Sweet Charity
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Sweet Charity
“Saint Coinach's Find would be as tears in rain were it not for the benefactresses known as the Grey Ladies. For eleven solstices, they have come veiled and silent to stack silver bars upon the sundial. This year they shall receive a tribute of amber rings, laid on the sundial by grateful hands.
— In-game description
Possible Rewards
- 40% chance of 3 Clear Fluorite
- 13% chance of 36 Wind Shard
- 13% chance of 36 Fire Shard
- 13% chance of 16 Electrum Ore
- 5% chance of 60 Wind Shard
- 5% chance of 60 Fire Shard
- 5% chance of 1 Chipped Hora
- 5% chance of 1 Pinprick Pebble
- Deliver an amber ring to Syele. 0/1
Additional Information
Sweet Charity is a level 45 Tradecraft Leve Guildleve in Mor Dhona. Players can start the levequest by talking to K'leytai in Mor Dhona (x29,y12).
Tips and Tricks
- Turning in an High Quality
Amber Ring will increase the rewards by 100% giving double amount of
EXP and