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Bomb-edy of Errors

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The masked carnival icon.png

Bomb-edy of Errors

The masked carnivale stage title image.png

Standard Time
Ideal Time
Act 1 Enemies
Arena Snoll, Arena Bomb
Act 2 Enemies
Arena Progenitrix, Arena Snoll, Arena Cherry Bomb
Gil Reward
Gil 5,000
Seals Reward
Allied Seal 100
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 80 
Prev. stage
The Masked Carnivale A Chorus Slime
Next stage
The Masked Carnivale To Kill a Mockingslime

Bomb-edy of Errors is a stage in The Masked Carnivale for Blue Mage, introduced in patch 4.5 with Stormblood.

Act 1


Arena Snoll

Arena Bomb

Arena Cherry Bomb

  • Endurance: Low
  • Strengths: Fire Fire
  • Weaknesses: Wind Wind
  • Vulnerabilities: All status effects, except Interrupt


Kill the Arena Cherry Bomb to set off a chain reaction, wiping the rest of the bombs.

Act 2


Arena Progenitrix

Arena Snoll

Arena Cherry Bomb

  • Endurance: Low
  • Strengths: Fire Fire
  • Weaknesses: Wind Wind
  • Vulnerabilities: All status effects, except Interrupt


Arena Snolls (blue bombs) explode without warning if you venture too close.

Killing the Arena Cherry Bombs (red bombs) set off a chain reaction with the Arena Snoll nearby, freezing the Arena Progenetrix for a few seconds.

  • Stagger killing the Arena Cherry Bombs, since the Arena Snolls will give Arena Progenetrix Ice resistance up icon1.png Ice Resistance Up for a short period of time.
  • Activating Sprint icon1.png  Sprint at the start of Act 2 will help reach each of the Arena Cherry Bombs in time.

Afterwards, while fighting the Progenitrix's interrupt its Burst ability with Flying Sardine.png  Flying Sardine.

Note that the Progenitrix is vulnerable to Ultravibration.png  Ultravibration.