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Mortifying Magnate

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Mortifying Magnate

No...Stay back! Not again!

— In-game description

Mortifying Magnate is an Ashkin in Palace of the Dead (Floors 91-100).


Zone Coordinates Level range
Palace of the Dead (Floor 91) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 92) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 93) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 94) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 95) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 96) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 97) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 98) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 99) Unknown 60


This ashkin is the reanimated corpse of Teledji Adeledji, head of the Mirage Trust and member of the Syndicate. Some time after Operation Archon, Teledji plotted to widen his control and power within the city-state. To that end, he incited unrest among the Ala Mhigan refugees within Ul'dah and conspired to ensure that the recently founded Crystal Braves would be on his payroll, essentially turning what was supposed to be the first step of a unified “Grand Company of Eorzea” into Teledji’s private army. In an incident that would become known as “the Bloody Banquet”, Teledji had the sultana Nanamo Ul Namo poisoned, seemingly killing her, and framed the Warrior of Light for having done the deed. After the accusation, he proceeded to gloat about the sultana’s apparent death to the attendant Raubahn Aldynn, believing himself to now be above it all. His gleeful boasting (and by extension, his life) were cut short right there and then by the enraged Flame General.

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