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Masha Mhakaracca

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Masha Mhakaracca

Masha Mhakaracca.jpg

Female ♀
Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
The Songbirds
Ul'dah (10,8)
Nashu Mhakaracca (sister)
Quest NPC

I'm Masha Mhakaracca, but you can call me Masha. My tongue may not be as sweet as Ulala's, but what I lack in charm, I make up for with my danc─

— In-game description

Masha Mhakaracca is a Miqo'te in Ul'dah.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Masha's Grand Performance Sidequest 15 Masha Mhakaracca

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
One Short Day on Emerald Avenue Daily quest 15 Royal Seneschal
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Rice Daily quest 15 Royal Servant
The Lead Starling Sidequest 15 Royal Seneschal
A Princely Debut Sidequest 15 Picot

FATEs Involved In

Additional Information


One of the three troubadours that make up the group The Songbirds, Masha was raised with four other sisters. When her sister Nashu Mhakaracca set out to join with Hildibrand as an inspector, she took the chance to strike out on her own as well and leave the South Shroud. Though she has her concerns with her sister's work, she doesn't judge her, because she is doing what she wants to do. Masha has a love for dance, either watching someone else or performing herself. She used to perform with a group in Ul'dah before being signed to the Songbirds. Though she can't sing very well, she still loves performing and testing her limits, to prove she is "worth her salt" as a performer. She someday hopes to see how far her skills as a dancer will take her, with the goal of releasing her own line of instructional dance booklets that will beat out even the Ballroom Etiquette series in popularity.

"I live to inspire our fans to move with the music!"

The third of five sisters, Masha Mhakaracca left her home in the Black Shroud to follow in her elder sister's footsteps and make her fortune in Ul'dah. Masha has been enamored with dance for most of her nineteen summers, but it was while sending off a friend in style that her performance was espied by the royal seneschal. Struck by her sheer talent, he immediately recruited her to the Songbirds.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 57