When the Worm Turns

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When the Worm Turns

Quest giver
U'odh Nunh
Southern Thanalan (X:14.3, Y:29.9)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Rotting Angler Icon.png  Rotting Angler
1 Wellwick Worm Meat Icon.png  Wellwick Worm Meat
Experience 12,800
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Perfect Prey
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThere and Back Again

Main Scenario Progress: 93 / 968 (9.6%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 93 / 241 (38.6%)


U'odh Nunh is finally willing to tell you of the ingredient you seek.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in Southern Thanalan.



  • U'odh Nunh is finally willing to tell you of the ingredient you seek.
  • The trap is set, and now all that remains is for you to wait. When the Wellwick worm appears, slay it and collect its meat.
  • U'odh Nunh must first prepare the meat, but he promises to send it to Wheiskaet in time for the banquet. Because he does not know the location of the third ingredient, you must return to Costa del Sol and speak with the former captain for more information. However, before you can depart, U'odh Nunh has one final favor to ask.


Accepting the Quest

U'odh Nunh: A shame we did not meet when I was still with the Company of Heroes. You would have made a fine rrrecruit.
U'odh Nunh: But no point dwelling on what cannot be. You have a Wellwick worm to hunt.
U'odh Nunh: Sandworms slither brrrazenly across the desert dunes, but Wellwick worms are far fewer in number. Rarity brrreeds demand, and so their meat is highly prized as a delicacy.
U'odh Nunh: The only way to catch your quarry is to entice it with something it cannot rrresist.
U'odh Nunh: These worms prrrey on the smaller creatures of the Sagolii. A freshly slaughtered angler carcass would be my choice of bait.
U'odh Nunh: There is an area teeming with anglers to the east. I will mark it upon your map, along with the location where Wellwick worms are most frrrequently sighted.
U'odh Nunh: Be warned─the blood will drive the worm into a feeding frrrenzy. If your skills are lacking, it will devour you as well.

Presenting your prize to U'odh Nunh

U'odh Nunh: You look well. Have you caught your quarry, then?
<hand over Wellwick Worm Meat>
U'odh Nunh: Your skills as a hunter rrrival those of our best. I applaud your success, [Forename].
U'odh Nunh: The meat will need to be heavily smoked before I ship it to Wheiskaet. Worry not─you have my word that he will rrreceive it in time for the banquet.
U'odh Nunh: You must be eager to obtain the third ingrrredient. I regret to say that I know naught of its location. For the nonce, you should return to Costa del Sol and seek Wheiskaet's counsel.
U'odh Nunh: Ah, but hold a moment. Since you will be meeting the captain again soon, there is something I would like you to deliver to him for me.