Faces From Journey's Past
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- See also: Lore
Adventure is in a sense a never - ending series of new encounters. The Warrior of Light and his companions have heretofore crossed paths with countless individuals over the course of their journeys, some proving to be trustworthy compatriots - others, treacherous knaves.
Notable Members
- Mutamix
- Jalzahn Daemir
- Drake Rhodes
- Gerolt Blackthorn
- Ardashir Balyk
- Remon Smalle
- Edda Pureheart
- Liavinne Painefort
- Isildaure Vellegrance
- Gundobald the Resolute
- Avere Bravearm
- Paiyo Reiyo
- Dolorous Bear
- Meffrid Noward
- Buscarron Stacks
- Wheiskaet Rysswoerdsyn
- Shamani Lohmani
- Brayflox
- Francel de Haillenarte
- Ursandel Peuclagne
- U'odh Nunh
- Landenel
- Trachtoum
- Drillemont
- Ysayle Dangoulain
- Honoroit Banlardois
- Gibrillont Rivaumaiche
- Firmien Vauxlointard
- Hilda Warre
- Elaisse Poole
- Jantellot
- Vath Storyteller
- Lonu Vanu
- Mide Hotgo
- Redwald Younge
- Marcechamp Lierresanteau
- Moghan
- Unukalhai
- Roundrox Mazenot