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"Pssshkoh... Someday, Roundrox wants to live in place like giant, together with whirlycog things aplenty."

Roundrox is the daughter of Slowfix Cointoss and an avid collector of what most sane individuals would deem junk. The goblin girl of fifteen years, however, has an eye for the unique, and will carefully sift for long hours through rubbish heaps until finding the perfect piece for her collection. It was some three years past that Roundrox stumbled upon a fragment of the Engima Codex, and has since become embroiled in the turmoil surrounding the Illuminati and Alexander.

— In-game description

Roundrox is a Goblin in The Dravanian Hinterlands.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Rearmed Feature quest 60 Roundrox

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Disarmed Feature quest 60 Slowfix
Steel and Steam Feature quest 60 Biggs
Tinker, Seeker, Soldier, Spy Feature quest 60 Biggs
The Pulsing Heart Feature quest 60 Mide
Enigma Feature quest 60 Redbrix
Of Endings and Beginnings Feature quest 60 Biggs

Additional Information