Orobon (Enemy)

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Orobon were once the stuff of fishermen's tales, having only ever been spied on those rare occasions when one became entangled in a deepwater net. In recent years, however, these deep-water creatures have been seen in the shallows of freshwater lakes and underground pools. Due to the scarcity of prey in their native environment, orobon have evolved disproportionately large, scooping mouths.

— In-game description

Orobon is a Wavekin in Central Thanalan.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Fatty orobon icon1.png  Fatty Orobon Key Item N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Central Thanalan (X:21.4, Y:24.4) 5
Central Thanalan (X:26, Y:19) 12–14
Western Thanalan (X:18, Y:17) 12


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Angling Ankle-biters Sidequest 13 Totoruna
Listen to Your Fish Sidequest 7 Hihiyaja

Hunting Log