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Wind-up Magus

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Wind-up Magus

Outspoken purveyors of harmony, the Sharlayans shunned nearly all endeavors and advancements concerning the propagation of war. The city-state did, however, recognize the need for protection from those who did not share their love of peace, and thus begrudgingly allowed for the development of magicked automatons which would serve as ersatz soldiers designed to fight in the Sharlayans' stead.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 1, page 295

Wind-up Magus is a Soulkin in The Antitower.


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Antitower (X:14.6, Y:9.6) 60
The Antitower (X:17.1, Y:8.5) 60


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Word of the Mother Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud