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Tataru's Surprise

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Tataru's Surprise

Tataru's Surprise Image.png

Main Scenario Progress: 319 / 953 (33.5%)


Heavensward Progress: 78 / 138 (56.5%)


Tataru needs you to fetch a few items for a crafting endeavor.

— In-game description



  • You have obtained the two items Tataru requested. Deliver them to her at the Carline Canopy.
  • Tataru receives the two items with thanks, and together you go and pay Y'shtola a visit. You arrive at the inn room to find your comrade awakened, and a touching reunion takes place. Back on her feet and briefed on the situation, Y'shtola flatly states that she lacks the knowledge to build an aetheric ram. However, she knows someone who could: her former master, Matoya.


Accepting the Quest

Tataru: Y'shtola is resting within an inn room. though she's still unconscious, the signs are positive. 
Tataru: The conjurers say she is in sound health and should awaken before long! Isn't that wonderful? 
Tataru: Now, while we wait for Y'shtola to wake up, I thought I'd take the opportunity to finish my little surprise for her. 
Tataru: It's something I've been working on for a while now, in the hope that she'd one day return to us. It wants for just a couple more items before it's ready. 
Tataru: I've already placed orders for these items. Could I ask you to retrieve them for me? One is with the Leatherworkers' Guild and another is with the Conjurers' Guild. Speak with Mistress Geva and Brother E-Sumi-Yan, and they ought to take care of you!

Optional Dialogue

Alphinaud: Without the Seedseers' aid, Y'shtola may have been forever lost to us. I shall go to the Lotus Stand to offer them my heartfelt thanks.
Tataru: Please fetch the items I ordered. One is with the Leatherworkers' Guild and another is with the Conjurers' Guild. Speak with Mistress Geva and Brother E-Sumi-Yan, and they ought to take care of you!

Speaking with Geva at the Leatherworkers' Guild

(If Warrior of Light did not unlock Leatherworker job)
Geva: What is it? I am a busy woman, so be quick about it. If you wish to place an order, speak with Randall.
... Hm? Here to retrieve an order for Mistress Tataru, you say?
(If Warrior of Light have unlock Leatherworker job)
Geva: Well, if it isn't [Forename]. Looking for some hides to tan, mayhap? 
... Hm? Here to retrieve an order for Mistress Tataru, you say?
Geva: You come at a good time—I finished it but moments ago. It was no small coup working it to her specifications, but I did it nonetheless. Payment has already been settled. 
Geva: However did that girl come by chimerical hide, anyway? You need either balls of steel or a bottomless coinpurse, and it seemed to me she had neither.
Geva: However did that girl come by chimerical hide? You need either balls of steel or a bottomless coinpurse, and it seemed to me she had neither.

Speaking with E-Sumi-Yan at the Conjurers' Guild

(If Warrior of Light did not unlock Conjurers job)
E-Sumi-Yan: You are come to Stillglade Fane, the home of the Conjurers' Guild. How may I assist you?
(If Warrior of Light have unlock Conjurers job)
E-Sumi-Yan: Greetings, [Forename]. I trust you have been well. Is there aught you require of me? 
E-Sumi-Yan: Ah, yes, Mistress Tataru's order. As requested, it has been sanctified in the sight of the elementals. 
E-Sumi-Yan: I know not what she intends for the staff, but it is a most singular artifact. Even one possessed of my experience would struggle to wield it.
E-Sumi-Yan: I know not what Mistress Tataru intends for the staff, but it is a most singular artifact. Even one possessed of my experience would struggle to wield it.

Delivering the items to Tataru at the Carline Canopy

(Optional, upon returning to Tataru)
Alphinaud: The Seedseers are gracious souls. It gives me heart to know that they are our allies.
Tataru: Ah, you're back! You have the items, I hope? 
<Hand Over Tataru's Leatherwork Commission and Tataru's Conjury Comission>
Tataru: ...Oooh, it's precisely as I requested - a perfect match for the other pieces! Truly, Geva is a master among masters! 
Tataru: And the staff completes the surprise! Thank you so much, [Forename]! 
Tataru: Tee hee, I can't wait to see what Y'shtola thinks of the surprise! 
Tataru: Lest you wonder, she's doing very well, and the conjurers have left her in her sister's care. Let's go and pay them a visit, shall we?

Post turn-in Cutscene

Tataru: Y'shtola! I'm so glad you're back!
Y'shtola: Tataru... 
Y'shtola: You are safe... Thank the Twelve. 
Y'shtola: Something has changed about you, Alphinaud. Or mayhap the change is with me? I seem to sense the aether around me more keenly than before.
Alphinaud: I am pleased to see you well again. Do you feel strong enough to talk?
Y'shtola: Worry not. I am well enough.
Alphinaud: Tell us, then- what befell you before you fled the feast? We were told that there had been a tunnel collapse.
Y'shtola: That was my doing. I brought the tunnel down that you and Minfilia might escape. 
Y'shtola: At the last moment, I invoked a teleportation magick in hopes of spiriting Thancred away, at least. Needless to say, it did not go quite as planned, and I found myself adrift in the Lifestream.  
Y'shtola: The others—where are they? Did they not escape?
Alphinaud: They remain unaccounted for. You are the only one we have been able to find. 
Alphinaud: I am truly sorry. It was the Crystal Braves who pursued you that day—my hubris that led to our undoing.
Y'shtola: No apologies are necessary, Alphinaud - you are not to blame for what occurred. Know that were our comrades here, they would commend you for keeping the light of hope alive.
Tataru: Don't...don't worry! The others are alive and well, I'm sure of it! We just need to find them! 
Alphinaud: Indeed, Tataru. Let us find our friends and rebuild the Scions.
Y'shtola: Ha! There is the Alphinaud I remember—and I feel much the better for his return! 'Tis time I arose!
Tataru: That reminds me! I have a change of clothes for you! I don't like to boast, but I made them myself. I learned how to weave while we were in Ishgard, you see.
Y'shtola: Tataru has apprised me of all that took place in the aftermath of the assassination plot. It would seem I have been away for some while.
Alphinaud: Yes, much and more happened during your absence. At present, we seek to follow the archbishop to Azys Lla. 
Y'shtola: And you want for some manner of aetheric ram to pierce the floating isle's protective barrier.
Alphinaud: We do. Might you be able to furnish us with one?
Y'shtola: A means to prise open a hole in an Allagan barrier - and one large enough to admit an airship, no less...Hm...Nay. I lack the knowledge to devise such a weapon. 
Y'shtola: ... But I know of one who could. 
Y'shtola: A leading figure in the field of aetheric research, and one of the finest scholars ever to grace Sharlayan—Matoya, my former master.