoE 395 50 45 2 20 Tentacle - Increases movement speed of all allies within range by 35%.
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Urianger Poppet Single Target 435 55 60 2 20 Gate Shield Big Words - Delivers an attack with a potency of 90 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Vath Poppet Single Target 430 60 35 2 15 Gate Fleetfeet - Increases the movement speed of the action party by 30%.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Violet Poppet Single Target 480 50 35 2 15 Squee - Renders all allies within range immune to attacks by critters.
Duration: 5s
Wind-up Warrior of Light Poppet Single Target 380 30 75 2 15 Eye Life Rush - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Weapon Monster Single Target 500 40 65 2 20 Gate Eye Short-range Sensory Jammer - Sets a trap that, when triggered, delivers an attack with a potency of 260 to all enemies within range.
Activation Delay: 10s
Wind-up Y'shtola Poppet Single Target 435 60 70 4 25 Gate Eye Aetherial Field - Increases DEF of all allies within range by 20.
Duration: 10s
Wind-up Yda Poppet AoE 460 45 55 3 25 Final Hell - Delivers an attack with a potency of 230 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Yotsuyu Poppet Single Target 290 55 30 4 10 Shield Pipe Dream - Sets a trap which can be activated by button after 10 seconds. When triggered, it delivers an attack with a potency of 180 to all enemies within range.
Wind-up Yugiri Poppet Single Target 335 55 50 2 15 Gate Shield Suiyaku - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a poppet).
Duration: 6s
Wind-up Yuna Poppet Single Target 500 85 60 3 30 Eye Way of the Summoner - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a poppet).
Wind-up Zhloe Poppet Single Target 410 20 60 2 10 Eye Fresh-baked Flatbread - Restores 100 HP to all allies within range (150 if the ally is a poppet).
Wind-up Zundu Warrior Poppet AoE 630 45 30 2 25 Sundrop Dance - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 25.
Duration: 6s
Wolf Pup Critter Single Target 385 65 30 4 15 Teen Pup - Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a critter).
Duration: 6s
Yukinko Snowflake Critter Single Target 400 30 50 2 10 Gate Snozzle - Delivers an attack with a potency of 70 to all enemies within range while reducing movement speed by 50%.
Duration: 10s
Zephyrous Zabuton Gadget Single Target 390 30 40 4 10 Gate Out from Under - Transports action party to the central summoning Gate.
Zu Hatchling Monster AoE 450 30 25 3 10 Nasty Peck - Increases action party ATK by 60.
Duration: 10s