Army's Paeon

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Army's Paeon

Bard frame icon.png BRD (actions)
Quest Req.
Job quest Bard's-eye View

Grants Army's Paeon to self and all party members within 50 yalms, increasing direct hit rate by 3%
Duration: 45s
Additional Effect: 80% chance to grant Repertoire
This effect can trigger repeatedly while singing the Army's Paeon.
Repertoire Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 4%
Can be stacked up to 4 times.
Additional Effect: Grants Army's Coda
Can only be executed while in combat.

— In-game description

Army's Paeon is an action unlocked by questing at level 40. It is available for Bard.

Related traits

Related actions


  • DT.png Patch 7.0 (2024-07-02):
    • No longer requires an enemy target.
    • Range has been reduced from 25 to 0 yalms.
    • No longer deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.
    • Execution now requires the player to be in combat.
  • EW.png Patch 6.4 (2023-05-23): Range of the additional effect granting Army's Paeon to self and party members has been increased from 30 to 50 yalms.
  • EW.png Patch 6.0 (2021-12-07):
    • Changed category from spell to ability.
    • Changed additional effect conditions from "40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite" to "80% chance to grant Repertoire".
    • Duration has been increased from 30s to 45s.
    • Added "Additional Effect: Grants Army's Coda" upon learning the Minstrel's Coda.png  Minstrel's Coda trait.
    • Direct hit effect now also applies to the bard who casted it.
    • Deleted "This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions."
    • Recast time has been increased from 80s to 120s.
  • SHB.png Patch 5.1 (2019-10-29): The additional effect "Grants Army's Paeon to all party members within 30 yalms, increasing their direct hit rate by 3%" has been added.
  • SHB.png Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02):
    • The additional effect "Increases critical hit rate of all party members within a radius of 20 yalms by 2%" has been removed.
    • Condition for Repertoire has been changed from "if critical damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite" to "40% chance when damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite."
  • SB.png Patch 4.06 (2017-08-07): Song effect will now be granted even when the attack deals no damage to the target.
  • SB.png Patch 4.0 (2017-06-20):
    • Is now a spell.
    • Cast time has been made instant.
    • Recast time increased from 2.5 to 80 seconds.
    • Description is now "Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.Additional Effect: Increases critical hit rate of all party members within a radius of 20 yalms by 2%. Duration: 30s. Effect is lost if party members move out of hearing distance. Additional Effect: Grants Repertoire if critical damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite. Repertoire Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 4%. Can be stacked up to 4 times."
  • HW.png Patch 3.3 (2016-06-07):
    • Damage reduction on self has been changed from 15% to 10%.
    • Cast time has been reduced from 3 to 1.5 seconds.
  • ARR.png Patch 2.0 (2013-08-27): Added with the original description, "Refreshes TP of all nearby party members while lowering own damage dealt by 20%. MP is drained while singing. Refresh effect is lost if party members move out of hearing distance, and ends upon reuse. Cannot be used with other songs."