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The Children of Azim

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The Children of Azim

The Children of Azim.png

Main Scenario Progress: 454 / 953 (47.6%)


Stormblood Progress: 75 / 162 (46.3%)


Lyse would like very much to know that Hien and Gosetsu are all right.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Lyse would like very much to know that Hien and Gosetsu are all right.
  • Hien and Gosetsu finally emerge from Bardam's Mettle, triumphant and newly anointed as warriors of the Steppe like you and Lyse. But before you can rejoice in your accomplishment, you find yourself surrounded by a party of Oronir, their leader demanding that you return with him to meet with his khan. Hien considers this an opportunity to learn more of his foes and soon-to-be allies, and so you all agree to follow the Oronir to the Dawn Throne, where their khan awaits.
  • The most radiant brother Magnai, leader of the Oronir and lord of the Dawn Throne, recognizes you as warriors of the Steppe. But there his respect ends. He demands that you acknowledge his supreme authority and pay tribute, and when Lyse and Hien balk at his presumption, his flash of anger makes clear that it may be wiser to humor the Oronir...for now.
  • Magnai is pleased to see you step forward first, and states that there is much to be done in preparation for the Naadam. The details of the duties he would demand from you, however, shall be given by Baatu, the warrior who commanded your escort from Bardam's Mettle.


Accepting the Quest

Lyse: Well, we've done what we came to do. Let's head back to Mol Iloh. 


Hien: That massive monstrosity was quite the surprise, was it not? Who knew that the Steppe held such secrets! 
Hien: And with that, there is naught left to prevent us from taking part in the Naadam. 
Impetuous Warrior: You! Yea, you who have walked Bardam's Mettle. Newborn warriors of the Steppe. Our khan demands an audience. You will come. 
Lyse: I remember those clothes. He's Oronir, isn't he? What should we do? 
Hien: Ordinarily, I would politely decline. But this may be an opportunity to assess their strength, and we do have some time before the Naadam begins... 
Hien: If it all goes to plan, they will be fighting for us soon enough. What say you? Shall we go and greet our comrades-to-be? 
< What will you say? >
< Why not? >
< If you insist... >
Lyse: Whatever happens, we shouldn't keep Cirina and the others waiting. 
Let's be ready to make a swift exit, all right? 
Hien: We accept your khan's generous invitation. Lead the way. 


Lyse: Two banners...So it's not just Oronir we're dealing with... 
Impetuous Warrior: Most radiant brother Magnai. We have brought the ones you seek. 
Magnai: You conquered Bardam's Mettle. 
Hien: As warriors of the Mol, aye. You are the khan here, yes? Why have you summoned us? Mayhap to propose a joint endeavor? 
Magnai: Nay, Doman. We shall not speak as equals. Born of the Sun are Oronir, and born of the earth are you. 
Magnai: When I learned of trespassers, I bade my warriors take their measure. To flay them if they failed. 
Magnai: But if by the grace of Azim they should survive their trials and emerge anointed, then bring them hither to pay tribute. 
Magnai: Tribute, should it prove satisfactory, shall earn you the favor of the sun. His beloved shall bask in his radiance, and their supplications be duly considered. 
Lyse: So you want us to bow down and serve you. What if we don't feel like it? 
Magnai: The defiant will suffer in shadow. It would be an affront to the resplendent Azim himself to refuse this generous offer when by rights you should be condemned. But, in lieu of tribute...
Magnai: Swear fealty to the Sun. Pledge to him your body and soul. Promise to serve him unto death, and you may know his glory. 
Magnai: A generous offer granted to few...though perchance this is too merciful. 
Magnai: Hm. It seems our brothers of Buduga want you. 
Magnai: The men only. 
Magnai: Like the Borlaaq and women—though you know them not either, I am sure. No matter. All you need know is that you will serve, one way or another. 
Hien: That much does indeed seem plain. However, as we are but newborn warriors who know little of your customs, we struggle to conceive of ways in which we might be of service to the most gracious and illustrious Sun. 
Magnai: You make mock of us, Doman. Do not do so again. 
Magnai: You will be given a task. It will be difficult. You will carry it out. When you have accepted this, you may ask me what it is. 


Baatu: You will conduct yourself with utmost propriety in Magnai's presence. Or face consequences.
Lyse: I know, I know, I probably should've left the talking to everyone else...
Hien: Pretentious and preening he may be, but doubt not that he is a warrior. You saw the axe by his throne...and the rage in his eyes.
Gosetsu: Favor, easily the language of tyrants tumbles from this khan's lips.
(If woman)
Daidukal: ...We have naught to discuss, woman.
(If man)
Daidukal: Hmm... Yes...yes... This one is special.

Speaking with Magnai

(If woman)
Magnai: ...Were I Buduga, I might take offense. 
Magnai: But I know better than to dismiss a woman outright. You demonstrate boldness...or recklessness. Time will tell. 
(If man)
Magnai: So you are the first to step forward. Hmmm. Bold...or reckless. I see why Daidukul favors you.
Magnai: The Naadam approaches, and the Oronir will reign supreme once more. Such is the will of Father Azim. Yet only fools think to triumph by the grace of gods alone—and we are not fools. 
Magnai: Your task will be to aid us in our preparations. Baatu will tell you the rest.