Heavensward content


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The Cruise Chaser's ability to change its shape is both a blessing and a cane, granting adaptability in battle at the expense of manufacturing co. The E.D.D. does not have this problem, however, as transformation capabilities have been omitted from its design, allowing for a more streamlined body and increased efficiency in overall functions, while reducing the amount of materials and manpower required in is creation.

— In-game description

E.D.D. is a Forgekin in Alexander - The Heart of the Creator.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (X:11.2, Y:11.9) 60
Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage) (X:11.2, Y:11.9) 60


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Thus Spake Quickthinx Feature quest 60 Biggs