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You first meet P'obyano during the 2015 Moonfire Faire, where she is a dutiful Adventurer's Guild member. Introducing you around to the other nearby members, she tasks you with collecting tokens, which you can exchange for various exclusive gifts at a nearby merchant, and teases you about a special prize if you manage to collect seven of them to prove your worthiness. After you collect the seven tokens (though in reality, likely many more) you are just about to find out what the prize is.... when Wunthyll shows up and crashes the party, demanding all the land be turned over to he and his Pirate friends. After convincing him to join the Adventurer's Guild with the promise of denizens around Eorzea possibly telling stories of him like they talk of the Warrior of Light, all returns to normal. The prize for seven tokens, however, is apparently forgotten about... During the 2016 Moonfire Faire, P'obyano is the merchant that you must trade Faire Vouchers to in order to once again receive exclusive event prizes. During the 2017 Moonfire Faire, she gives you a quest to throw firework mortars into cannons northeast of Costa del Sol.

— In-game description

P'obyano is a Miqo'te in Eastern La Noscea.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
These Fireworks Won't Light Themselves Daily quest 30 P'obyano
An Adventurer's Life for Me Sidequest 30 P'obyano
Message in a Bottle Sidequest 30 P'obyano
Messages from Distant Shores Daily quest 30 P'obyano

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Eorzean Nimble Warrior Sidequest 30 Beaudefoin
High-flying Hijinks Daily quest 30 Course Registrar
Reigniting the Festivities Sidequest 30 Haermaga
The Isle and the Faire Sidequest 30 Mayaru Moyaru
Fhul Me Once Sidequest 30 R'fhul Tia
Fire Red, Beast Green Sidequest 30 Mayaru Moyaru
Festival Fan Frenzy Sidequest 30 Beaudefoin

Items for Sale

Item Type Cost
Legacy warrior armguards icon1.png   Legacy Warrior Armguards Hands Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 3
Legacy warrior breeches icon1.png   Legacy Warrior Breeches Legs Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 3
Legacy warrior coronet icon1.png   Legacy Warrior Coronet Head Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 3
Legacy warrior mail icon1.png   Legacy Warrior Mail Body Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 3
Legacy warrior sabatons icon1.png   Legacy Warrior Sabatons Feet Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 3
Ballroom etiquette - the black ranger icon1.png   Ballroom Etiquette - The Black Ranger Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 5
Ballroom etiquette - the red ranger icon1.png   Ballroom Etiquette - The Red Ranger Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 5
Ballroom etiquette - the yellow ranger icon1.png   Ballroom Etiquette - The Yellow Ranger Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 5
Bombard bloom icon1.png   Bombard Bloom (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1
Firefly lamp icon1.png   Firefly Lamp Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 10
Flame tracer icon1.png   Flame Tracer (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1
Gridanian sparkler icon1.png   Gridanian Sparkler (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1
Lominsan sparkler icon1.png   Lominsan Sparkler (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1
Moonfire faire orchestrion roll icon1.png   Moonfire Faire Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 10
Pinwheel icon1.png   Pinwheel (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1
Serpent tracer icon1.png   Serpent Tracer (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1
Storm tracer icon1.png   Storm Tracer (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1
Uldahn sparkler icon1.png   Ul'dahn Sparkler (10) Other Faire voucher xvi icon1.png 1