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Astrologian frame icon.png AST (actions)

Reduces cast times for spells by 2.5 seconds.
Duration: 15s
Maximum Charges: 2

— In-game description

Lightspeed is an action unlocked at level 6. It is available for Astrologian.

Related traits


  • This action essentially makes all of Astrologian's spells instant-cast with the exception of Ascend.png  Ascend, which would have a 5.5 second cast time (before considering Spell Speed).
  • Prior to Hyper Lightspeed.png  Hyper Lightspeed being learned at Lv. 68, the recast time of this action is 90 seconds.


  • DT.png Patch 7.01 (2024-07-16):
    • Now a charged action with a maximum of 2 charges.
    • Recast time has been reduced from 90 to 60 seconds (120 to 90 seconds prior to learning Hyper Lightspeed.png  Hyper Lightspeed).
  • SHB.png Patch 5.3 (2020-08-11): The effect "Reduces MP cost for spells by 50%" has been removed.
  • SHB.png Patch 5.05 (2019-07-29): Recast time reduced from 120 to 90 seconds upon learning the Hyper Lightspeed.png  Hyper Lightspeed trait.
  • SHB.png Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02): Effect duration has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
  • SB.png Patch 4.3 (2018-05-22):
    • MP cost reduction changed from 25% to 50%.
    • Reduction to attack magic potency has been removed.
    • Recast time has been reduced from 150 to 120 seconds.
  • HW.png Patch 3.05 (2015-07-21):
    • Now reduces MP cost of spells by 25%.
    • Reduction to magic potency now only affects attack magic.
    • Duration has been reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
  • HW.png Patch 3.01 (2015-07-07): Fixed an issue wherein spells cast immediately after use would not have their cast time reduced.
  • HW.png Patch 3.0 (2015-06-23): Added.