Way of the Blacksmith
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Way of the Blacksmith
- Quest giver
- Randwulf
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:10.1, Y:15.0)
- Class
- Blacksmith
- Level
- 1
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
So You Want to Be a Blacksmith
- Next quest
My First Cross-pein Hammer
- Patch
- 2.0
“Randwulf wishes you to reaffirm your desire to join the Blacksmiths' Guild.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Forgemaster Brithael.
- Randwulf wishes you to reaffirm your desire to join the Blacksmiths' Guild.
- You have been referred to Brithael, forgemaster of the Blacksmiths' Guild. Seek him out and pray that you meet with his approval.
- Despite knowing next to nothing about you, Forgemaster Brithael has already marked you as a promising recruit. To begin your training as a blacksmith, equip the hammer the forgemaster gave you and speak to him again.
Randwulf: So what'll it be? Reckon ye've got what it takes to train with the best godsdamned blacksmiths in the realm? Randwulf: Hah, that's the spirit! If ye'd taken any longer to decide, I'd have told ye to bugger off no matter what ye said. Randwulf: Can't have half-arsed adventurers wastin' Forgemaster Brithael's precious time, see. He's got a lot of irons in the fire. That's why me and the other lads make a point o' keepin' idlers, imbeciles, and the otherwise unqualified from gettin' in his way. Randwulf: Anyroad, it's time ye went and paid yer respects to the man—he's the one over yonder makin' a face like he's carryin' the weight o' the world on his shoulders.
Speaking to Brithael
Brithael: 'Bout time Randwulf sent me a new recruit! Ahhh, it's been too long... Ahem. I'm Brithael, forgemaster o' the Blacksmiths' Guild. Brithael: If yer aimin' to become a smitty worth the name, 'twould be my great pleasure to educate ye on the finer points o' the craft. Brithael: Oh, the rest o' these sour-faced bastards'll tell ye it's hard, gruelin' work fit only fer the best an' brightest, but I say put a hammer in the hands o' the willin' an' see what happens! Brithael: What d'ye say then, lad? Will ye swing a hammer fer ol' Brithael?
Swing a hammer for ol' Brithael?
- No
Brithael: Say it ain't so, lad/lass! You an' me, we'd get on right as rain, we would! I beg ye reconsider...
- Yes
Brithael: Ha ha! I knew I liked ye the moment I set eyes on ye...er... What did ye say yer name was again? Brithael: [Player full name]! A name fit fer a hero if ever I heard one! In fact, I reckon I did hear it in a bard's song once! ...Or was it that poor sod cursin' in his cups at the Wench? Brithael: Bah! Don't matter if it was savin' the world or beddin' someone's mother—'tis time to forge yerself a new reputation, pound out a new legend! An' ye can trust ol' Brithael to help ye do it! Brithael: But there I go, puttin' the cart before the chocobo. Here, lad/lass—take this cross-pein hammer. A smitty without a hammer is like me without a drink—bloody useless! Brithael: Well, don't jus' stand there gawpin' at her. Take her in yer hands, have a few practice swings, whatever ye fancy! She's all yours now. Brithael: Ah, what I wouldn't give to be you right now, lad/lass. A smitty never forgets his/[?] first hammer... <sniff>