Corpse Groom

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Corpse Groom

Corpse Groom Image.png
Quest giver
Paiyo Reiyo
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:12.2, Y:8.1)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Ultimate Weapon
Experience 0
Gil 2,064
Next quest
Feature QuestThe Nightmare's End

Paiyo Reiyo looks as though he has seen a ghost.

— In-game description




Despite the (Hard) in the name, the dungeon is not actually more difficult than any other story-mode dungeon. It is easily completed blind with the Duty Finder.



  • Paiyo Reiyo has received a wedding invitation from a former adventuring comrade, a lass named Edda with whom you are acquainted. While impending matrimonal festivities would ordinarily be a cause for gladness, the fact that the groom-to-be is no longer among the living has left the Lalafell deeply perturbed. Paiyo Reiyo indicates that he means to consult a former comrade and fellow invitee regarding the strange affair, only to learn from you that she, too, has been dead for some time. Racked by uncertainty, he requests to see Liavinne's grave with his own eyes. Meet Paiyo Reiyo at the Church of Saint Adama Landama, and show him where your fellow Scion was laid to rest.
  • Arriving at the lichyard, Paiyo Reiyo is dismayed to find Liavinne's grave despoiled and her body missing. He believes that Edda is the one responsible, having lost her battle with despair in the aftermath of her fiance's death. The Lalafell departs for the Tam-Tara Deepcroft forthwith, determined to put an end to whatever madness his erstwhile comrade is about to commit. Given Edda's admiration for you, it seems likely that your presence will prove valuable to this endeavor. Make your own way to the Deepcroft, and speak with the Wood Wailer guarding the entrance.
  • Huguemont informs you that a Lalafell fitting Paiyo Reiyo's description recently entered the Deepcroft, and in the company of a maiden garbed all in white. Venture into the crypt, and aid Paiyo Reiyo in ending Edda's madness.
    The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
  • Within the depths of Tam-Tara, you come face-to-face with Edda, and succeed in thwarting her dark ritual. Her plummet into the abyss is a sight you will not soon forget. Turn your attention now to Paiyo Reiyo.
  • With the unsavory affair put to rest, Paiyo Reiyo reveals that he has lost the will to continue adventuring. Before he is able to finish speaking, however, he abruptly breaks into a flurry of apologies, and flees like a man possessed. It would seem the Lalafell's troubles are not yet over...


Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Paiyo Reiyo: Uwaaah!
Paiyo Reiyo: ...Huh? Why, you're [Forename] [Surname], the famous adventurer! Thank the gods for bringing you here!
Paiyo Reiyo: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Paiyo Reiyo—one of the many faceless adventurers struggling to make their way in Eorzea.
Paiyo Reiyo: Forgive me if I sound bitter. I don't begrudge you your renown. Your superiority as an adventurer was obvious to me long before you became a household name. Our paths crossed near Satasha, you see. Hard to believe we moved in similar circles back then...
Paiyo Reiyo: Speaking of which, do you perchance remember having met a conjurer named Edda around that time? We used to adventure together, she and I and two others.
Paiyo Reiyo: Our little group didn't last very long, though. Things fell to pieces when Avere, our leader and Edda's fiance, met his end in the Tam-Tara Deepcroft.
Paiyo Reiyo: Harsh words were exchanged, and we all went our separate ways. Since then, I've been getting by on my own.
Paiyo Reiyo: Truth be told, I hadn't planned on seeing any of my former comrades again, but then this letter arrived from Edda, containing an invitation to her wedding...
Paiyo Reiyo: Now, I know what you're thinking: I should be happy for her. And I was...until I noticed the name of her groom-to-be. It was none other than Avere. [1]
Paiyo Reiyo: What's more, the venue for the ceremony is to be the Tam-Tara Deepcroft, the very place the poor fellow died! Something isn't right, I tell you. [2]
Paiyo Reiyo: Now, in the letter, Edda wrote that Liavinne—that's the fourth member of our group—had already agreed to attend. They chanced to meet each other recently, from what I could gather.
Paiyo Reiyo: Not knowing what to make of it all, I thought it wise to consult Liavinne about the strange affair before replying. But last I heard, she'd joined the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and I didn't have the first idea how to go about tracking her down... Not until the greatest Scion of them all appeared, that is.
Paiyo Reiyo: Could you tell me where I might find her?
Paiyo Reiyo: ...In the lichyard of the Church of Saint Adama Landama? I-I'm sorry, I don't— Slain in an imperial raid, you say...? By the Twelve, I had no idea...
Paiyo Reiyo: When did this happen? ...While the Black Wolf still lived? can it be that Liavinne met Edda recently? Gods, I don't know what to believe...
Paiyo Reiyo: If it isn't too much to ask, I would be most grateful if you'd show me Liavinne's grave. We didn't always see eye to eye, but she had a good heart, and if she's truly... <sniff> Well, I need to pay my respects. Please, meet me at the lichyard.

Examining Liavinne's grave (Cutscene)

System: The tombstone has been knocked over, and the earth before it disturbed.
Paiyo Reiyo: So this is where poor Liavinne now lies...
Paiyo Reiyo: <gasp> Wh-What's the meaning of this!?
Paiyo Reiyo: >> Not only is her grave defiled—her body's gone! Who could have done this!? <<
Paiyo Reiyo: Oh, no... Could it have been... Edda? The more I think about it, the more it makes... Well, I was going to say "sense", but... Gods...
Paiyo Reiyo: I will try to explain. To the rest of us, our little party of four was but a means to riches and glory—such things as adventurers seek. But to Edda, it was her life...
Paiyo Reiyo: She blamed herself for Avere's death, and to our shame, we agreed with her—though we knew full well we were all to blame. And then we left her where she stood with her fiance's head for company...
Paiyo Reiyo: Ack! How could we have been so heartless!? Small wonder if the poor girl has been driven from her wits!
Paiyo Reiyo: <sigh> But what's done is done. All we can do is admit to our mistakes and make amends as best we can.
Paiyo Reiyo: >> Avere is gone, and so is Liavinne, but Eda refuses to accept it. She won't let go of the past. <<
Paiyo Reiyo: >> I know not what she means to do in Tam-Tara, but it can lead to no good end. <<
Paiyo Reiyo: I will attend this...this wedding, and try to restore her to her sense.
Paiyo Reiyo: I would be much reassured if you could accompany me, [Forename]. As Avere once did, so too does Edda look up to you. She may not listen to me, but she may yet heed the words of someone she admires. And failing that...
Paiyo Reiyo: No. No, it doesn't bear thinking about. If we hurry, it need not come to that. Please meet me at the Tam-Tara Deepcroft. Together, we'll put an end to whatever madness Edda is planning.

Speaking with Huguemont

Huguemont: A Lalafellin thaumaturge? Just so happens a fellow like that went into Deepcroft not a minute ago. There was a young lady with him, dressed head to toe in white.
Huguemont: The lass was all smiles and giggles, like a maiden on her wedding day, but your friend looked stiff as a board. Can't say I blame him, though. Crypts do strange things to the best of us.
Huguemont: You mean to head inside as well, do you? Well, take care you don't wake the dead, eh? Hah hah hah!

Entering the Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)

Duty Dialogue

Liavinne: Urgh... I told them she was weird...but they wouldn't listen...
Paiyo Reiyo: I...I can't move my body! Help me!
Paiyo Reiyo: <huff> <puff> I thought I was done for... I owe you one...
Paiyo Reiyo: I...I can't stand being here any longer. I'll see you outside!


Edda Pureheart: Look, Avere! All these people have come to make you a gift of their souls! Isn't than kind of them?
Edda Pureheart: Even [Forename] is here! Now your dream of becoming like her/him can come true!

Duty Dialogue

Edda Pureheart: Thank you ever so much for coming to our wedding! Your body means the world to Avere!
Edda Pureheart: Hm? Where are our witnesses? The ceremony can't begin without them!
Edda Pureheart: Your wait is over my love! All you have ever dreamed of is right here!
Edda Pureheart: To have an to hold, for better or for worse, for richer of for poorer...
Edda Pureheart: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish...till death do us part!


Edda: What...what have you done? Aveeerrreee! Noooooo!

Speaking with Paiyo Reiyo (Cutscene)

Paiyo Reiyo: It's finally over. Would that it could have been different...but what choice did we have?
Paiyo Reiyo: Let this be my last act as an adventurer. I've done quite enough harm as it is. I mean to go home and live out my days in— Huh?
Paiyo Reiyo: N-No... can't be...
Paiyo Reiyo: >> Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! I'm sorry! Please forgive meeeeeeeeeeee! <<


  1. At this point, a white-robed figure wearing Edda's attire can briefly be seen on the right side of the scene (behind the chocobo sign) before a chocobo walks in and obscures the figure.
  2. At this point, the white-robed figure will disappear after the scene changes, causing the chocobo keeper to look around in confusion. See