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Sightseeing Log 53: Black Brush Station

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Black Brush Station

ARR sightseeing log 53.png
Log Entry
A Realm Reborn: #53
Central Thanalan (X:21.4, Y:17.5)
Lookout.png  Lookout
Dust Storms.png Dust Storms
Eorzea Time
6PM - 5AM
Speak to Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0) after completing ARR entries 1-20.

"A modern marvel she may be, but a right bitch to keep runnin'. I couldn't tell you how many hours I've spent surveyin' from all directions and altitudes. You can have the view, just give me a good night's sleep!" Such were the railway man's words, and I would see as he saw.

— Sightseeing Log Impressions

A marvel of modern innovation, the steam engine has transformed the mining industry, increasing efficiency and profits thrice over. It has also led to the transformation of what was once a thinly manned aetheryte outpost into a thriving crossroads of labor and commerce—a new pillar to support the thriving Ul'dahn economy.

— Sightseeing Log Vista Record

Black Brush Station is part of the Sightseeing Log for A Realm Reborn.


Jump from the top of the building to the lamp post on the left hand side.

Vista location. The red marker has been added for clarity and does not appear in the game.
View from the correct location and weather