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Kupo of Fortune
Female ♀
Hyur (Midlander)
The Firmament (12.2,14.6)

I feel as though something could be done to make the work environment more pleasant for all. Perhaps I shall take this up with the foreman...

— In-game description

Lizbeth is a Hyur in The Firmament.

Lizbeth location.png

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Additional Information

The Kupo of Fortune is a game of chance that can be played by delivering certain items to Potkin in the Firmament (X:12.2 Y:14.6) and collecting stamps on a voucher.
Crafters submitting items to the Ishgardian Restoration can participate in the Kupo of Fortune.

  • The corresponding class must be level 20 or above.


Once you have collected five stamps, you may exchange the voucher for a Kupo of Fortune card. You may carry up to ten Kupo of Fortune cards. The items that offer stamps vary according to the player's crafter class level.

The lone chest on the left offers second to fourth prize, while the three chests on the right offer first to fifth, with the fifth being a consolation prize. The prizes available change each time, and we recommend that you review the prize list before playing.

Simply by donating supplies, you could win rare and fabulous prizes! Seek out Lizbeth to test your luck!

※You earn one ticket per 5 items turned in to The Ishgard Restoration and may hold up to 10 tickets before you must turn them in for prizes.

Kupo of fortune1.png

How to Play

To play, hand a Kupo of Fortune card to Lizbeth (X:12.2 Y:14.6) in the Firmament.

Kupo of fortune2.png

Upon each card, there are four treasure chests depicted by hexagons─one on the left and three on the right. You may choose one chest to scratch open.

The lone chest on the left offers second to fourth prize, while the three chests on the right offer first to fifth, with the fifth being a consolation prize. The prizes available change each time, and we recommend that you review the prize list before playing.


First Prize

Second Prize

Third Prize

Fourth Prize

Fifth Prize


Main article: All Disciplines Achievements

Kupo of Fortune is associated with several achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Let luck be a moogle i icon1.png  Let Luck Be a Moogle I 5 Claim first prize 5 times in Kupo of Fortune. Kupo crown icon1.png  Kupo Crown 5.4
Let luck be a moogle ii icon1.png  Let Luck Be a Moogle II 5 Claim first prize 10 times in Kupo of Fortune. - 5.4
Let luck be a moogle iii icon1.png  Let Luck Be a Moogle III 10 Claim first prize 30 times in Kupo of Fortune. Achievement title icon.png Fortune's Favored Kupo 5.4