Incant Now, Think Later
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Incant Now, Think Later
“We at the Sons of Saint Coinach believe that only by studying the past can we repeat it. A stela unearthed at an Allagan site gives instructions for a spell cast with a staff. While the nature of the sorcery is unknown, the order is eager to preserve the wisdom of the past, using staves of your crafting.
— In-game description
Possible Rewards
- 40% chance of 1 Urushi
- 17% chance of 36 Wind Shard
- 17% chance of 36 Ice Shard
- 17% chance of 16 Rosewood Log
- 3% chance of 60 Wind Shard
- 3% chance of 60 Ice Shard
- 3% chance of 1 Bloody Bow Rim
- 3% chance of 1 Bloody Lance Head
- Deliver a jade crook to Syele. 0/1
Additional Information
Incant Now, Think Later is a level 45 Tradecraft Leve Guildleve in Mor Dhona. Players can start the levequest by talking to K'leytai in Mor Dhona (x29,y12).
Tips and Tricks
- Turning in an High Quality
Jade Crook will increase the rewards by 100% giving double amount of
EXP and
- Because this is a Charity plate leve, the requested items can be turned in 2 extra times, which will increase the rewards by 200% giving triple amount of
EXP and