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U Tribe

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U'odh Nunh, the leader of the U Tribe

"The U respect strength above all-I fear they'd sooner gut me than listen to my tale."

— Arenvald

The U Tribe (also known as the Children of the Sands) is a fierce and proud tribe of Seekers of the Sun Miqo'te who make their home in the Sagolii Desert of Thanalan.


As a patriarchal tribe, all members obey the word of the Nunh, the breeding male of the tribe. Those who disobey his words are rumored to lose their ears for their indolence. The U Tribe live off the clean waters that flow through their settlement, the Forgotten Springs and the game they can hunt in the Sagolii Desert. They derive their tribe name from their traditional totem, the Scalekin Drake. Their outpost was once a massive trading post where people from all over would stop to rest and exchange wares. However, over time fewer and fewer people traveled that way through the desert, until it was eventually abandoned. The U Tribe eventually came upon the settlement and made it their home. Surrounded by the cruel desert, the tribe lives by and upholds the law of nature, with each member of the tribe expected to do their part and master the arts of hunting and gathering. Any who do not are treated as a burden, and another mouth to feed.

They reject a more modern society such as Ul'dah, believing it to bring nothing but corruption and vice, sullying the pure ways of their society. They rarely show kindness to an outsider unless they prove themselves with their strength. The tribe is constantly at war with the Amalj'aa, who they battle for territory and game. It was through this mutual enemy that the Immortal Flames were able to establish a parley, eventually being allowed to build an outpost where they can continue to battle against the Amalj'aa.

Notable members