Qerel Tribe

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The Qerel are one of the Xaela tribes from the Azim Steppe, who normally occupy a permanent encampment in The Towering Still. Although in-game they have few representatives, their history and mysteries play an important role in the story of the Warrior class quests for levels 60-70, plus an additional quest at Level 80.

The nature of the tragedy which befell the Qerel is unclear, but some claim that their settlement was destroyed by a group of exiles who declared themselves the Chaghan. Regardless of its veracity, the tale serves as an example of the harsh fates which may befall any given Xaela tribe.

— Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 097, "Qerel Iloh."

The warriors of this tribe all wear complete suits of armor crafted from the bones of steppe tigers which they kill with their own hands upon their coming of age.

— Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 2, pg. 110, on the Qerel.

Notable Members

  • Dorgono, a fierce Warrior of the Qerel who was exiled for her lack of control over her inner beast.
  • Luvsan, father of Dorgono.

Associated Content

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Field Training Job quest 63 Broken Mountain
Going the Distance Job quest 68 Broken Mountain
The Heart of the Problem Job quest 70 Curious Gorge
Once, Twice, Three Times a Warrior Sidequest 80 Curious Gorge


Some of the dialogue quoted below is truncated, to focus specifically on its relevance to the Qerel tribe. Dialogue that contains spoilers is hidden appropriately. Expand these sections at your own risk.


The Taken

Dialogue clipped from assorted quests.

Spoilers: Warrior class quests

The Fate of Qerel Iloh

Spoilers: Warrior class quests

Other Cultural Details

Communication Methods

Spoilers: Warrior class quests

Healers in Qerel Society

Spoilers: Warrior class quests

Gestures of Appreciation

Spoilers: Warrior class quests