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Sabotender Bailaor

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Sabotender Bailaor

Sabotender Bailaor is a Seedkin in Southern Thanalan.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Cactuar needle icon1.png  Cactuar Needle Material N/A ABasic 1
1000 Needles.png  1000 Needles Spell N/A 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Southern Thanalan (X:13.4, Y:13.8) 25–27
Southern Thanalan (X:16, Y:15) 26
Southern Thanalan (X:18, Y:13) 24


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Flower Power Levequest quest 25 Esmond

Additional Information

At (X:16, Y:15), lower-levelled Blue Mages can pull these mobs towards the Brass Blades at the southwestern entrance to Little Ala Mhigo, who can assist in killing these mobs - this can help in learning 1000 Needles at a lower level.