Sworn Upon a Lance
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Sworn Upon a Lance
- Quest giver
- Alberic
- Location
- Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25.8, Y:28.3)
- Job
- Dragoon
- Level
- 54
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Heart of Justice
- Next quest
Dragoon's Errand
- Patch
- 3.0
“Ser Alberic has just received word of an impending Dravanian offensive.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Heustienne at the Congregation.
- Speak with Heustienne near the Pike.
- Speak with Brucemont.
- Deliver the armor fragment to Montorgains at the Congregation.
- Speak with Alberic at the Observatorium.
- Ser Alberic has just received word of an impending Dravanian offensive.
- Ser Alberic informs you that the dragon Graoully and his horde are advancing on Ishgard, and Heustienne is preparing to meet them in the field. Alas, with the majority of her fellow dragoons absent, she can muster only a token force of defenders, and so Ser Alberic bids you lend your lance to the mission. Make haste to the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly and join Heustienne ahead of her departure.
- Your offer of aid is received by Heustienne with thanks, and by her father with relief. After his daughter leaves, Montorgains asks that you watch over her, lest her desire to distinguish herself in battle cloud her judgment. Having given him your assurance, make now for the western highlands of Coerthas and rejoin your fellow dragoons.
- You arrive to find the battle already raging, with the dragoons incurring heavy losses. Together with Heustienne, you succeed in repelling the remaining enemy forces, but their leader, Graoully, is conspicuous in his absence. Just when it seems the dragon will not appear, his menacing shadow falls over you. Heustienne impulsively leaps at Graoully, piercing his hide with her lance, and you and Brucemont can only look on helplessly as she is borne away. Speak with Brucemont and see if aught can be done.
- Brucemont does not mince words: he is not hopeful of Heustienne's survival. He entrusts to you a fragment of her armor, broken off in battle, and bids you see it to her father's hands at the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly.
- You deliver the fragment of armor to Montorgains in lieu of the tragic news, but he refuses to believe that Heustienne is gone. Upon hearing your account of events, he dares to hope that his daughter is still alive. Ser Alberic swears to do all in his power to find her, and bids you meet him at the Observatorium to deliberate a course of action.
- Alberic fears that Heustienne may have been taken deep into Dravanian territory, but he is determined to rescue her. While he tracks Graoully's movements to ascertain Heustienne's location, dedicate yourself to honing your lance arm, that you may be ready for the trials to come.
Accepting the quest
Alberic: Thank the Fury you're here! But moments ago, we received word that Graoully's horde is advancing on Ishgard! Alberic: Even as we speak, Heustienne prepares to go and meet them in the field. Alas, with most of the dragoons absent on another mission, I fear she sorely wants for lances. Alberic: I would have you lend her yours, [Forename]. Pray make haste to the Congregation and join her!
(Optional) Alberic: Heustienne sorely wants for lances in her mission, and I would have you lend her yours. Pray make haste to the Congregation and join her!
Speak with Heustienne at the Congregation (Cutscene)
Heustienne: [Forename]! You've come to aid us? This improves our chances tenfold!
Montorgains: Allow me to thank you as well, Mistress [Forename]. I am but a worried father, and it gives me heart to know that the Azure Dragoon shall fight beside my daughter.
Heustienne: Though my training is far from over, the situation will brook no delay. We must head off Graoully and his horde before they reach a populated area. Heustienne: It shall be my honor to fight shoulder to shoulder with you. The experience alone will teach me much, of that I have little doubt.
Montorgains: Promise me you will be careful, Heustienne. Take no unnecessary risks. Do you understand me? Montorgains: Remember, the dead cannot serve their nation. And what Ishgard needs above all are brave souls like you to protect her.
Heustienne: Worry not, Father. I swear I will return to you.
Montorgains: See that you do, my child. Now, before you go, there is something I wish you to have. Montorgains: The lance Peregrine. It is yours now.
Heustienne: Wh-Why, this lance was bestowed upon your forebear by the archbishop himself! I am no true child of yours, yet you would entrust me with the family treasure... Heustienne: I will not betray your faith in me, Father! With this lance, I shall strike down Graoully and protect Ishgard!
Brucemont: Heustienne. It is time. Brucemont: It has been a while, my friend. I had the honor of overseeing your training when you were but a fledgling dragoon, and I shall be honored to fight beside you.
Heustienne: Comrades! At last report, Graoully and his horde had gained the western highlands. We shall lie in wait for them at the Pike. With me!
Montorgains: Mistress [Forename]. May I have a moment? Montorgains: Each time I see my daughter off on a mission, we dance the selfsame dance. I tell her to be careful, and she promises to do so. But I know her all too well. Montorgains: Heustienne burns to distinguish herself in battle, that she might repay me and my lady wife a perceived debt. I fear that, one day, that desire will cloud her judgment, and she will not come home. And so I beg you, pray watch over my daughter.
Optional Dialogue, near the Pike
Brucemont: <pant> We were able to repel the first wave, but it cost us dearly... I am afraid the rest is up to you and Heustienne...
Speak with Heustienne near the Pike
Heustienne: [Forename]! Already, we've suffered heavy losses, and that was but the first wave! Heustienne: They come! Brace yourself!
Solo Duty
Heustienne Truethrust: FOR ISHGARD!
Heustienne Truethrust: Stay sharp! That was but a taste!
Heustienne Truethrust: Halone grant me strength!
Heustienne Truethrust: Strike down the runners first!
Heustienne Truethrust: Something big is coming!
Heustienne Truethrust: Beware! 'Tis one of Graoully's champions!
Heustienne: That was the last of them...yet Graoully is nowhere to be seen. Were the reports mistaken? Heustienne: Such a price we have paid, only for our quarry to elude us! Heustienne: So you finally show yourself!
Brucemont: What is she─!? Heustienne! Nooo!
Speak with Brucemont
Brucemont: By the Fury, this is a disaster! I...I know not how to say this, but Heustienne... Strong as she is, she cannot have survived that... Brucemont: ...Here, I discovered this in the aftermath. 'Tis a fragment of her armor. It must have broken off during the battle. Brucemont: Pray see it to her father's hands. Knowing him, he will be at the Congregation, awaiting his daughter's return...
(Optional) Brucemont: I must rest a while. Pray bear word back to Ishgard.
(Optional) Thierremont: By the Fury... So many lives lost...
Deliver the armor fragment to Montorgains at the Congregation
Montorgains: Mistress [Forename]. What has happened? Where is my daughter?
(WoL hands over Polished Culet))
Montorgains: This scrap... A piece of her armor? But why bring it to me? No... No! Montorgains: I refuse to believe that Heustienne is gone. It is too early to know for certain. Tell me everything that happened. Everything.
Alberic: So she leapt upon the dragon, piercing its hide, after which the creature carried her westward...
Montorgains: If none saw her fall, it means she may have managed to safely dismount! There is hope still!
Alberic: If Heustienne is out there, I shall not rest until I find her. [Forename], I trust I can rely upon your aid. Let us speak further at the Observatorium.
Speak with Alberic at the Observatorium
Alberic: Without further ado, let us consider a course of action. Alberic: As Montorgains dares to hope, if Heustienne was not shaken off Graoully's back, there is a chance that she yet lives. Alberic: She will have ridden the dragon until such time as she saw an opportunity to dismount. The question is where. Alberic: The worst possible outcome is that she has been taken deep into dragon-ruled lands, far away from her allies. While I pray that this is not so, we must be prepared for anything. Alberic: Heustienne is one of our very best, and Ishgard can ill afford to lose her. For the nation's sake, and that of her father, let us find her and bring her home. Alberic: I will track Graoully's movements in order to ascertain Heustienne's location. Like as not, the search will take us into the heart of enemy territory. Pray keep your lance arm honed, for we shall soon have need of it.