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Unto the Morrow

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Unto the Morrow

Quest giver
Il Mheg (X:8.7, Y:16.7)
Quest line
Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 22,440
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Journey Continues
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestReflections in Crystal

Main Scenario Progress: 678 / 968 (70%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 137 / 157 (87.3%)


Urianger regards you with a gentle smile.

— In-game description





Accepting the Quest

Urianger: Now, assuming thou intendest to continue thy tour, might I suggest Slitherbough as thy next destination?
Urianger: The task of tidying up one's abode is seldom light work, yet I suspect Y'shtola's is heavier than most. Suffice it to say, a pair of helping hands might not go amiss.

Speak with Y'shtola in Slitherbough

Y'shtola: And what is this? Have you come to spy on me?
Y'shtola: ...Does Urianger truly think me so slovenly? The nerve.
Y'shtola: Loath as I am to disappoint, I put my affairs in order some time ago. I've even bade my farewells.
Y'shtola: To everyone save Runar, that is. He's nowhere to be seen...
Voice Over Cutscene Start
Runar: Master Matoya!
Runar: For too long, I have remained silent. But no longer. I could not bear it if you were to leave. Please stay! I beg of you!
Y'shtola: Runar... Please...
Runar: ...I jest. At least in part. Ahem. What I came to say is this...
Runar: Thank you. Without your wisdom, your strength, and your kindness to guide us, our people would still be lost.
Runar: We will never forget you, Master Matoya. Wherever your journeys may take you, you will always be in our hearts.
Y'shtola: And you in mine.
Y'shtola: Remember that your people's journey─that our people's journey is yet ongoing. Your lives will change, and so too will your dreams. Yet come what may, you need not forsake your time-honored traditions, nor less your beliefs.
Y'shtola: But neither should you be beholden to them. For it was with curiosity and courage that the Night's Blessed first triumphed over adversity. New knowledge and new wisdom are ever worthy of pursuit.
Runar: Indeed they are. And so, until we return to the sunless sea, we shall endeavor to live our lives to the fullest.
Y'shtola: That is well. But however great your strides, there may yet come a day when the challenges you face cannot be surmounted alone.
Y'shtola: On such a day...
Runar: On such a day?
Y'shtola: You may call on me.
Y'shtola: Since a means to travel between worlds exists, you can be sure I will find a way to employ it.
Y'shtola: And there remain so many mysteries here that want for solving.
Runar: Master Matoya!

Speak with Y'shtola

Y'shtola: Honestly, he's a boy in the body of a man... <sigh>
Y'shtola: Anyway, it is time we headed back to the Crystarium. Shall we?
Y'shtola: ...You still have to take the Exarch to Nabaath Areng? I see. Very well, you can look in on Thancred while you're about it.
Y'shtola: His will be a difficult farewell, and I am sure he would appreciate your support.
Y'shtola: The path goes through Twine. If you wait there, you are like to meet him on his way back, if not before.

Speak with Mangus of Twine

Cutscene Starts

Magnus: Eh? You too? What is this, my bloody nameday?
Magnus: I see, I see. Yes, Thancred was here─and Ryne too. They said they wanted to go to Nabaath Areng, so we gave them the use of the trolley.
Jeryk: That's right, the old girl's up and running again! But we didn't just put her back together, mind you!
Jeryk: No, with a little bit of help from Master Chai...
Jeryk: We made her faster!
Jeryk: And stronger!
Jeryk: Ohhh yes, the future of trolleys is looking brighter than ever! Whisper it, but I reckon it might be time─time to reach for the stars with a trolley to dwarf all trolleys!
Thaffe: If you ask me, we'd be better off making them smaller. That way, they can fit in narrow shafts.
Jeryk: But that─ That's genius! Why didn't I think of that!?
Magnus: Enough. You can daydream in your own time. In case you've forgotten, our priority is to have more working trolleys.
Magnus: That's why we turned to Chai-Nuzz, by the way─not to make the one trolley we've got go faster. We needed help getting a few Talos back in working order, see.
Magnus: We were out testing 'em when your airship came down, as a matter of fact. You seem to have a habit of crashing things...
Thancred: We're back. Our thanks for the loan of the trolley.
Thancred: ...[Player]? What are you doing here? Don't tell me the others are waiting for us?
Thancred: That's a relief. At any rate, we've done what we came to do─which means I'm ready to leave. Or as ready as I'll ever be.
Magnus: Not to pry, but what's going on? You off somewhere?
Thancred: You could say that...
Magnus: So you're heading home. I'm just a simple miner and don't know much about this world-traversing business...
Magnus: But the young lady here─she'll be looked after, will she?
Ryne: I'll be fine, thank you. I have a place to stay at the Crystarium, and don't want for anything.
Ryne: Besides which, I've no shortage of friends I can turn to. Friends like you lot.
Ryne: So please don't worry. I'll be fine, really.
Magnus: If you say so...
Magnus: It being a matter of life and death, I suppose you have to leave.
Magnus: But I for one would still be torn. If the choice were mine, I'm not sure I could bear to be parted from my family.
Thancred: No. But it's for the best. Ryne has chosen to walk her own path, and she doesn't need me under her feet.
Thancred: Besides, I have my own responsibilities, and I wouldn't be setting a very good example if I neglected them.
Magnus: Hmph. Perhaps not. Either way, I envy you your dilemma.
Magnus: Well then, young lady... If there's anything you need─anything at all─you're to call on us. It may surprise you, but we can do more than simply offer you trolley rides.
Ryne: Thank you, Magnus. Everyone.
Thancred: Shall we, then?
Ryne: If you've nowhere left to visit, we can go back to the Crystarium together.

Speak with Ryne in the Crystarium

Ryne: Oh, it's you... You're probably wondering why I'm not with the others.
Ryne: <sigh> It's just...I always knew that everyone would leave one day. And I always hoped and prayed that we would find a way to send them home. But now that the time has come, I just feel...lost. Lost and lonely.
Ryne: I don't want our last moments together to be sad. I want to hold myself together, just long enough to say the things that I need to say. But I'm not sure I can even do that...

What will you say?
* I'll be there for you. ◀
* You can do it, Ryne.

Ryne: <sniff> Right.
Ryne: Thank you, [Player]. I think we all feel braver with you around. Go on ahead and join the others. I'll be along after I've taken a few deep breaths.

Speak with Thancred

Voice Over Cutscene Start
Alisaie: That's everyone, then. We've all said what we needed to.
Urianger: Even as we speak, Beq Lugg undertaketh their final inspection of our spirit vessels.
Urianger: When thine own preparations for the journey are complete, thou art to present thyself in the Ocular.
Ryne: Um...everyone?
Ryne: I want to thank you all. On behalf of the First.
Ryne: You, and Minfilia, and the Exarch.
Ryne: Without each and every one of you guiding us, fighting for us...we wouldn't be standing here now. There wouldn't even be a here. And no words can express our gratitude.
Ryne: We still have a lot to do, countless trials to overcome─but if it ever seems too much, I'll think of our time together.
Ryne: The happy moments...and the sad─I will remember it all. And it will give me the strength to carry on without you.
Ryne: Because you made me who I am. Minfilia. Ryne.
Ryne: To honor these names and these memories, I will stand with all the people of this land, and strive for a better tomorrow.
Urianger: Thancred. I believe the honor of responding should rightfully be thine.
Thancred: I know better than most how much you've grown, and I have every confidence you'll make your people proud.
Thancred: Gods know, I'm proud of you. I always will be. You deserve all the happiness in the world and more.
???: Might we also say a few words?

(A crowd appears)
Alphinaud: Why, this is...just about all of you!
Lyna: To see you off seemed the least we could do.
Lyna: You risked your all for us─fought for a realm not your own. Before you came, we had never known the beauty of the night sky.
Lyna: Or the joy of your company.
Lyna: Though it saddens us deeply to bid you farewell, it has ever been our way to send off friends with a smile.
Lyna: Wherever your road should lead, we shall pray for your safety. And following your brave example, we shall continue to fight for the Crystarium.
Alisaie: With or without us, you've always taken good care of this city. I don't doubt for a moment you'll continue to do so.
Alphinaud: Aye, a more resilient people we have never known.
Alphinaud: As resilient and enduring as the tower that watches over you.
Lyna: To the last, we did not question the Exarch about his past. It is only now, when he can no longer tell us, that we believe we know the answer.
Lyna: We have heard what became of him, and what is about to be attempted.
Lyna: All will be well, of this we are certain.
Lyna: How could it be otherwise, when every soul in the Crystarium is praying for it with all their heart?
Lyna: And so, when our lord awakens, I bid you give him a message.
Lyna: Tell him he needn't worry about us.
Lyna: That he need no longer hide who he truly is. That he should live his own life to the fullest.
Lyna: And that if he should ever find himself reminiscing on the past with a smile, we shall be smiling with him.
Lyna: Will you tell him this?

What will you say?
* Word for word.◀
* I'll do my best.
Lyna: Thank you. Please look after him for us.
Y'shtola: I daresay we have all the good wishes we can carry. Let us be on our way.
(The Scions turn and head towards the Ocular while the Warrior of Darkness/Light stays behind)