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Crystarium Botanist

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Crystarium Botanist

Crystarium Botanist.png

Male ♂
Hume (Midlander)
Lakeland (10.3, 22.1)

Crystarium Botanist is a Hume in Lakeland.

FATEs Involved In


Zone Coordinates Level range
Lakeland (X:10.3, Y:22.1) 71
Lakeland (X:21.8, Y:24.1) 71
Lakeland (X:24.1, Y:26.2) 71
Lakeland (X:8.6, Y:9.8) 71
Lakeland (X:25.6, Y:12.8) 71
Lakeland (X:17.6, Y:12.0) 71


FATE: Collect ItemsPick-up Sticks

Crystarium Botanist: O stranger, hear my plea! The trees have turned, and logger becomes logee! The poets were right—my hubris has undone me!
< No >
Crystarium Botanist: Alas and woe, woe is me! If only someone would prune these infernal triffids, these vexatious trees!
< Yes >
Crystarium Botanist: You shall gather the timber for me, you decree? Ah, such noble charity! The fruits of my labor can be collected from the forest floor, you see—though hacking up a triffid would be just as effective, probably.
Crystarium Botanist: The fruits of my labor can be collected from the forest floor, you see—though hacking up a triffid would be just as effective, probably.
Crystarium Botanist: Alas and woe, woe is me, I— Oh, timber! That will do nicely, thank you.
Crystarium Botanist: I don't suppose I might trouble you for a few more lengths of the stuff, while you're here? I could ask in verse, if that helps...
Crystarium Botanist: Boughs tremble, but speak not of the gentle breeze─ Aha, more timber! Thank you, fair stranger.
Crystarium Botanist: Yes, this amount of wood should more than suffice. You are as a hero in one of the epics of eld! An epic involving an abundance of splinters.

Crystarium Botanist: At last does the harvest to my humble hands return! Methinks anon I shall adjourn. ...Hm, that one's a bit much, isn't it?