Mask of Grief

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Mask of Grief

Mask of Grief Image.png
Quest giver
Minfilia Warde
The Rising Stones (X:6.1, Y:5.2)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Flower Payment Icon.png  Flower Payment
1 Moon Daisy Icon.png  Moon Daisy
Experience 2,340
Gil 658
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Memory of Moenbryda
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestDefenders for Ishgard

Main Scenario Progress: 226 / 968 (23.3%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 226 / 241 (93.8%)


Minfilia has a request to make of you.

— In-game description


Minfilia is in The Solar.



  • Yda explains how Moenbryda would disapprove of her gloominess, and outlines a plan to cheer herself up. You learn that she has ordered a rare flower in memory of her friend, which is currently awaiting collection at Rowena's store. Unfortunately, it would seem Yda finds the merchant rather trying, and is therefore reluctant to pay for the goods in person. Head to the store in your fellow Scion's stead, and use the purse provided to purchase the moon daisy.
  • Upon returning to the Rising Stones, you are informed that events are coming to a head in Ishgard, and that an envoy from the Holy See is already en route to the Scions' headquarters, bearing an urgent report...


Accepting the Quest

Minfilia: Have you a moment, [Forename]? I believe Yda wished a word with you.
Minfilia: I should consider it a personal favor if you would lend a sympathetic ear to her troubles.
Minfilia: She has not been herself since Moenbryda's passing, and my heart aches to see her so downcast...

Optional Dialogue

Minfilia: Yda should be somewhere within the Rising Stones. Pray lend her a sympathetic ear, my friend.

Speaking with Yda (Cutscene)

Yda: Hey, it's [Forename]! Great!
Yda: ...Oh, it's no use. I'm trying to stay positive, but... <sigh> It's just hard, you know...?
Yda: The thing is, I know Moen would tell me off if she saw me moping around like this...
Yda: ...Which is why I decided to cheer myself up by getting her a special flower.
Yda: I placed an order for a moon daisy with Rowena a little while ago, and it's ready to be picked up.
Yda: The trouble is...I find Rowena a bit difficult at the best of times, and...well, this isn't one of them. I know it's silly, but I just can't face it at the moment. So, I was you think you could maybe collect it for me? I have the coin to pay for the flower right here.
Yda: Thank you so much! I'll be waiting for you─and the daisy─at Rathefrost!

Handing over the flower payment to Rowena

Rowena: What can I do for you today, adventurer? Eldritch trinket to trade?
<Hand Over Flower Payment>
Rowena: ...Eh? They've got you runnin' errands now? <snort> Them Scions really know how to make the most o' your talents, don't they? Sendin' the savior of Eorzea to the bleedin' market... Fine use o' your time, that is!
Rowena: Seriously, though─you'd best learn how to say “no,” or they'll have you muckin' out the chocobo stables next.
Rowena: Anyway, what was it you were here to pick up? The moon daisy, was it? Here, then─take it. And tell that Yda lass I've got a wide selection o' headwear in stock if she ever decides to replace that dowdy ol' mask o' hers. Gods know, she needs to...

Delivering the moon daisy to Yda at Rathefrost

Yda: Ugh, Rowena can be so annoying! She just will not take no for an answer. Every time I visit her, she insists I replace my visor with something more “fashionable.” And when I tell her I like it just fine the way it is, she says it again. And then again. And then AGAIN! It drives me crazy!
Yda: Uh, what I mean to say is, I really appreciate you doing this for me. So anyway...let's see it!
<Hand Over Moon Daisy>
Yda: <sigh> Moenbryda loved these things, you know... I hope that somewhere, somehow, she knows I'm still thinking of her...


Yda: I'll never forget you, Moen. None of us will. 
Midgardsormr: The song riseth to a crescendo. 
Yda: Is that what I think it is...? 
Alphinaud: Hello!? Can you hear me!? 
Alphinaud: We have received grave tidings from Ishgard. Pray return to the Rising Stones at once. 

Optional Dialogue

Yda: Thanks again, [Forename]. I think... I think I'm going to be all right.
Papalymo: Yda seems to have regained a little of her spark.
...And I believe we have you to thank for that. I am most grateful, [Forename]. Truly.
Minfilia: We shall press onwards, as we have always done—I will not squader the sacrifices of our fallen friends by surrendering to a paralysis born of fear.

Speaking with Alphinaud at the Rising Stones

Alphinaud: My apologies for the interruption... I was deeply saddened to learn of Moenbryda's passing. Her loss will be sorely felt...
Alphinaud: Alas, recent developments in Ishgard leave us little time to mourn. The envoy from Coerthas will soon arrive, and we must hasten to hear her report.